The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 3: Award ceremony

   July 7th.

  This is a special day in the magical world. A famous arithmetic fortuneteller in the 13th century, Brigitte Winlock, discovered that the number 7 actually has magical properties.

   This day of this year is also a day worth remembering for the British wizarding community. Wiesen Gamour broke the old tradition and decided to award a 14-year-old boy Merlin with a Class III Medal. This boy will become the youngest jazz ever, a legend, and he will be named as "the boy who survived catastrophe". Into the annals of history.

   In the magnificent hall, neatly-dressed wizards walked around the table, and the wizards and witches behaved decently, just like the upper class celebrities in Muggle society.

   This is the hall of Wiesengamao, and all the members of Wiesengamao are present. The so-called Sir Merlin is actually just a name, to commemorate Merlin's contribution. Since the establishment of the Ministry of Magic, Wisengamao has been responsible for awarding the medal in the name of Sir Merlin.

   Schelling wore the Supreme Wizard's robe. He inspired the charm aura on the robe. The robe was faintly shining with a dark green luster, which made his whole body covered with a mysterious and charming temperament.

   Schelling first greeted Amelia, Rufus Scrimgeour, and Tiberus McLagan. After some conversation, his interpersonal skills were recognized by the three. Amelia even introduced him to Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department. This is an old man with a serious look. He has short gray hair, an unnaturally straight midpoint line, and a narrow toothbrush on his lips.

   Xie Lin naturally knew this character. He was a shrewd careerist, and it was a pity that he was cheated by his son, otherwise he would be the Minister of Magic.

   The Crouch family is starring on Schelling's list, and Schelling has already investigated the 18th generation of his ancestors.

   Since his son Barty Jr. went to prison, he is now the only one of the Crouch family's direct line.

(Note: In the original book, after the death of Barty Jr., Dumbledore said that this ancient family has died out, but according to Black’s genealogy, Barty had two older sisters. The author assumed that both older sisters were married and changed their surnames. , So it belongs to the family collateral)

   Schelling could see that Old Batty's eyes were no longer sharp, and under the glamorous and neat appearance, the ambitions of the past had actually been wiped out. Xie Lin couldn't help but sigh secretly, it's a pity that this man was a powerful person, but he was completely helpless under one blow.

   There are still many followers behind the old Barty. If the Department of International Cooperation in his hand operates properly, it is also a lot of power, but he is discouraged. Of course, Schelling still seized the opportunity to talk to him and tried to impress him, at least let him remember his name. After all, he can't even remember the name of his assistant now...

   The two talked a few words, and after leaving an impression on each other, they separated again.

   Then, Dumbledore in a conspicuous purple robe and Minister of Magic Conjury Fudge came. Fudge was a little short and slightly fat, and he always had a friendly smile on his face, but Schelling didn't see much smile in his eyes.

   This is a hypocritical and cunning man, Xie Lin commented in his heart.

Xie Lin suddenly thought of something. Today, I seem to be able to see the details and observe the details. When talking to everyone, every move and changes in the eyes of the other person are automatically taken into Xie Lin's mind, and he analyzed that there is How much sincerity, how much water. It seems that Aquila didn't say nonsense, Ravenclaw's Upanishad Peeping Amaterasu is really extraordinary.

   "Oh Schelling, my good boy, do you remember Uncle Kang? Your father Lucius and I have known each other for many years!" Fudge greeted Schelling warmly.

   It is true that Fudge and Lucius have a personal relationship, but in fact, Fudge has never visited Malfoy Manor, and it is the first time that Fudge has met with Schelling.

   When Arthur Wesley went to Malfoy Manor to search with a search warrant, didn't you see you stand up and defend the so-called long-term friend? Xie Lin sneered inwardly.

Schelling can’t say much about Fudge. This is a character who wants to make a difference between the pure-blood family and the pro-Muggle faction. It is impossible to say that Arthur’s actions are completely ignorant. The most likely thing is that he was first. Allowing the whole operation to be considered as giving Dumbled more face, and then pretending to intervene, so that the action will not hurt the pure-blood family, and earn the favor of the pure-blood family.

