The Rise of Iceland

v3 Chapter 443: Viking Thunder is the foundation of a co

Christian IV became the king of Denmark again. The news became a blockbuster in the summer of 1649, blowing up the kings and prime ministers of all European countries.

There are more than a dozen versions of the details of the coup restoration in the ears of leaders of various countries, but in each version, Christensen is a complete villain, and Christian IV is a kind old man who endured humiliation.

Because Christian IV had a good relationship with other countries, all countries except the United Kingdom sent envoys to celebrate Christian IV's return to the great treasure.

The Swedish Empire, as the friend with the closest ties to Denmark, even sent a valuable gift, and Princess Margaret, the regent's wife, returned to Copenhagen to visit her old father.

Christian IV was born in AD 1577. Historically, he died of illness in 1648. However, he spent the past ten years in Iceland for his old age. He is also blind and lame, and has severe Parkinson's disease, but after all, his thinking is clear and he can communicate with people normally.

After Margaret and her old father met, Christian IV, under the persuasion of his wife in Iceland, the current Queen Raphael, summoned the ministers to issue the first royal decree, which was to modify the succession of the Danish throne. Law.

Denmark used to be a primogeniture system, no eldest son was inherited by the second son, and daughters had no right to inherit, but now Christian IV has changed the inheritance law, not only allowing women to inherit, but also clearly issued an edict to determine the Kingdom of Denmark. The next king is his best daughter, Margaret.

This king's order was issued without hindrance in Denmark, because there is no successor and it is indeed a reality in front of everyone. Christian IV has many children, but almost none of them have the ability. Now Margaret is the regent of the Swedish Empire. His wife, whether it is status or the right to take over the kingdom, is well expected.

Because Christian IV was forced to retire once by Olaf, now in order to avoid suspicion, Olaf can only let Christian IV work until his death this time, but his death may not be a natural death.

Not long after Margaret returned to Stockholm, Christian IV became seriously ill. Under the rescue of a kind of imperial doctor, the old Dan finally died.

On October 21, 1649, Christian IV died, less than four months after his return to the throne.

After hearing the news, Margaret of Stockholm could only return to Copenhagen to succeed the king, accompanied by Olaf.

After Olaf and his wife arrived in Denmark, they first dealt with the funeral of Christian IV, and then held a grand coronation ceremony. Margaret became the queen of Denmark, and then the queen adjusted the officials of the parliament and the palace according to Olaf's wishes. The Danish officials of the Jingren concept were reused, which wrapped Olaf's spies.

Margaret was very obedient, and she was completely Olaf's banner. The only thing she could do was to issue an edict, clearly stipulating that her husband, His Royal Highness Olaf, the regent of the Swedish Empire, had the same rights as herself. status and rights.

Since then, the Kingdom of Denmark has ushered in the moment of the Second Holy Trinity, and Olaf is also gearing up to implement the plan to merge Northern Europe.

Geographically, Northern Europe is some islands, Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea, and ethnographically, it is divided into Denmark, Sweden, Finland, etc., but Olaf has now implemented the concept of Vikings into the real Nordic. The region, and after his wife Margaret became Queen of Denmark, made it clear that everyone in Denmark would call themselves Vikings and promote Viking culture.

The actions of Denmark are being carried out in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Volhynia, Pomerania and even the Faroe Islands. The priests of the Church of God and the Viking historians and teachers trained by Vinland University and Qinghe Academy hold With the missionary certificate and teaching certificate given by Olaf, he came to operate parishes and school districts in various countries, and worked tirelessly to promote the Church of God and the Viking culture.

At the beginning of the implementation, there were a lot of discussions and voices in various places, and even opponents emerged in an endless stream, but Olaf was very smart. He did not force it, but handed it over to the Viking Chamber of Commerce and the maritime departments of various countries to deal with it. .

