The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 148: Corpse of the holy spirit

At the moment Susan opened her eyes, she seemed to be an ancient giant as high as a hill. An invisible force radiated from her. The air seemed to stagnate suddenly, and a simple and heavy force shrouded like a hill. Hold her.

Schelling frowned, an extremely uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

Although this feeling is not obvious, his perception is as keen as him, and he clearly feels an ancient and magnificent force oppressing him frontally. This power made him feel threatened, and...disgusted.

This is a very mysterious feeling, abrupt and inexplicable, as if it is a kind of entanglement derived from ancient grievances. The power displayed by Susan repels Schelling abnormally, and can even be said to be full of hostility towards Schelling, as if the two are born in a hostile camp, and once they encounter each other, they will spontaneously attack each other and create oppression.

Schelling thought at first that this was a conflict between white magic and black magic. The bloodline power of the Bones family was obviously a kind of ancient white magic inheritance, and he had learned a lot over the years. Black magic, the body is tainted with the aura of black magic, so there is a mutually exclusive effect with the aura that Susan is showing at the moment.

But after thinking about it, I don’t think it’s right.

Snape is absolutely more proficient in black magic than himself. In the original book, he can help Dumbledore suppress the curse power of the curse master Voldemort himself. I am afraid that his black magic skills are stronger than himself. , But it doesn't necessarily mean that there is such a rejection between him and Dumbledore.

What's more, the magic Schelling is best at is not black magic. What he is best at is... well, it seems that there is no magic that he is not good at—

Originally, what he was best at was the field of spirit and soul magic, and then he changed it to the field of transformation magic after cultivating Kansha Magus, and then he practised elemental magic and successfully made the elements show the most primitive Truth, and then awakened the magic of Snake Eye and Snake Language. Any one of these magic fields, as long as you spend your time and effort to cultivate it to the top, you can become a legendary wizard at the level of Dumbledore and Grindelwald——

But Schelling has progressed in parallel in almost every field mentioned above, not falling apart.

He has not even given up the study and practice of space magic and Gurunis.

This didn't stop there. The time he saw "Destiny" in the mysterious space, "Destiny" seemed to give him a strange power, allowing him to advance to a level without painstaking effort in the field of "Magic" studies. If magic is divided into eight areas according to the sub-volumes of "Abatel", then Schelling has made achievements in the science of magic, metamorphosis, spirit, soul, and curse.

Although he is not good at the remaining magic mechanics, curse seal studies, and enchantment studies, he is not ignorant. At the very least, he can study the curse seal of "Sleeping Dragon Imprint" on his own.

Summarizing the above two reasons, Schelling believes that this is unlikely to be a problem between black magic and white magic.

At this time, the mark on the back of his neck became hot, and the long-lost Aquila's phantom appeared on the upper left of Schelling. It hovered gracefully and landed on Schelling's left shoulder.

"Tsk tusk," Aquila commented solemnly, "What else did you come up with? Why are you in such a big battle?"

"Aquila," Schelling did not respond to Aquila's inquiry, but directly raised the question in his mind, "Do you know what happened to Susan? What is the origin of this power?"

Aquila glanced straight at Xie Lin with scrutinizing eyes, and then slowly said, "It's fate!"

"I don’t know exactly what happened to this girl, but I guess she has awakened the talent in her bloodline, and it’s a very old kind. You don’t know it is excusable. After all, as far as I know. , There is no record of this kind of blood talent in the current literature... the name of this talent is—"

"Holy Scorpion," Aquila retracted her gaze from Schelling, turned to look at Susan, and said with some meaningful meaning: "The scorpion of the Holy Ghost has a longer heritage than the time when Hogwarts was founded. In the end. A person who shows this talent is Andros, one of the four powerhouses in the late ancient Greece. You should be familiar with this name, right?"

"Well, I know him," Xie Lin replied. "His nickname is'Invincible Andros'. It is said that he is the first wizard who has mastered the spell of the patron saint without a rod, and his patron saint is said to be The size of a pureblood giant, although the size of the patron saint does not affect its power, but a patron saint like him is a unique existence in history, and it is obviously a powerful high-level patron saint that has evolved."

"What you are talking about is a record in the history books, everyone knows," Aquila said with a hey, "Do you know Andros' most famous battle?"

"Uh...Is it the famous Battle of Hot Spring Pass in history? Andros fought against the great dark wizard Jafar Yahya of Ancient Persia?"

"This duel can only be regarded as barely possible. Few people know that At that time, Andros already had a lot of hidden injuries on his body, and the remaining strength that can be used is less than 50%..."

"What!" Xie Lin said in surprise, "How can a strength of less than 50% and Jafar hurt both?"

Schelling was indeed very surprised. He was an adventurer and archaeologist in his previous life, and he had a deep understanding of this famous battle of Bosch, which was of great historical and military significance.

The Battle of Wenquan Pass, also known as the Battle of the Three Hundred Warriors, originated in 480 BC, when the Persian Empire prepared a large army to conquer ancient Greece for the Battle of the Shameful Marathon. Faced with this threat, Athens and Sparta, the two major Greek city-states, united against Persia without prejudice, forming a coalition led by Sparta.

