The Rise of Iceland

v3 Chapter 454: The desire to kill is running high

The narrow terrain in front of the palace gate, as well as the rivers and ditches, were very unfavorable for the iron cavalry and could not organize a charge at all.

Olaf knew very well that if he was trapped here, the iron cavalry would be killed in pieces within half an hour. When the rebels broke through the line of defense, the reinforcements who would definitely not be able to support the dock would arrive after hearing the news.

Knowing that facing the current situation, any strategy is useless, and you can only rely on one breath to survive.

Olaf glanced at Heine, who was also wearing leather armor and holding a long sword and fire gun not far away. He knew that he was also ready to fight hard, so he nodded, pushed Margaret away, and shouted loudly: " Come to a team of berserkers to protect the lady and go to the pier to ask soldiers to help!

Everyone else abandoned their horses to fight, and let's break through the palace together! "

Only Heine understood what Olaf meant for the first time. He understood that the iron cavalry could not rush out now, and everyone would only be slowly exhausted to death. It is better to rush into the palace as Olaf said. Now that the palace gate is wide open, if you rush in With the help of the protection of the palace and castle, it should be able to support the army coming to the dock.

As soon as he waved his long sword, Heine shouted: "Godfather has an order to enter the palace!"

Knowing that his wife is very important, Pihulu (Pikku's son), who took over the command of the **** after Etku's death, hurriedly asked his younger brother Piscino to fight over 200 Viking Berserkers to protect his wife from the relatively weak enemy encirclement. go out.

After the berserkers fought fiercely and fearlessly, Pisino hurriedly carried his wife for a hundred years while rushing towards the pier.

The rebels who besieged Olaf's army saw a group of Viking Berserkers slaughtered out of the crowd. From a distance, they could see people surrounded by northern groups. They all guessed that it was Olaf, and hurriedly divided troops to intercept it.

Brahe, who was standing on the second floor of a villa in the distance, and the old marquis and others were watching the fight in front of the palace gate with binoculars in hand. Everyone was sweating nervously, and their expressions kept changing.

Putting down the telescope, Brahe said solemnly: "It wasn't Olaf who broke through the siege, it was Margaret. They were going to the pier. What about the city defense army we arranged at the pier? How long can we stop Olaf's army?"

The old marquis frowned and said, "I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it for long. Although we didn't use artillery, the sounds of gunshots and shouts of killing may have been heard by the Viking legions at the dock. There are more than 3,000 of them, and the city defense army can only use one or two. Qian, even if it doubles, it is not the opponent of the Viking Legion."

Brahe's heart tightened, and he picked up the telescopic lens to look at Olaf, who was surrounded by the center.

Seeing that Olaf, Heine, and others with Viking Berserkers and dismounted iron cavalry did not want to break out of the siege, but rushed towards the gate of the Three Crown Castle, he was shocked, and he had already guessed Olaf's relationship with , hurriedly threw away the binoculars, and shouted: "Quick! Quickly send an order to the palace, let the soldiers in the palace block the gate, and never let Olaf rush in!"


Turning to see Pisino protecting Margaret to break out, Olaf rushed to the palace with the Viking Berserker in person.

At this time, most of the Swedish iron cavalry and berserkers at the gate of the palace had been killed, and Piekku's other son had disappeared.

Seeing that there were still hundreds of rebels at the door, Olaf gritted his teeth and said, "For Viking, rush!"

"For Viking, rush!"

The Viking Berserkers around Olaf are all battle-hardened veterans. Everyone is a Viking man, some are Icelandic Vikings, some are Vinland Vikings, and everyone is a believer in Austria. The Viking culture promoted by Raf's reforms is also extremely loyal to Olaf.

"Berserker" is both the title of a warrior and the supreme honor of the Vikings. Hearing Olaf's words, all the berserkers also shouted and rushed to the rebellious Royal Gendarmerie Regiment.

At this time, the front of the palace gate had already been slaughtered, and if the distance was too close, muskets were inserted into bayonets to make spears. Everyone returned to the most primitive way of fighting with cold weapons. Blood and pain became the majestic embellishment of the Three Crowns Castle .