   This hand balance is really good!

   It's a pity, it's not the ancient imperial period anymore. He didn't have the strength, and it was useless to say anything when he met Voldemort who didn't talk about the rules.

A smile appeared on Xie Lin’s face, "Uncle Kang, hello, I have often heard my father mention you. This time Xie Lin is able to win this award, I believe that Uncle has done a lot! Xie Lin will still be here. Thank you uncle first."

"Where and where, it should be. Don't talk about my friendship with your dad. Just by the glory you fought for the British wizarding world, this reward is already well-deserved for you. Uncle is just taking advantage of the situation. That's it." Fudge smiled, "By the way, how is the business at Miracle Alchemy? If there is anything you need uncle, please be blunt, don't be polite with uncle!"

   "Thanks to my uncle, the business is pretty good, and Xie Lin made a little pocket money, so I don't have to look at his face when he takes the money from his father, haha." Xie Lin made a little joke.

   "Hehe," Fudge accompanies Xie Lin with a dry smile, "Xie Lin, uncle has something else, would you like to ask you for a favor?"

   As expected, the topic has come. Xie Lin sneered inwardly, but there was still a smile on his mouth. "Uncle said, Xie Lin will do his best."

"You also know that there was a felon in Azkaban last year who escaped from prison. That's the lunatic Blake. God knows how he did it. It's been a whole year. Don't say that the Ministry of Magic is going to catch him, even a shadow. I haven't touched it. I have to say that Black is really a tricky person. The problem now is that the people who don't know the truth think that the Ministry of Magic is incompetent, so they are a little dissatisfied with the uncle..."

   Xie Lin showed an expression of righteous indignation, "Ah, how can they do this, my uncle is the Minister of Magic, so I can't catch such a dangerous person himself, right?"

   "Yes, but the masses don't think so..."

   Xie Lin's expression immediately turned into doubt, "So, what can Xie Lin do for uncle?"

"That's it," Fudge said quickly, "The Ministry urgently needs some good news to inspire people, so ah, uncle hopes you can do some outstanding performance as soon as possible, and then, then, tell uncle, Uncle will ask the Ministry of Magic to invite you again to join the Wiesengama bench..."

Immediately he changed his words, "It doesn’t matter if you don’t have too much, too dazzling performance, do you know how high your reputation is in the public mind now, you can almost rank with the "boy who survived catastrophe", people believe You are the star of the future, and the next Dumbledore—" Fudge quickly glanced to the left and right. At this time, Dumbledore had already walked a little away, and was talking with his old friends Gusrda Macchibaan and Tibey. The three of Luce Ogden and Efeas Dorje had an enthusiastic chat.

   "Your name itself is already a positive symbol, I can't help but think of—" Fudge lowered his voice and said, "Maybe you can cooperate with the Ministry of Magic to give the public confidence?"

Huh? Very familiar dialogue, isn't this the conversation between Scrimgeour and Harry two years later? How did it happen to me?

   Xie Lin said slowly: "Uncle Kang, what does ‘cooperate with the Ministry of Magic’... mean?"

"Oh, no trouble at all, I assure you. For example, if you can get in and out of the Ministry from time to time, it will give a favorable impression. While there, you can chat with Scrimgeour and understand Some of Auror’s daily work...or talk to Senior Deputy Minister Dolores Umbridge, assuming you have the ambition to enter the Ministry of Magic in the future...or you are more interested in doing business, and You can have more contact with people from the Magic Equipment Control Bureau or the International Trade Standards Association... These are all good for you."

