The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 19: Shadow of the Devil Dragon

  The other three could no longer take care of Aquila's clone. They stood up to Aquila's attack and tried to take the opportunity to knock Schelling down. Xie Lin had just cast the spell continuously, but he hadn't recovered his anger. He could only activate the protective function of the Supreme Wizard's robe and the night star cloak, dodge while defending.

   But Daphne and Meredith are not idle either. The two girls stunned one of them with a Stunning Charm.

  Morgadun guarded Astoria behind him, so he didn't make a move.

   The only two people left on the other side leaned together in embarrassment. They were the leader and the only woman, and the woman's wand had also been broken.

   The two wizards in the sky also stopped the screams of ghosts crying and howling, and they were probably turned fainted.

   Schelling opened a bottle of mana recovery potion and drank it. While breathing back, he pointed his magic wand carefully at the remaining two enemies.

   After a fight, after seeing the enemy's spellcasting methods and habits, Schelling finally understood where his familiarity came from, and couldn't help but whispered: "It's been a long time, Professor Lockhart."

   The leader seemed to be taken aback, took off the mask that was already full of cracks, and smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, my best student."

  The man's real face is very handsome, it is Guidro Lockhart who has been away from Hogwarts for a year!

   Since the end of the second grade, Lockhart has disappeared from the wizarding world as if the world has evaporated. Xie Lin never saw him again, never heard of his whereabouts again, but never thought he would appear here.

   "Are you a member of the Shadow of the Devil Dragon? Is it for Meredith to enter Hogwarts?" Schelling said coldly.

"Hahaha, I'm so glad you think that," Lockhart smiled exaggeratedly, tears burst out, "But, unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I went to Hogwarts to teach, but it was actually That old **** Dumbledore forced it!"

"Do you think I would be happy to accept this **** job as a Defence Against the Dark Arts class?" Lockhart sarcastically said, "This is a cursed job. Since decades ago, every Defence Against the Dark Arts class has The professors are not allowed to die well, and a few even died. I wrote well. The annual copyright fee alone is enough for me to live luxuriously. I am not a fool. How could I apply for this position?"

   Daphne couldn't help asking: "Why did Dumbledore force you to become a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Lockhart laughed wildly: "Hahaha, that's because I am a liar. My books and my deeds are all fake!" Lockhart's gaze swept across Schelling and his party. Sneered: "It looks like you didn't show the surprise I imagined. You must have guessed it a long time ago, right?"

   Schelling is noncommittal. At this moment, he had the upper hand and was regaining his magic power, and Drlockt continued to finish speaking.

"Those so-called deeds have nothing to do with me," Lockhart's eyes flashed strangely, "I just need to find the whereabouts of these wizards, gain their trust, and ask them how they can do those things. , And then I cast a clever forgetting curse on them so that they will forget about it completely."

"Unfortunately, I found a target once, and when I was about to start, I was caught on the spot by Dumbledore. I begged him to confess my mistake. As a condition of letting me go, I had to go to Hogg for him. Woz taught for a year! I told him that my ability was not enough to teach, but do you know what he said?"

Lockhart’s eyes shot a terrible hatred, "He actually said, it’s not important at all! He told me that there is no need to teach the students anything! I just need to play the role of a harlequin and make myself look like a harlequin. Fame, other dumb guns who don’t know anything... at least they need to behave like this in front of Harry Potter, and successfully arouse his resentment!"

"I got 7 certificates in the OWL exam at any rate. I was able to travel to so many countries and find the powerful wizards living in various places. How could I not even be able to deal with a group of little green fairies? How could I even use a disarming curse? Not coming out!" He seemed to be talking to himself. "He made me a joke completely and completely!"

Schelling now understands it all. No wonder Dumbledore hired Lockhart as a professor of defense against the Dark Arts. It turned out that this was part of his "Harry Development Plan." Lee became disgusted with him, and then he didn't indulge in his existing fame, and quickly grew up.

"Everything I did at Hogwarts was spread by the students throughout the British wizarding world. My fans no longer believed in my books. The publishers closed the door to me. Without income, I became impoverished. I’m downset, I can only live a precarious life by borrowing money. At this time, my master appeared..."

Lockhart's face began to become ugly, "He gave me strength, enough power to avenge me at Hogwarts, in order to repay my master, I am willing to serve him and dedicate my meager strength! Okay! , The recollection is over, Xie Lin, you are my favorite student, I don't want to hurt you, you leave with the two young ladies from Greengrass!"

   Schelling frowned. Is Lockhart mentally abnormal? Obviously, it is his own side who has the upper hand now!

Reminiscent of myself and others being blocked in a remote corner and accurately ambushed by the enemy, an extremely absurd idea flashed through Xie Lin's mind quickly, Xie Lin suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, and shouted: "May, Be careful!"

Schelling turned around, but only saw Mogadon stun the three girls at the same time with three stun curses in an instant, then revealed a wicked sneer, grabbed Meredith in the coma, and a phantom disappeared. at the scene.

   Schelling shot him a very fast smashing curse, but it was blocked by Lockhart's iron armor curse.

