The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v1 ~: The first 40

   This is a screenshot from the draft published by JK Rowling during an interview on the show. Foreign netizens have revised the list after cross-validating the original work. The names in the list are students who enrolled in the same year as Harry:

   Hufflepuff boys:

  -Ernie McMillan

  -Zacharys Smith

  -Justin Finley

  -Wayne Hopkins

  -Roger Malone

  -Oliver Rivers

   Hufflepuff Girls:

  -Hannah Abbot

  -Susan Bones

  -Megan Jones

  -Sally Ann Box

   Ravenclaw boys:

  -Michael Kona

  -Anthony Goldstein

  -Terry Butt

  -Stephen Comfort

  -Kevin Entwistle

   Ravenclaw girl:

  -Su Lee

  -Murray McDoug (or Morrag)

  -Padma Petir

  -Mandy Brohe

  -Lisa Dupin

   Gryffindor boy:

  -Harry Potter

  -Ron Wesley

  -Neville Longbottom

  -Dean Thomas

  -Simo Finigan

   Gryffindor girl:

  -Hermione Granger

  -Parvati Pettil

  -Lavender Brown

  -Lily Moen

  -Sophie Roper

   Slytherin boy:

  -Draco Malfoy

  -Vincent Crabbe

  -Gregory Gore

  -Theodore Knott

  -Brace Chabini

   Slytherin girl:

  -Pansy Parkinson

  -Milison Bosd

  -Daphne Greengrass

  -Tracy Davis (Although the transliteration is Davis, it is actually a different surname from Ravenclaw’s Roger Davis)

  -Audrey Runcorn (The name Audrey is fictitious by the author, but the last name is from Rowling’s draft)

   These forty people are just drafts that Rowling thinks he might use. There are more than forty people in a grade. According to statistics, they are around 70-80. Hufflepuff has the most number and Slytherin the least. By analogy, the total number of students in the school is between 490-560.

   is not on the list:

-Gryffindor: Lini (a character in the original book, Katie Bell’s best friend, almost prevented Katie from being cursed by an opal necklace in the sixth book. The original book does not specify her grade, but the author arranges it on his own initiative. Lee's contemporaries)

  -Slytherin: Meredith Shafik (one of the main characters edited by the author)

  -Slytherin: Schelling Malfoy (the protagonist of this book edited by the author)