The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 166: Walking like flying

Entering June, the atmosphere in the castle became tense and excited again.

The exam week is approaching, everyone is reviewing for the exam and looking forward to the third competition that will be held on the day the exam ends.

The exam will end on the day of the third project. Ron and Hermione should have taken the time to review, but they spent a lot of energy to help Harry prepare.

"Don't worry," Hermione said indifferently when Harry pointed this out to them and said he could practice for a while by himself, "At least we can get high marks in the course of Defense Against the Dark Arts. In. It is impossible to find so many spells in class."

"It's good training for us to be an Auror in the future." Ron said excitedly, and tried the obstacle spell on a wasp buzzing into the house, causing it to stop suddenly in mid-air.

"Don't worry!" Harry said confidently: "This time I am very confident that I can win the championship. Don't forget that I was the winner with the highest score in the second event, and Professor Moody also said that, we are here. In the first grade, I passed the test of huge animals and magic obstacles. I can say that I am experienced in this kind of game of clearing the generals—"

"This advantage..." Harry paused for a second, with a happy smile on his face, "I don't believe that Malfoy would have it." He clenched his fist and waved it into the air. "I will prove it to everyone. I am the true warrior of Hogwarts!"

Harry practiced spells whenever he had time.

Professor McGonagall always bumped into Harry, Hermione, and Ron practicing everywhere in the school, so she allowed them to use the transformation classroom during lunch time.

Harry quickly mastered the obstacle curse, which can stop the attacker; the smash curse, which can blow up solid obstacles; and the directional curse discovered by Hermione, which can point his wand to true north so that he can be in the maze. Judge whether the direction is right or not.

As for the iron armor curse, he had already mastered it during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and he was even able to cast this spell instantaneously when Moody gave him a small stove in private. At this moment, he is full of ambition and high spirits. He is already looking forward to the third project coming soon, indulging in the illusion of the moment he stepped on Schelling Malfoy's head and raised the goblet of fire aloft.

Hermione looked at Harry's joyful appearance, and wanted to remind him that Schelling's strength was far beyond this, but she forcibly held back the words to her lips—

She couldn't bear to break Harry's fantasies.

Since this semester, when Hermione almost clashed with Draco in the magical animal protection class, Hermione has changed a lot, becoming more considerate and considerate than before. Being considerate, she can actually understand Harry's difficulties. He has been the focus of everyone's attention since Harry enrolled.

From the “boy who survived a catastrophe” to the “Quidditch Ace Seeker”, and then to the hero who won the Academy Cup in the first grade, he has one halo after another, even though It was in the potions class of Professor Snape, who hated him the most, he was still the focus of attention of professors and classmates, no matter how much he was mocked by Snape, it was better than those who were treated as transparent people.

However, since the second grade, everything has changed.

A dazzling new star has risen in Slytherin College. He came suddenly and without warning, and he happened to be a student of the same grade as Harry-suddenly the Merlin Champion, and suddenly killed the basilisk. His hero, the author of the best-selling book at once, and he was very handsome, he also blatantly slapped Harry in the face twice in the duel club and the Slytherin common room. The halo on Harry suddenly shattered.

Harry suddenly transformed from a young hero who was highly anticipated to a passerby with little attention. Who can stand this kind of contrast.

Therefore, Hermione could not say anything that would dampen Harry's ambitions at the moment.

She turned her eyes cleverly, and then said, "Harry, you have practiced really well. In my opinion, your chances of winning the championship are not small—" She took out the list she had prepared. Tick ​​off the spells they have learned, "Look, you have learned so many spells, I dare say that many 6th grade students may not know as many spells as you..."

"Come and see," Ron said, standing at the window looking at the ground below, "What is Malfoy doing?"

Harry and Hermione hurriedly walked over to look, only to see Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore standing in the shade of the tree. Crabbe and Gore seemed to be on guard, both of them giggling silly. Malfoy put his hand on his mouth to speak.

"He seems to be using a walkie-talkie." Harry said curiously.

"Impossible," said Hermione. "I told you that that kind of thing doesn't work at Hogwarts. Come on, Harry." She said briskly, turning away from the window and walking into the middle of the room. "We'll come again. Practice some new spells. This time we will learn explosive spells so that you can explode obstacles in the maze, how about?"

"Huh?" Ron's forehead dripped with a cold sweat.

The screen turns to Schelling's side.

Schelling was in a corner of the common room that no one dared to disturb, leafing through the black magic book he inherited from Ella's hut. It is true that black magic is no longer the magic field he wants to attack, but this does not prevent him from deepening his understanding of black magic. The use of, can also enable him to have a better understanding of the black wizard's methods, and be able to know himself and his opponent.

Of course, if you want to do this, you must first make yourself strong enough, otherwise you won't be able to stop it even if you know the enemy's methods.

Schelling's strength is definitely strong enough. In the current world, there may be wizards who can defeat him, but there will definitely not be many; there are definitely no wizards who can crush him on the ground and beat him powerlessly!

During this semester, his main gains were Professor McGonagall’s "The Mystery of Human Transfiguration" and the "Abatel Transfiguration" given to him by Dumbledore, and made him realize the "Conformity Maggot" from it. "S" this trump card trick. Later harvests were Snape’s magic research notes, the Knot family’s "Alchemy Locks", China’s Zhang Family’s "Phantom Clone", Luna’s mother Pandora’s spell notes, Slytherin’s Snake Stone Tablet, and The Fifth Element that Eleanor gave him.

These magic books were completed on the day when he mastered "Phantom Clone" and "Flying Without Vehicles" before his 15th birthday.

In other words, these books have no value for him to continue to study.

Before he obtained a new inheritance, he was idle and idle, and he could only take out the black magic books he had collected in the past to study them one by one. These books were obtained from the secret rooms of Malfoy Manor, the secret rooms of Black House and Ella’s hut, and he had read them roughly before, and had never delved into the contents seriously.

The Malfoy family has "Dark Potion" and "Fallen Creatures"; the Black family has "Cutting-edge Black Magic Revealed" and "Forbidden Transfiguration"; in the Ella Hut, he inherited "Cracking the Secrets in the Shadows" and "Attached Bones". The Curse.

Now what he holds in his hand is the "Curse of" which records all kinds of terrible curses. Names cast the curse from a distance, some steal someone's flesh and hair to cast the curse, and some curse some people's blood.

At this moment, the watch on his right hand suddenly vibrated. He glanced at the surface of the watch, and the hand with the name "Draco Malfoy" started to turn, and finally stopped. Xie Lin showed a happy smile--

The pinpoint of the pinpointed pointer pointed to "conspiracy calculation".

It is estimated that at this moment, Draco has already contacted Rita Skeeter, and is providing material for the next disgusting, arranging Harry's short article.

Schelling got up and left the common room. He quickly walked from the basement to the lobby. In a blink of an eye, he appeared at the gate of the castle. Along the way, several little wizards politely nodded to him, but they didn't. People noticed that in fact, his feet were still about an inch away from the ground, and the feet did not touch the ground from beginning to end.

He is flying!

Schelling's vehicleless flight can already be used as an arm's command, flying silently and at all times, making flying no different from daily walking.

The purpose of this, of course, is not to show off to readers. In this way, in addition to improving the efficiency of his daily walking and movement, and replacing physical consumption with magic power, it also allows him to adapt to the flying posture and way of luck more quickly.

You know, if daily movement is equivalent to flying, his dodge and move skills have to be improved.

【Schelling's own flying secrets-"Walking like flying" is completed! 】

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