Because of the resistance of the Swedish Iron Cavalry on the periphery, Olaf and his group of nearly a hundred berserkers slashed and slashed all the way, and gradually approached the palace gate.

As the intrusion continued, the guards around Olaf also began to disperse. When he saw the palace gate a few hundred steps away, there were only three Berserkers left beside Olaf besides Heine and Pihulu.

Pikeku had sent four sons to serve Olaf. Olaf saw that they were only twelve or thirteen years old and could not be used for a long time, and he didn’t want to use Pikeku’s son as a servant, so he sent the four of them to him. Going to the Huxin Island Military Academy can be regarded as a future.

He graduated four years ago, and joined the Swedish Iron Cavalry to participate in the war against Russia. After that, he made many military exploits. Olaf was very happy and promoted his three brothers to become Viking Berserkers, and he did it in the past two years. The position of commanding the battalion commander is considered to be the figure next to Olaf's mad warriors after Etuku.

A throwing axe hit a bearded rebel in the face, Pihulu took Olaf and Heine a few steps forward, and then saw Pictou, who had been chopped into four or five pieces. .

Pihulu's eyes turned red, and Olaf frowned, "Damn the rebels, Picto is only 18 years old, right?"

Heine pulled Olaf and said, "Let's talk about it when we advance to the palace."

As soon as the words fell, several crossbow arrows were fired from the two sentries at the gate of the palace in the distance, and one of them happened to hit Heine's throat by accident.

Heine vomited blood and fell down, while Olaf panicked.


"bang bang"


Several crossbow arrows came flying, Pihulu hurriedly pulled Olaf down, and then escaped.

The firing port of the sentry fort burst out again

^0^ Gunsmoke, a few pieces of lead hit the floor tiles in front of Olaf, and the stone chips provoked cut the tip of Olaf's nose, and bright red blood flowed out.

The Three Crowns Castle is just a royal castle. The outpost in front of the palace gate is not big, and it can accommodate four or five soldiers at most, so the two rounds of shooting are over. Olaf is terrified in the face of death. Sweeping away, he looked at Heine, who was dying, with only endless anger.

"It will take ten seconds for the next round of shooting at Sentinel Fort, everyone rushes!"

There were not many people around Olaf at this time. All the surviving Viking Berserkers were wielding spears, hatchets, and long swords, and the rebels in front of the palace were also struggling to resist, even if the Viking Berserkers fought hard. No matter how powerful it is, the rebels in front of the gate seem to be inexhaustible. When one is dead, another will always emerge from the palace.

Olaf and Pihulu got up and rushed over. Olaf was tall and hit one of the rebels with one shoulder, and then the sharp axe in his right hand made an arc and slashed the head of the other rebel. .


With a crisp sound, the rebel's iron helmet collapsed, and red and white spurted out for a while.

An axe slashed one person to death, and Olaf's left-hand axe also fell from top to bottom, slashing again from the neck of a rebel with a click.

Olaf was tall and proficient in Viking stunts, and he killed three people as soon as he shot.

Seeing the godfather's performance like a divine soldier descended from the sky, the surrounding Berserkers immediately cheered up, shouting "Long Live the Godfather," and then swung their weapons to attack forward. let the weapon stab himself, and then stab the spear into the enemy's throat.

Because of Olaf's one shot, more than 200 Viking Berserkers and Swedish Iron Cavalry were not only not blocked by the military police regiment that was several times their size, but instead rushed forward a dozen steps at a time, seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the gate. closer.

Stepping on the corpse of the rebels and pulling out the axe, Olaf's eyes flashed fiercely, and he saw a gun barrel protruding from a firing hole in a sentry fort. He picked up a short spear on the ground, stood up and swung his arms round. Throw it hard.


With a groan in his mouth, the short spear hit the shooting hole with a whirring sound.

The barrel stopped moving as soon as it was tilted, and Olaf grinned, knowing that a short spear had killed the musketeer.


Another shot rang out out of nowhere, and Olaf stumbled and fell to the ground, feeling the pain in the back of his heart so much that it became difficult to even breathe.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^