   "Hahaha," Lockhart's laugh became more and more crazily, "It's really you, Schelling, can actually push us to this point, even the last hole card..."

  I saw him throw his wand to the female black-clothed man, and an astonishing black air emerged from his body. In the black air, the silhouette of a sheep head with snail horns could be faintly seen...

   The female wizard hid behind Lockhart, summoned two companions who were in a coma with a summoning curse, and then Apparated and disappeared.

   The moment the female wizard disappeared, Lockhart exploded with a bang!

As early as the moment when he saw the black air, Schelling thought of the sacrifice magic of Peter Pettigrew. He no longer cared about the escaped enemy. He quickly drew a Gurunis talisman in the air with his fingers. ——Eihwaz!

Under the crisis of life and death, Schelling poured his whole body of magic into the magic talisman. Ravenclaw's crown and Slytherin's pendant box lifted into the air at the same time, emitting colorful rays of light, and each shot out a beam of light, like a laser beam. The light was linked to Schelling's wand like that, and the wand uttered a brisk cry, and the Guruny talisman suddenly materialized and turned into the phantom of a palace, covering both Schelling and his comatose companions.

   The explosion was so powerful that the nearby woods were razed to the ground.

   But inside the palace phantom, no one was hurt.

   Schelling awakened Gareth, Daphne and Astoria one after another with a revival spell.

   Gareth quickly understood what had happened, understood the seriousness of the matter, and couldn't help but frowned.

   Not far away, they found two men in black who were swept up in the air. Their bodies were blown into the distance by the impact of the explosion. Gareth used an unknown spell on their heads and simply repaired the **** faces-one of them was an offshoot of the Ebo family and the other was directly from the Slahhorn family. Housekeepers, although not important celebrities, also occupy a certain position in their families.

   At this time, the people from the Ministry of Magic Apparated.

   Gareth said that this matter was handed over to him, so that Schelling and the others would return to the camp first.

   Along the way, Xie Lin's face was gloomy and could drip ink, and the hand holding the wand was overstretched, and the blue veins flared all over the back of his hand. He suddenly thought of an important thing, he quickened his pace and hurried back to the camp.

   The first camp area was devastated, with traces of magical destruction everywhere. The house elves of each family are working hard to repair the tent. When the riot broke out, most house elves were ordered to hide in the camp to prevent criminals from taking the opportunity to enter the tent to steal and rob.

   And those thugs in the name of Death Eaters will not attack camps with house elves. After all, having a house elves can almost represent an ancient pure-blooded family. Of course, people still have to evacuate, after all, who knows if there will be a case?

   "Dino!" As soon as he entered the tent, Schelling eagerly called out the house elf's name.

   With a crackle, Dino appeared respectfully in front of the three of them, "Dino is here, may I ask Master, what can I do with Dino?"

   "I know that there is a soul contract between the house elf and the owner. Can you sense Mei's position now?" Xie Lin said quickly.

   Dino closed his eyes and put his hands together, as if he was performing some mysterious magic. After a long while, it shook its head and showed a very confused expression, "I can sense the existence of the master, but I can't sense her position. It seems... as if the soul contract was affected by some kind of force... That's right. , Why didn't the master come back with you?"

"Something happened to May. She was taken away by some mysterious organization, Dino, I need your help now." Xie Lin said anxiously, "Listen, Dino, I know you only obey your master's orders, but May may be in danger. Let's wait one more point, and this danger will be one more point. I need you to take me to Shafik’s old house, can you? Please!"

It stands to reason that without Meredith’s permission, Dino can’t take outsiders to Shafik’s old but Meredith’s whereabouts are unknown at the moment, and Dino tells the hostess and Schelling. He also knows a little about his intimacy, he only hesitated for a few seconds before nodding in agreement.

"You two stay here for the time being, until Uncle Gareth comes back. I'll come as soon as I go!" Schelling confessed to the two girls Daphne and Astoria, and took Dino's hand. It disappeared after a sound.

   Humbledon, a small village forty miles west of London, outside of a forest, a man and an elf suddenly appeared from the void.

   "Is it here, Dino?" Schelling asked.

"Yes, Master Malfoy," Dino's tone was full of doubts. He wandered around a few big pine trees. "The ancestral house is here—" It even went around one of the pine trees with some decorations. Circle, "Strange, why can't I see it?"

   "Cold and Loyalty Curse." Xie Lin said calmly.


"This is a kind of magic that can completely hide a certain location. It belongs to the top level in the shielding magic. Whether it is a tracking mantra, a manifestation mantra, a human trace mantra, or even a trace silk or a forbidden word curse, it cannot be broken. Xie Lin explained, "You know you are in this position, but even if you have put your face on the real door of the ancestral house, you still can't see anything in your eyes."

   "What, then?" Dino looked a little flustered. For him, the safety of the owner is his most important mission.

   Schelling also began to calm down now, Meredith must be rescued, but blindly panic did not help.

   "Let's go." Xie Lin's voice was chilling, "Trust me! No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely save your master."