The Rise of Iceland

v3 Chapter 135: Talking about the past, the present, and

The living room of Cromwell Manor was quiet. Olaf and Cromwell sat opposite each other on the sofa, each holding a cup of coffee with white smoke.

It is noon. After breakfast, Olaf and Cromwell discussed the trend of the European War and the major impact of the future Protestant Union or Catholic Union victory or defeat on the overall situation in Europe and the situation in England.

Although Cromwell is far away from the rivers and lakes, he has a high heart for the temple. In order to form a model of Fan Jun as soon as he shoots, and then continue to win battles, this shows that he is a genius in strategy and tactics, and he has learned from ancient and modern battles, especially It was the fighting situation in the Thirty Years' War that he paid close attention to now.

It can be said that everyone's success has accumulated many days and nights before success. Temporary success can be a fluke, but long-term success is definitely strength.

Cromwell's views and opinions have a special sensitivity. If Olaf hadn't clearly understood the results of the Thirty Years' War, it would be difficult to come up with meaningful ideas when discussing with Cromwell.

However, because Olaf knew the ins and outs of the Thirty Years' War, Cromwell had to pay attention to his opinions and ideas based on the retrogression of the consequences.

In the three days Olaf came to Cromwell Manor, the two had discussed about two and a half days, from Nordic culture, the failure of Christian IV of Denmark, and the colonization of the East Indies by Britain and the Netherlands. The two exchanged a lot of opinions. Olaf was sober and understood how the European elites at Cromwell's level had views on the many major events that occurred in the contemporary era. In this way, Olaf had a deep understanding of the times. A clearer understanding.

And Olaf is backed by historical materials that he has seen in his previous life, and many of his opinions are novel and profound, which makes Cromwell think about it for a while every time he listens, but some he doesn't approve it, and some clap his hands in applause.

"I heard that Christian IV rarely showed up after the defeat. Now the Danish economy is ruined, and Jutland is full of homeless victims. The Danish parliament and ministers are worried about restoring people's livelihood! I heard from my father-in-law. Last month, Christian IV came to London as a guest and wanted to borrow money from His Majesty Charles I to solve the dilemma in Denmark. In order to increase his income, he even increased the shipping tax in the Songde Strait and Iceland's tax by 30%. It is said that the price of goods in the Baltic Sea has soared. People also complained. It seems that it will take a long time for Denmark to regain strength this time..."

While speaking, Cromwell suddenly remembered a rumor, so he said: "You come from Iceland, I don't know if this rumor is correct?"

Olaf thought quietly about the various messages in Cromwell’s words, and then shook his head: "The Governor of Iceland has been forcing us to pay war contributions since 1627. To be honest, the Icelanders have long been squeezed. !"

Many times people always sympathize with the tragedy far away from themselves, and turn a blind eye to the tragedies of those around them, because of the misleading of an inertial thinking.

Britain’s oppression of the Irish has existed for hundreds of years, but Cromwell sympathized with the Icelanders after listening to Olaf’s words. He suggested from his personal judgment on the political situation and the perspective of future revolutionaries: “Just like us As I said yesterday, if Gustaf II leads the Swedish army to defeat the Holy Roman Empire’s army, then Denmark will become a vassal of Sweden! So in the future, Denmark’s power will become weaker and weaker, and Iceland may be able to seek more. right!"

Olaf nodded and whispered: "Thank you Mr. Cromwell for your concern, we will fight for it!"

Because they were foreigners, Olaf and Hagrid had never known that King Christian IV of Dan had been a guest at the Whitehall Palace for more than a month, and they still wanted to borrow money from King Charles I of England. This matter is about Olaf was very concerned about the speed of Denmark's recovery, so he asked for details.

King Dan’s visit was a big news to the honorable gentlemen of England. Cromwell was also very aware of the details. He thought about it and said: "His Majesty Christian IV’s request has not been responded to. His Majesty Charles the year before. The parliament was disbanded, and the support for the Netherlands and the French attack on Spain was stopped. He did not have a parliament and it would not be easy to collect taxes. Charlie is also suffering from financial problems. How could he have failed to lend because of a little blood relationship? The Danish loan of the person?"