At present, the supply of luxury goods and shipping chains in the Nordic countries are basically completely controlled by Olaf. The pricing power of sugar, steel products, porcelain, leather goods, cotton, silk, wine and other commodities is also in Olaf's hands, so the chambers of commerce in various countries only need a little Change the price of goods, and the people will be miserable and have no power to resist. They can only shout the slogan "I am a Viking" obediently.

The time entered the summer of 1650 from 1649. For half a year, the children of the Nordic people were convinced that they were Vikings, and some adults also shouted to recall the glory of the Viking ancestors.

The Kingdom of Denmark has been completely integrated with the Swedish Empire in terms of power and culture. Although there are still six or seven countries in the whole of Northern Europe, such as the Kingdom of Denmark, the Swedish Empire, the Principality of Iceland, and the Principality of Pomerania, the people of all countries are With a unified name, it's the Vikings.

Olaf was very satisfied with the implementation of Viking culture, and was even more excited about the establishment of the Viking nation. He seemed to see the future of the unification of Europe. This eagerness for success made Olaf disregard Heine's dissuasion. The pace of immigration to Vinland was increased, and it was an official act. For a time, I don’t know how many Nordic farmers were destroyed and displaced.

However, judging from the data, 100,000 immigrants entered Vinland in July alone.

Olaf knew the potential of the Americas, and even knew that Vinland and Iceland would be his fundamentals before the Nordics were completely digested, so he had to speed up the incubation of Vinland, so that the white people in Vinland would explode and grow, and the white Vikings would grow.

^0^ is the most trustworthy place in Olaf's mind.


Just when Olaf invested in the long-term plan to develop Vinland and merge Northern Europe, his old father, His Royal Highness Hadar, the Duke of Iceland, came to Copenhagen.

Hadar is 61 years old this year, but his body is already very weak, so Olaf was very surprised to learn that he was coming, and hurriedly sent Etuku to take the old man to the Rosenberg Palace.

Hadar and his wife Katrin walked into the hall, behind them were their daughter Gellny and son Half. At this time, Olaf's younger siblings were all twenty-six or seven years old. Because Hudik settled in Finland, so Half became General Leidang, the divine envoy in white. A few years ago, he was the governor of Prophet City in Vinland for a period of time. He conquered many native Indians, and he was transferred back to Iceland last year.

Gellney went to university in Copenhagen and Uppsala for two consecutive years, and went to the Governor's Office of Vinland for two years.

Half is tall and strong, and looks very similar to Hadar when he was young. Gellney is tall and has delicate features, but his appearance is better than when Katrin was young. At this time, Half had just met the Duke of Magdeburg. His younger sister is engaged, and Gellney has been following suitors like a crucian carp across the river in recent years, but she is in the courtroom, and she is honest with men.

The family happily met and chatted and had a meal, and Olaf knew that his father and mother came to see his grandchildren, and also to see Hudik, who was getting more and more said this After the incident, Hadar sent his wife and children to retreat, then took Olaf's hand and said, "Hudiq suffered too many gunshot wounds when he was young. I don't think he will survive this winter. I think if he leaves, I will I won't live for a few more years...

The older I get now, the softer my heart becomes. I always think about how to arrange things after my death. You are the most capable, so don’t worry, but you also have to let our family help you guard against outsiders. I just ask your brothers to live in harmony in the future, you You have to give Norway to your eldest brother. Half is also good. If you can fight, you can give him the Poland. If you don't fight Poland, you can give him the Volynia. There are more and more Vikings. Jingleidang should also be expanded. You have to remember that Vikings are the foundation of the country, and only how much Vikings we build in the hands of our father and son is our foundation!

You can handle this matter at your own discretion. When you are done and done, the Viking Thunder will be handed over to you as the general marshal, and Gellney, she has done a good job of training. Do it for her, save her from making trouble with me all day, and let her get married and honestly get married..."

Hadar talked for a long time, Olaf saw that the old father's request was not excessive, so he agreed and coaxed the old man to leave happily.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^