(Note: The Magic Equipment Control Bureau comes from the Daily Prophet and is affiliated to the Law Enforcement Department. It specifically supervises the safety of all magic items in the territory. Only magic items that have obtained the certification stamp of the department can be sold publicly in the country; the author added it privately in the front Registered patent function)

   (Note: The International Trade Standards Association comes from the original work and belongs to the Department of International Cooperation. Percy's first department in the Ministry of Magic set up eligibility standards for imported and exported goods, such as the thickness of the crucible, and the classification of prohibited traded goods)

   Schelling pondered for a while, and he did not lose much to him. After giving Fudge a favor, he was able to establish contacts in the Ministry of Magic, and fully agreed.

   Throughout the conversation, Dumbledore had been standing nearby. Although he had been socializing with different people, his deep gaze remained on Schelling. It was not until Fudge left that he showed a thoughtful expression.

   For Schelling this student, Dumbledore had very mixed feelings.

To be honest, in his eyes, Schelling is absolutely impossible to become the next Voldemort. Although Tom Riddle was good at demonstrating people's hearts when he was young, he was too superstitious and straightforward, simple and rude. The characters of may be able to disrupt order and gain superficial **** by creating terror, but they will never be able to conquer the public's hearts.

   He also saw the shadow of Gellert Grindelwald in Schelling, but even Grindelwald, who had been entangled with him for half his life, never gave him such a difficult feeling.

   What he insisted on was that he only knew one such horrible person, and he could only see this person in the mirror-himself, Albus Dumbledore.

Schelling is too much like himself when he was young-full of talent, longing for knowledge, obsessed with truth, with the same vision and ambition as Grindelwald, as good at insight as Riddell, and possessing similar two dark kings to unite the hearts of the people. Charm of personality... However, his acting style is completely different from that of the two Dark Lords.

He has been paying attention to Xie Lin for a long time. This student chose to abide by the rules of the weak when it was obvious that he could be crushed by force. There was no youthful spirit, but the old fox's forbearance; the most important thing was his eyes, even Deng Deng Blido couldn't think of Schelling, but this did not prevent him from reading Schelling's eyes, because they were too familiar to him...

Whenever he looks in the mirror, he will see this look-always full of strategizing and controlling the overall look, just like a puppet master, looking at a person like a puppet from the outside world according to his script Act...

   Several times Dumbledore almost couldn't help interfering with Schelling's actions. He was almost certain that Schelling would be the next White Demon — yes, the term White Demon was the most appropriate.

Once he has the power to rival himself, he does not need to use force to convince nor do we need to use coercive means to rule. His existence is already the biggest variable in itself, no matter what he is. If you don't do it, the world will not be out of his control at will, everything is under his control-the black devil may be able to conquer the world, but the white devil can conquer people's hearts!

   There is only one reason for Dumbledore to stop, and that is Voldemort who is alive. Although he has made various arrangements for him and left behind, who knows if there will be a case? No matter how strong he is, he is still a mortal after all, and he will always make mistakes. What if his plan eventually fails?

In fact, Harry’s growth has been much slower than he originally planned. In the first year, he succeeded in building his reputation through cheating bonus points to Harry. In the second year, he originally hoped that Harry could become Kill the hero of the basilisk.

For this, I also specially confessed to Phoenix Fox and the Sorting Hat, and under great pressure to wait for the mandela grass to mature. The purpose was to make Harry the key to uncovering the identity of the basilisk, but he did not expect to kill at the last moment. After Schelling, he replaced Harry as the hero in one fell swoop.

(Note: Hogwarts is not the only one that can grow mandela. Dumbledore can buy mature mandela from the outside, or even a refined antidote. He did this because he didn’t want the victim We just exposed the identity of the basilisk. With something that even Hermione could infer, how could Dumbledore fail to guess the identity of the basilisk? He knew that Harry heard the sound of the monster behind the wall, because at that time he Duiha used the psychic mind)

   In Dumbledore's opinion, Schelling is a good insurance. In the unlikely event that the savior in his plan finally fails, then the task of cleaning up Voldemort will be given to Schelling.

   The White Demon is better than the Black Demon, right?