The Rise of Iceland

v2 Chapter 6: Deer catcher

Nearly a hundred people climbed up a hillside with spear muskets, and saw three Icelandic Musketeers holding arquebuses hiding behind a large rock. On one side of the snow there was a bone arrow made of whale bones, apparently Akiss. Moroccan shot.

Harder, Hagrid, and Hudick, who rode their horses and finally ran uphill, looked forward and saw a savage wearing a seal skin lying under a pine tree dozens of steps away. The blood seemed to be hit. It took another dozen steps for the gun to be dead.

   Three savages quickly ran out from behind the other boulders, dragged the shot savages' hands and feet, and slid down the slope.

Hagrid felt the cold wind blowing from behind him, knowing that the four Akismos who appeared under the wind were to hunt the reindeer. He slapped his horse and rushed out and said, "This is from the Akismo tribe. Hunter! Kill them!"

   Hadar and Hudik also drove their horses after them, and the three of them caught up with the Akismo who was still moving slowly in the snow.

   The three savages were frightened when they heard the heavy horseshoe kicking away from the snow. They hurriedly threw the wounded in their hands and fled away.

   It is impossible for a man to run past the horse. Hagrid got off the horse quickly and caught up in an instant. When the big axe in his hand fell, he cut off the head of a savage.

   Hudik and Hadar were not to be outdone, one stabbed the savage to death with a spear, the other raised his hand and threw a throwing axe to smash the heart of the savage.

   The three savages who fled were all dead in an instant.

   The militiamen who were running down the hillside saw the leader and captain show their power and cleanly killed the three savage hunters, all cheering loudly.

   The three of Hadar were very happy and ordered them to peel off the seal skins worn by the four savages, and then ordered a return to Hagerburg.

Seal skins are also expensive and treasured fur. Although the Akismo people say that seal skins are made into clothes, the craftsmanship is rough. After removing the stitches, they can be changed into hats, vests, vests, jackets and other clothes. Four sets of seal skins can also be used. Sold dozens of silver shillings.

   It was dusk when they returned to Hagerburg. The militiamen took the kippers home to eat, and Hadar, Hagrid, Hudick, Heine, Kadir and others came to Hadar’s house to drink and eat meat.

   Olaf and Ulav saw the leather jacket their father threw at the door and knew they must have met a savage.

   "Dad, have you met an Ekismo?" Ulav asked, taking the coat from his father's hand.

   "Four Ekismo hunters were bumped into by us." Hadar said casually.

   "I killed three easily with Hudike and Big Brother, and the boy Siweien had good marksmanship, and killed one at the beginning!" Hagrid, who showed Wu Yong, was in a good mood and said with a smile.

   Everyone was talking and sitting at the wooden table. Catlin poured a glass of beer for the three of them and went to cook dinner.

   Hudik took a sip of wine, looked at Hagrid, and asked, "Are there many hunters in the Akismo tribe?"

"Adult males are hunters, but in winter they are more difficult to hunt than in other seasons, and three times may not be harvested again. Therefore, according to the Ekismo slaves, they are often hungry in winter." Hagrid casually said. Said.

   Olaf sitting by the fireplace looked at Pikku and asked, "Is that so?"

Pikku, who has learned a lot of Icelandic dialects, thought for a while and said, "Yes, master! In winter, the rivers freeze and it is not easy to fish. Usually it is to catch the reindeer walrus, but the beasts in winter are more alert than usual. I think it's the ice and snow that makes everything louder, so I hide in the wind and lie in wait. Sometimes it doesn't work. I can only try my luck with traps."

Olaf nodded. He heard Ulav say that there are currently at most two or three hundred Akismos on Niujiao Peninsula. They still live in groups of a dozen or twenty people. As long as they don’t unite, Dozens of white slave spearmen and dozens of Icelandic musketeers could conquer them all.

It’s winter now, and the Ekismos only see fewer connections. Due to environmental influences, they are struggling with difficult weather. They are struggling to obtain food for survival. There may be a large number of males hunting in the wild every day. If a few are cleaned every day Akismo hunters, maybe the Akismos on the peninsula will die out without waiting until spring.

   Olaf was taken aback by the terrifying thoughts in his mind, and thought: Was I influenced by my eldest brother, father, and uncle? Why do you think about how to perish and weaken other ethnic groups? I have become cruel? Become indifferent and ruthless?

The things Olaf could think of, Hadar, Hudik and others had already thought of it. They decided to go north after drinking and training. They found the Ekismo hunter and killed them on the spot. This winter season weakens the strength of the savage tribe and can also play a role in training troops.

"Dad! The Kismos’ short bows are not as far away as the arquebuses. We are so many. It’s easy to deal with them, but beware of the Kismos’ traps. They are old hunters handed down from generation to generation. The traps are not easy. I realized that if you step on it, you have to die!" Ulav thought of the white slave boy who followed him a few years ago, but he stepped on a trap and was punctured by a wooden thorn in his lower abdomen and died miserably.

"That's right! What Ulav said." Hagrid said with lingering fears. "A few years ago, when we didn't know about savages traps, several white slaves died. The greatest skill of these savages is to dig traps and raise hounds! "

Hagrid, who has lived in Wenland for nearly eight years, has a lot of dealings with the Ekismos. At the beginning, he tried to trade with savages. He knows the savages on Wenlan Island very well, and he knows the Indian Hagrid. I can’t look down on it, but the Ekismo trap is indeed very clever, and the hunting dogs raised are also very clever and obedient. Now there is a litter of hunting dogs in Hagrid. It was Hagrid who came out of an Akismo tribe. The puppies bred, and sometimes go hunting with hounds.

"I heard from Mr. Champlain of Quebec that more than half of the Indians in Central America were killed by smallpox, and there were far fewer northern savages in America, but our Southern London Virginia Company also gave the Indians Pekert there. The tribe sent blankets with the smallpox virus, which seemed to cause the Indians there to suffer heavy casualties..." Ulav suddenly said with a British in the south can plunder wealth much faster than us and Quebec! "

"They all have state support behind them. We are just personal actions. We must be cautious." Hadar was worried about his son's eagerness for quick success, reminding him, "We are a family with a solid foundation, and our ancestors have used more than three generations of hard work." The status of "Grey Cloak Yar" has given the Herut Grand Manor, which controls the Sertian Peninsula, and Hagrid and I will create a better foundation for you, Olaf and Half. You and yours Our children and grandchildren are doing well, and maybe we will be able to establish a nation in Wenlan within three generations! Don’t worry, boy! Some methods are not suitable for us."

Hudik nodded and said: "Whether we are founding a country or will be independent of Vinland in the future, as long as there is a lot of wealth after Vinland is ruled by us, neither the Danish one nor the neighboring England or even France will tolerate it. It is very likely. To annex us! So it is very necessary for us to have an army capable of fighting! Your father and I will train a good soldier to protect our property in these ten years!"

Note: Champlain, originally an explorer and the third governor of the New French colony, began to establish a colonial stronghold in Quebec in 1608, and began to swim up the St. Lawrence River, looking for indigenous people to establish a fur trading stronghold, 1624 Expansion of Quebec City and construction of fortifications, and then in 1628, the new French colonial real estate food base was invaded and looted by British colonists. Quebec City and other colonial strongholds experienced insufficient supply of supplies. According to historical records, the supply shortage of New France will continue to increase. Eventually, on July 19, 1629, Champlain negotiated with the British merchants and surrendered. The French forces gave up most of the colonial stronghold, and Quebec City was reduced to the hands of the English.