The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 203: Morgan and May

"Well, I admit, it's not just me, all of us look down on you..." Morgan's eyes fixed on Schelling became hotter, she said softly: "I still want to invite you again, please You join us, this is not just to appease the soul of the host in my body, I really value your ingenuity, because...I really can't bear to kill you here tonight..."

"It's in vain that you are smart, don't you see that we came here tonight with perfect preparation-you don't have any chance..." Morgan stared at Schelling with a pair of beautiful eyes, she said seriously: " I can see that you are a man of affection-in your heart, I'm afraid you are still thinking about this descendant of my blood? But..."

"Why don't you think about it from another angle, she and I are actually the same person—" Morgan's tone became softer, "The principle of blood fusion is not to swallow—I did not swallow her soul, but melted with her. For oneness-so to speak, I am her, she is me, you look at my face again, dare you say that you can't see the shadow of your little girlfriend from this face?"

"So," Morgan said softly, "Why can't you think of me as her?"

"If you remember her, then I will use the name Meredith from now on—" Morgan rarely showed a girlish and shy look, "I can promise you that I will be your most well-behaved and obedient. wife."

When Morgan's shy words came out of her angelic face, there was no half of the contradiction. Although her true age is close to a thousand years, most of the time she sleeps in a half-dead state, not to mention the ritual of blood fusion, she and Meredith’s souls are intertwined and merged. Together, although the overall situation is dominated by her spirituality and personality, she is still inevitably affected by Meredith's personality.

It must be said that in some ways, the effect of the magic of blood fusion is really against the sky.

It is not like the users of the Sage’s Stone, which will usher in the dual aging of the soul and the body. It is no wonder that the six-hundred-year-old Nico Lemay eventually died voluntarily. In a state of no demand, I am afraid that they will make similar decisions, because life has become a confrontation with the boring time, instead of actively having fun in it.

It is also not like the Horcrux, which needs to lose the most core "humanity" in the soul, and transform the body so that people are not like humans, ghosts are not like ghosts, and snakes are not like snakes. In order to adapt his body to the divided soul, Voldemort had undergone countless dangerous dark magic transformations. As a result, his Muggle father had left him the biggest capital—that handsome face was turned into a noseless face. Snake face.

Take a look at Morgan Leffi, the "Dark Queen" who was successfully resurrected through the fusion of blood. Not only can she have the body of a young girl, but also the face of an alluring city.

Schelling looked at Morgan carefully. Just as she said, she left three points of Meredith's silhouette, hair color and figure, and her hair like a black waterfall was mixed with a bunch of scattered brown hair. . She wore a black gold-rimmed, high-necked and low-cut medieval wizard costume, showing mature double forwards and a small, seemingly fragile waist.

Meredith is actually a beauty, but Morgan has got all Meredith’s advantages and corrected all the flaws, just like a pair of sisters with similar outlines, but often due to some deviations, They have become two different faces.

The Morgan Lefé in front of Schelling has the appearance of a girl, coupled with the style of the king, to synthesize a unique style of the Black Witch Queen.

Gu Xielin's pupils stared at Morgan, and finally sighed long.

"Ancient literature records that Morgan Lefé, the Queen of Darkness, was the monarch of Avalon Island in the eleventh century. His mana was very strong, he was shrewd and powerful, and he was a king with great talents in his chest, and belonged to Merlin. The biggest enemy..." Xie Lin said lightly: "When I was very young, I used to fantasize about whether it was you, Merlin, or the four founders of Hogwarts School, how elegant you were in that era— "

"Today I was able to talk face-to-face with you, a legendary historical figure," Xie Lin smiled slightly, "Aside from your magical power, your mind, strategy, and language are indeed the only things I have seen in my life. The most powerful character in the world. It is a lie to say that I have no heart at all, but—"Schelling’s voice was so calm that there was no wave of ripples, "I still choose to refuse—"

"You can call me stubborn, you can call me stupid, but—" Xie Lin said categorically: "I just think—if I bow to you and compromise with you today, then I will no longer be me—"

"Even as you said, I can deceive myself and think of you as Mei-" Schelling's voice trembles unnoticeably, "but if the real Mei knows-she will definitely not forgive Mine! I will never pass this level!"

While finishing this sentence, Schelling pressed his left thumb violently, and all the lines of the wand all over his body suddenly lit up at the same time, and bright golden lights shot out from the wand-in Morgan's eye, which was the closest to Schelling. Inside, Schelling seemed to be holding a dazzling ball of light, and could no longer see the wand. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

In the eyes of the owner of the wand, Xie Lin, as the last layer of camouflage vine veneer fell off, countless golden circular arcs quickly wrapped around Xie Lin’s left arm like a snake, and surged towards Xie Lin’s body. go with. Schelling’s whole person was surrounded by a shining golden arc, and a billowing air wave rose from under his feet, accompanied by a crackling sound when the golden arc burst—

Schelling's complexion and black wizard robes were dyed gold by the electric arc, as if he had just walked out of the myth at this moment.

The smile on Xie Lin's face that used to be like a spring breeze has disappeared, replaced by sharp eyes and solemn expressions.

Unknown neighs faintly sounded in the void, half like a dragon and half like a horse, and some resembled the wailing of the dead, the cry of ghosts, the roar of resentful spirits... Schelling’s moment of exhaustion that was originally broken because of his mind. He returned to his peak state, and seemed to have made more breakthroughs. He climbed steadily with the momentum of breaking the bamboo, rising all the way to the peak level of the magister-almost the same as Dumbledore holding the old magic wand!

"Hiss—" Morgan, Barbarossa, and Voldemort took a breath at the same time. Even though they had experienced many battles and were accustomed to seeing the situation, they also had to be shocked by Schelling's hole cards finally revealed.