The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 97: Target is you

"You just seem to have said something intentionally or unintentionally," Xie Lin said affirmatively: "The reason you decided to let go of that ancestor is that your last humanity reminds you of your sister. Is there another reason? Don’t tell me the gimmick that the power has skyrocketed too much, I wouldn’t believe this when I was three years old."

"Yo," the corners of Almand's mouth raised slightly, "Interesting, what else do you think could be the reason?"

"You don't want to kill the whole family at all!" Xie Lin said categorically: "The Horcrux can only anchor your soul in this world, and it won't make you really come alive."

"I want to reincarnate—" Xie Lin raised his brows and said coldly, "Unless you use the flesh and blood sacrifice ritual in black magic, or the sage stone in alchemy, one of these two can be used to refine The potion to rebuild the body. The former requires the flesh and blood of fathers, servants, and enemies, and may be unwittingly contaminated with the curse of fate, while the latter is a legendary and unforgettable existence. In addition, There is only one method I know of—"

"Blood fusion." Xie Lin continued: "Blood fusion is the only magic known to be able to resurrect the soul perfectly, allowing the spirited soul and the host's body to be completely integrated without repelling magic. The only limitation of this magic is that the attachment and the host must have a blood relationship. This is why you chose the Patriarch's Ring as the Horcrux in the first place, and it is also the reason why you want to let the Malfoy family have blood descendants."

Xie Lin felt a little scalp numb when he heard this. Professor Flitwick was an out-and-out duel champion when he was young, but the temptation of spells made him unwilling to give up easily. He took a deep breath and said: "Okay!" Professor Flitwick did not return him. Instead, he took Schelling to a remote, abandoned classroom. Professor Flitwick graciously asked Schelling to wear all the equipment before starting the duel, but because of this, he witnessed a scene that made him tongue-in-cheek: First, Schelling didn’t rush to put on the night star cloak, and then put on the pull. Winklau’s crown, then put on the boots of fixed wind, then put on the ring of guardian, then took out an anonymous magic book floating in the air in front of him, and finally held the wand in the left and the other in the right. A staff exuding obvious magical fluctuations. "Uh..." Professor Flitwick couldn't help but regret his previous support. Although Schelling is young, his performance on the Goblet of Fire is obvious to all. With so many seemingly extraordinary equipment, one cannot be thanked. Lin Fansha, that would really lose face... However, the words have been said, and now it is too late to say anything.

Armand gently stroked his palms and shook his head, "It's really wonderful. All you guessed are right, so I almost thought you witnessed the whole process..."

"Tsk tusk, that idiot Lucius II, who actually left a baby like you not to be cultivated, chose Draco this trash as the Patriarch. Seriously—" Armand grinned and smiled evilly: "I really want to kill this idiot now!"

"How many years, how many centuries have been... I am like a humble wandering soul, I can only rely on bit by bit to absorb vitality to accumulate the power needed for resurrection..." Almand said bitterly: "Finally, to me With the capital of resurrection, how happy I am when this kid Draco puts on this ring..."

"In the beginning, he was indeed the target of my house. A young body, a strong figure, and a good facial appearance..." Armand smiled and continued: "Plus, as far as I remember from him According to what we understand, although the current Malfoy family is weak, they are also extremely powerful in politics and business. On the contrary, they are the so-called nobles who insisted on intermarrying and maintaining the pure blood. Gunter and Black are all weakened. NS…"

"As long as I regain power in the Malfoy family, with my talent and strength, I will soon make up for the only shortcomings of the Malfoy family. The only problem is—"

"In the past century, as far as I know, there have been at least a few wizards who have stepped into that realm. During the time I woke up from my deep sleep and was in Draco, I felt it vaguely, heaven and earth. There seemed to be some annoying and threatening auras in between, and there was even a touch of familiar feeling in it, hum, it seems that I am more than the old guy who has survived to this world by means! "

"In order to prevent these strong men who might threaten me from noticing my existence, my reincarnation and resurrection can never attract anyone's attention. I must hide from the idiot Lucius II—" Almander Staring at Xie Lin closely, "Of course there is also you clever ghost."