At the beginning, the Persian army was like a broken bamboo, and continued to advance all the way, until the Spartan King Leonidas led 298 elite Spartan fighters and 700 Thespias as the main force (of course there are some engineers and auxiliary soldiers, this is not archeology Novel, not to mention), choose to establish their defensive stronghold at Hot Spring Pass. Wenquan Pass is a narrow passage that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, with the sea on one side and steep mountain walls on the other.

In the end, the Greek coalition forces succeeded in taking advantage of the terrain to resist the hot spring pass far more than their Persian army for three days. Later, a Greek farmer named Ephialtes secretly reported to Persia about a path near the hot springs gate in order to reward the Persian army, and let the Persian army follow the mountain path to the rear of the Greek coalition forces, causing the Greek coalition forces to be detoured. Surrounded, and eventually destroyed.

Schelling did not underestimate the bravery of ancient Greek fighters, but the gap in the number of soldiers was so huge that it was indeed surprising that the war could be fought to this extent during the Cold Weapon Period. Not to mention, during that period, the Persian royal family hired many famous dark wizards as royal advisors, which was similar to the status of national teachers, and Jafar was one of the best. Any terrain advantage does not exist in the face of magic.

Had it not been for Andros to take the shot, and Jafar lost both in the duel, Spartan's 300 warriors could complete the feat of defending the soil for three days without the intervention of magic.

You know, Jafar is not a waiting wizard, he is a famous snake whisperer, he claims to be the mortal incarnation of the **** of cobra, and has countless believers in the Persian Empire at that time. His prestige is terrible enough to make children stop crying when they hear his name. Even today, his name is often seen in fairy tales and video games in the Muggle world, and he appears as a powerful villain. .

Such a character, and Andros, who is less than 50% in strength, fought a loss for both? So Schelling couldn't imagine how powerful Andros was in his heyday?

Aguilar was very satisfied with the surprised expression on Schelling’s face, and it went on to say: “Andros can be known as invincibility, and he has obviously defeated countless opponents in duels. Jafar is among the opponents he has fought in his life. It can only be regarded as upper-middle, not even in the top five..."

"What I want to say is his decisive battle with another famous wizard at the end of ancient Greece..."

"Ah!" Xie Lin said: "You said, wouldn't it be the despicable Helbo?"

It is not difficult to guess that there are only four most famous wizards in the late ancient Greece, who can be called Andros' opponents, and there is a high probability that they will conflict with Andros. The despicable Helbo is the worthy number one.

"Yes, it was him." Aquila said: "In order to pursue immortality, Helbo dared to violate the taboo by studying the magic that seals part of the soul in a container, which is called the Horcrux in later generations. It was not like now. , The magic of Horcrux is only described in a few words. In order to study this magic, he frantically murdered many Muggles and wizards..."

"In the end, Andros and Helbo met in a decisive battle on the Olympian Zeus colossus. This battle lasted for seven days and seven nights, destroying the entire Zeus colossus and turning it into an oral legend..."

"In the end, the battle ended with Helbo's severe injury and defeat. But the winning Andros also paid a heavy price. Lord Ravenclaw once took me to the dilapidated colossus of Zeus to trace and verify the time. According to her inference, Andros was entangled by at least ten powerful curses, enough to reduce his strength by at least half. Can you imagine how tragic this battle is?"

Xie Lin nodded first, and then shook his head suddenly. He already had a vague idea in his mind, but it still needed to be confirmed.

"Aquila, did the cause of Andros' death caused old troubles and heartaches in the decisive battle with Jafar, and died of serious injuries after he beat Jafar back?"

"Yes, why are you asking that?" Aquila was a little confused. She was no stranger to Schelling's expression. It seemed that this horribly clever kid had figured out the key.

"There is one thing that seems to me too and Helbo are one in Persia and the other in Greece, but both of them have the inheritance of the snake whisperer, and they are both peaceful. Delos fought a battle..."

"You mean..." Aquila had a sense of it.

"Hailbo made the Horcrux. He should have an immortal body, so no matter how badly he is beaten by Andros, he can't die." Schelling said confidently: "And the other Horcrux One effect is that the remnant soul inside can attach to other magical creatures, even other wizards, and use these bodies to resurrect for a short time. Such possession can also allow the container to obtain the remnant soul’s talents, such as snake language... …"

"I suspect that Jafar itself is a Horcrux possessed by the remnant of Helbo. It is impossible for the black wizard to refuse the powerful power and the temptation of immortality. It is normal to be bewitched by the Horcrux."

"Amazing inference," Aquila exclaimed, and then asked: "So what? What does it have to do with what we are talking about?"

"Don't you understand?" Schelling said with a confident smile, and said faintly: "Susan's power is repelling me, indicating that this power derived from Andros has a high probability of encountering an old enemy, and you Sleeping for too long, you don’t know, I have awakened the snake whisperer and the inheritance of snake language magic from the secret room of Slytherin—"

"The current phenomenon is actually the grievance between the corpse of the Holy Spirit and the snake whisperer!"

"Hami!" Aquila said with a look of shock: "You have inherited Slytherin's snake language? Are you going to complete the feat of the four founders?"

Xie Lin smiled faintly and declined to comment.

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