The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 34: Lead the snake out of the hole

   The next morning, in the auditorium, Hagrid yelled to Dumbledore to report that he had found unidentified people hunting illegally outside the Forbidden Forest. The large amount of blood on the ground indicated that the hunter himself might have been injured. And Professor Sprout who heard of this also stood up, and said that there were a few precious pots of fresh white fresh stolen in the greenhouse, which is a kind of precious herbal medicine that can treat trauma.

  The students who eat melon are responsible for a lot of discussions, guessing whether the injured hunter is Black. Wizards also have to eat. In the forbidden forest, in addition to magical creatures, there are also wild deer and wild foxes. It is normal to hunt for food. As for the cause of injury, it is likely to be caused by the hunting process. Was attacked by dangerous magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

   That night, when Sirius was sneaking into the greenhouse, he was suddenly attacked again by a dark figure. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared this time, and he rolled over to avoid the green light of the Killing Curse.

   The attacker was a bald short man with gray hair, a mouse-like face and a pointed nose. It was the object of Sirius's vengeance-Peter Pettigrew.

   Sirius' eyes were red, and his voice trembling with anger shouted: "Betrayer, you actually have a face in front of me!"

   Pettigrew Peter didn't care at all, and sneered: "Sirius, who do you think you are? It seems that twelve years of prison life has made you confused about reality."

Peter Pettigrew’s eyes shone coldly, "I am not the me I used to be. I have gained new power. I no longer need to be afraid of you. When I kill you, no one in this world will know me anymore. Existing, I can recover my body and start my new life, and you will only die under the name of a betrayer..."

   At this moment, Professor Lu Ping emerged from the hiding place, stood behind Peter Pettigrew, and flanked him with Sirius Star. He bitterly said: "Sure enough, it's you! Peter! It's not enough for you to kill James. Now I want to kill Sirius, you despicable villain, I must kill you today!"

Lupin and Sirius drew their wands at the same time (the latter wand was brought by Lupin to Sirius), and the two launched a fierce attack on Peter Pettigrew, completely ruthlessly killing their hands, and suddenly a fatal curse filled the sky. Flying.

   Petty dwarf Peter showed a cold smile. He drew a big circle with his magic wand and silently released a dark and strange vortex. The vortex was like a black hole that swallowed everything, swallowing all the attacks of the two without a trace. He said faintly: "Why bother? Remus, I only wanted to kill Sirius alone. I didn't expect you to know the truth. It seems that I have to add another soul to my wand today."

   Lupin said coldly: "You don't really think you can deal with the two of us after learning a little new magic? Do you think that you are the only one who has improved over the years?"

   There was an unabashed contempt in the eyes of the little dwarf Peter, "Ignorance! You don't even know how far we are now!"

   After finishing speaking, his body seeps with a black mist visible to the naked eye, whizzing and whistling around him.

   Lupin and Sirius saw the unheard of visions on Peter Pettigrew, so they didn't dare to ask for them. They both launched their strongest attacks at the same time!

Peter Pettigrew's momentum suddenly increased. He let out a hoarse scream, as if his body was suffering from some kind of pain. A black light shot out from the end of his wand, and the black light broke the spells of Lupin and Sirius at the same time, but it didn't. Disappeared, but continued to advance towards the two of them. With a touch, they were knocked away as soon as they touched.

   Black light attached to them as if consciously, both of them felt that their magical power was fading quickly, their bodies were weakened, and there was no resistance anymore.

   Little Dwarf sneered: "It's over, my friends, let me send you on the road!"

Suddenly, a dazzling and strong white light flashed, Peter Pettigrew raised his wand in a hurry to resist, stepped back five steps, looked alertly in the direction where the white light was coming from, and said coldly: "Unexpectedly, you are here. , Dumbledore."

   Dumbledore stared at him with a complicated expression, and sighed: "Peter, you are fallen. Is your soul so evil that you can kill your former best friend?"

   Although Peter Pettigrew has greatly increased in strength, it has not changed his timid and cautious character. Dumbledore, as the most powerful wizard of the century, Peter Pettigrew is not arrogant enough to think that he will be his opponent.

   He knows that Dumbledore is here. Today's plan has completely failed. He can only live a life of escape and hiding again. Although this life is sad and frustrated, he can at least survive.

Thinking of this, all kinds of humiliation and resentment surged into his heart, and he snarled frantically: "Best friends? They only treat me as a follower! A running errands that call me and call me! When do they think of me Equal friends!"

   Five weird green sparks appeared in sequence from the end of his wand, which were unusually obvious in the dark.

Sirius froze for a moment. His memory instantly returned to the Muggle street twelve years ago. He still remembered this magic. At that time, Peter Pettigrew, who had been sobbing in front of him, suddenly appeared at the end of his wand. A green spark, and then blast the entire street into ruins.

He yelled: "Danger!" But he and Lupin were so badly injured that they could not move. He could only passively accept the ending of death. He was not afraid of death, but he was very unwilling. In the end, he could not help his friend Zhan. Mu's revenge even dragged down another friend Lupin.

   He and Lu Ping looked at each other and showed a tragic smile in the same way, each stretched out their hands and clasped them tightly, intending to welcome death together.

   However, the two of them did not die. Dumbledore stood in front of them, blocking Peter Pettigrew's attack with a magical barrier emitting a holy white light, but it also gave the latter a chance to escape into the forbidden forest.