"That idiot Lucius II is okay. After all, I hide in Hogwarts and have no contact with him. On the contrary, you who live nearby day and night are more threatening. I have to say, in you, I see It’s a mentality and scheming that is far beyond your age," Almand said: "It has become a very difficult thing to hide from your sight and resurrect. The most troublesome thing is that my With the attainments of dementing mind, you can't read your thoughts and memories. In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you also showed strong willpower to resist the Imperius Curse—"

"Boy, I have to say, you gave me a big problem!" He sneered, "However, this also gave me a new idea—"

"I have been observing you for a long time..." He licked his lips, his eyes filled with extremely strong desire, "Boy, do you know how enviable your talent is?"

"In your body, I was pleasantly aware that a considerable part of the bloodline power has been awakened...Although it is not as strong and strong as I was before, it is commendable today when the bloodline has withered after a few centuries, not to mention...I In addition to feeling the strong power of chaos that belongs to the wizard, I even vaguely sensed the power of the dragon...what kind of good fortune are you!"

"The power in the bloodline is already so extraordinary, and what shocked me is that the mental power in your god's consciousness is so amazing. When I use the mind of the mind to you, my consciousness is outside your head. It’s like hitting an invisible wall, let alone invading your spirit, I didn’t even see the door of your spirit-this is the realm in the legend, I suspect you may have broken through the spiritual shackles and reached Isn't it a realm of exuding mental power?"

"Your body is still full of strong vitality. This is the true meaning of druid life magic that advocates nature! The size of your magic pool is more than twice that of wizards of the same age, and your magic power is very unusual, very unusual..."

"In October, I noticed that a brand new force suddenly emerged between the heavens and the earth. This is a kind of interaction that can only be felt between wizards who have stepped into that realm. At that time, the first person I suspected was you... Because I saw the lighted Draco, Draco is the destiny constellation corresponding to the Malfoy family, and among the **** of the Malfoy family, only you are the most likely to trigger the change of the constellation!"

"At that time, I thought you were like me, killing someone close to you..." Armand smiled coldly, "I actually still have a feeling of'I am not alone'... But I am in you But I can’t feel even a hint of darkness in his body! Your soul has not fallen! How did you do it? I am more and more interested in you..."

"On the day of the Christmas party, I have to thank Mengluo's chick when it comes to this, she finally let your little fox reveal his card..." Almand's eyes have begun to show greed and desire, "Aha —It's a magic eye! This is incredible, but it is also reasonable. Your birth itself violates Malfoy's law of one-line transmission. In this case, what is so surprising about you being able to awaken the magic eye?"

"It's a pity that you didn't get the family's inheritance of the magic eye-I guess after my'death', the family destroyed all the information about the magic eye. So your magic eye is still in a very superficial application, but Even so, your magic eyes can grow to the point where they can compete with the Grindelwald family's "phantom pupils". What a terrible talent this is!"

"Bloodline, spirit, vitality, magic, talented abilities, and the indescribable realm!" The redness in Almand's eyes became more vivid and scary. The realm and good fortune! And they all appear on your body, what is even more terrifying is that you are not yet 15 years old!"

"In contrast, Draco's body seemed so weak and feeble-and the power of this poor bloodline, this ridiculously weak magic power, UU reading made me even activate the magic eye I can't do it, I can't even show half of my heyday strength!" Almand's breathing began to become rapid, his throat let out a low growl like a beast, and a cruel fierce light reflected in his pupils. Since that day, I haven't been thinking about it for a moment-damn Lucius II! How nice it would be if you were the one who inherited the ring!"

The naked upper body that originally belonged to Draco seemed to be suddenly covered with black snakes. They were actually magic marks engraved on the body by the black energy attached to the body. Schelling could see that the magic marks were a kind of The enchantment magic similar to the magic armor can greatly improve the magic resistance of the body.

Almand's face was bruised and brutal pupils protruding straight out, he yelled in a low voice, "I'm thinking about it, I want to get it by all means, it's always you!"

"As long as you get your body and your good fortune... even if it's your so-called Principal Dumbledore, how afraid!"

In the shadows, only a hideous look remained on the immature face that originally belonged to Draco!


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