"So Christian IV's loan failed?" Olaf raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Cromwell waved his hand and said: "It's almost there. Charlie entertains King Dan and his son and his companions in the Whitehall Palace every day. The food costs are very rich and luxurious, but that is to say, there is no money for loans. It is said that King Dan has posted twice in private. Huo, four days ago, the intention to leave was stated, and I think they will return to Copenhagen in the next few days..."

Cromwell was not surprised by Olaf's tone, because he also disliked the mischievous Charles I. This resonance is also part of the cornerstone of the relationship between the two.

Olaf sneered in his heart and thought: Denmark can’t get a loan, and it will take at least five or six years to help the people in the military disaster and to make up for the trauma of the war. This year, as long as Sweden takes a powerful shot, Christian IV will have trouble sleeping and eating. At that time, we took advantage of Denmark's vitality to turn to Sweden. With the backing of the Nordic lion, Gu Erye, we can give Iceland the best chance to seek independence!

After several days of discussions with Cromwell, combined with the original memory, Olaf has a more systematic understanding of the European war.

Olaf also has a more mature idea about occupying Iceland to gain independence.

Olaf combined with the future situation of the European War and understood that before the death of Gustav II in 1632, Sweden was the leader of the Protestant Union and the most powerful man on the European continent. When he was alive, Christian IV and Both the Russian ruling patriarch and the Tsar, father and son, must act honestly and be good neighbors obediently.

According to various sources of information, since signing a contract with Denmark last year, Wallenstein, the first soldier of the Holy Roman Empire, has gradually lost the emperor’s favor.

Olaf knew very well that this "third jewel in the crown" would be deposed by Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg this year, and hurried back to the fief to become a rich man, until the imperial commander-in-chief, Earl Tilly, two years later. After being killed by Gustav II, Wallenstein was reactivated, and then "two heroes" with Gustav II.

Wallenstein, who became the Supreme Commander of the Holy Roman Empire again, has been in the stalemate between the electorate of Saxe and Gustav II for nearly half a year, and finally fought in Lützen. As a result, Gustav II died in the battle. Stan was defeated, and then Sweden’s triumphant southward offensive was But Wallenstein, who was in power, also gave birth to the idea of ​​preserving its strength and making private peace talks with Sweden, plus conscripting soldiers and looting in the German Union countries. The many evil deeds made the states of northern Germany continue to demand that the emperor sanction him. In the end, under the acquiescence and even instructions of Ferdinand II, the famous Wallenstein was assassinated in the second year after the death of Gustav II. Died.

Through the performance of the dispute between Gustav II and Wallenstein, Olaf is quite sure that the overall strength of Sweden’s recruited and trained domestic professional soldiers through his improved battle formation and tactical arrangements is a bit ahead of Wallenstein. of.

However, Wallenstein’s army also has the current top combat power in Europe, plus the number of advantages (when it came back, it organized 70,000 troops, but the army led by the King of Sweden initially only had more than 4,000 men, and later it was less than 20,000 before the decisive battle. ), completely the first enemy of Gustav II.

Facts have proved that Gustav II died in the war with Wallenstein after all.

Olaf can be sure that if Wenlan soldiers participate in the war as Protestant mercenaries, they will be returned to Gustav II in exchange for the support of the ambitious Gustav II, but the strength will also be limited.

However, when Gustav II and Wallenstein's army stalemate in 1632, as long as there is more strength to tilt the victorious Libra towards him, Gustav II will be willing to give more promises and support. .

Therefore, Olaf decided to persuade his father and uncle to join the Protestant Union in the name and identity of the independent division of Iceland at a critical moment in 1632, and became close comrades in arms with Sweden, helping Sweden to repel or even defeat the German army led by Wallenstein. From the diplomatic, military and other aspects, you can have the support of Sweden. Leading the people of Iceland to independence is not a delusion.