   Sirius roared hard in a hoarse voice: "Leave us alone, he is going to run away, as long as he enters the Forbidden Forest, he can Apparate..."

   Dumbledore gave a meaningful expression and said, "This is not necessarily..."

   Peter Pettigrew did take the opportunity to escape into the Forbidden Forest, but he did not apparate and escape as Sirius expected. It was not unwilling, but unable.

The black magic trick just now belongs to a kind of sacrifice magic. Twelve years ago, he sacrificed a finger of himself when facing Sirius. This time he was even more afraid to give it to Dumbledore. He directly Sacrificing the entire right hand, the right hand that lacked a finger has turned into a pool of rotten meat on the ground, becoming the price for using this dark magic.

   Now he has become very weak due to the consumption of a lot of magic power and a lot of blood loss. He could no longer cast the sophisticated magic of Apparition Appearance.

He planned to hide in the forbidden forest for a while, and waited for his body to recover a little before his apparition left. Just as he stumbled into the depths of the forbidden forest, a silent and invisible curse suddenly shot out from a dark place in the front corner. Peter the dwarf was cautious, even when the curse was approaching him, he didn't even notice it, so he was inexplicably hit by the whole body restraint curse and couldn't move.

   Schelling released the invisibility magic, walked out from the corner, smiled slightly: "Hello, Dwarf, this is the first meeting, I am Schelling Malfoy, you should have heard my name, right?"

(Note: Pettigrew is actually a surname, which should have been translated as Peter Pettigrew or Peter Perdiro, but in order to correspond to Sirius Black, the People’s Agency just translated it as Peter Pettigrew. The author is narrating everything Use "Little Dwarf Peter", and use "Little Dwarf" or "Peter" in the dialogue. The latter is only used by Lupin and Sirius)

Little dwarf Peter said hoarsely: "I know you, of course I know you. You are the second young master of the Malfoy family and a well-known future star at Hogwarts. Your father and I are both Death Eaters. Please help. I, take me out of here, I will repay you."

   Xie Lin asked interestingly: "Sir, you are ashamed of the empty glove white wolf to a child, let's talk about how you can repay me first!"

   Peter Pettigrew heard that there was a play, and hurriedly said: "I can give you power, I can tell you the secret of my power, as long as you get this power, with your talent, surpassing Dumbledore is just around the corner."

   Xie Lin nodded and said, "It's really attractive. It's a pity, I don't need these..."

   Peter, the dwarf star, refused to give up and continued to seduce Schelling. He talked about the power of this power. Seeing Schelling still remained unmoved, he finally relented: "Then what do you want?"

   Xie Lin smiled and said: "You know, I am as ambitious as all Slytherins. I want your allegiance..."

   Peter the dwarf turned a few thoughts in his heart, and said with a flattering smile: "It is my honor to be loyal to such a talented future powerhouse like you."

   "It's very refreshing that you promised, but I don't worry about you. You once betrayed the Order of the Phoenix, and then defected and hid after the mysterious man lost power. You are not a loyal subordinate."

   "No, no, they are different from you, they are too crazy, and Master, you have inherited the character of the Malfoy family, you must be a person who examines time and protects his life, and I am following you is definitely the right choice."

"Nevertheless, I still have to do some insurance," Xie Lin took out a bottle of potion from his pocket. "This is a potion I developed uniquely. After drinking it, if you dare to betray me, you will be pierced by a thousand arrows. The pain is tortured to death. If you drink it all, I will accept your allegiance and send you out of here."

   Although petty dwarf Peter was reluctant in his heart, he was a swordsman, so he had no choice but to drink the potion.

Unexpectedly, Schelling’s unique potion is simply made up. There is no potion of this kind in this world. Even if there is really Schelling, this is actually a bottle of Ecstasy. Drink it. After that, Peter Pettigrew's consciousness began to become confused, and Xie Lin took the opportunity to cast a hypnotic charm on him, revealing the secret of his sudden strengthening from Xie Lin. As expected, Peter Pettigrew did not go back to take refuge in Voldemort.

   His power comes from a mysterious underground organization "Shadow of the Dragon", this organization is full of powerful black wizards, several of whom are famous wanted criminals of the same era as Voldemort.

   After leaving Hogwarts, the young Tom Riddle had interactions with these people, and it was because of this that he obtained many secrets about black magic, such as transforming his body through black magic, and greatly enhancing his magical power. Tom Riddle, as a student of Voldemort, his appearance is very handsome, and he is not at all the same as the dark lord, who later became fascinating. He later became that disgusting appearance, precisely because of these blacks. The cause of magic.

(Note: In the original book Dumbledore did mention that the young Riddle had "mixed with the most evil guy in the wizarding world, after many dangerous magical transformations, and finally reappeared as Voldemort." These guys are set in this book. Designated as a member of the mysterious organization Shadow of the Dragon)

   Peter Pettigrew doesn’t know much about this organization.

   He only knew that they came for a student in Hogwarts, and Peter Pettigrew was baptized by them with a certain dark power, so that the magic power would advance so leaps and bounds.

   At this price, Peter Pettigrew made an unbreakable vow to help them kidnap a student. Peter Pettigrew does not currently know the identity of the student. The organization hopes that Peter Pettigrew will solve the unstable factor that may interfere with the plan, and then announce the follow-up plan to him.

   The Shadow of the Devil Dragon, this organization that has never appeared in the original book, why did they appear in Hogwarts? What are their ulterior motives?