The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 111: Genius newcomer

On the fourth day, Xiaomu Pear wants a palace.

Who gave Xiaomu Pear a look at "Biography"!

As a last resort, Wu Yun took the **** to the scene to make parts. Zhou Yu personally assembled and tried to create a ‘Yue Temple Garden’ within today. This is not a small project, pavilions and pavilions plus a main hall, assembly requires a very concentrated spirit.

Finally, decorate some flowers and plants, and a beautiful and huge ‘moon temple garden’ is completed. Xiaomu Pear was happy to kiss the old man, and then he ran around in the Temple of the Moon, and his mood was worthy of full value. This day was finally dry.

The first one to see the Moon Temple is Zhou Wei. Although he has been accustomed to Zhou Yu’s time to make some big things, he was shocked by the grandeur of the Moon Temple. At that time, he asked to put the Moon Temple in the small country, but before Xiaomu Pear was not tired, he still did not move it, and it was not that power to remove it and reload it. In the next day, Wu Yun went to reload, and his name was internship, perfect.

On the fifth day, I wanted a candy house, and I entrusted me to buy a huge amount of candy. I finished it on the sixth day. I watched "Frozen" and wanted a castle of ice, so I made every effort to make a huge ice. Piece,

Please ask the stonemason monkey to make an ice sculpture and put it in a large refrigerator. The little girl is frozen and has a nose and is still unwilling to come out. It is simply playful.

Finally, on the last day of the growth period, it was also the last requirement of Xiaomu Pear: she wanted a stage where she could sing. This high song means that you can hear it in 3 dimensions, not just 2 dimensions.

This problem was originally unsolvable, but Zhou Yu soon remembered an object that had been forgotten for a long time - the theater of the Zero Troupe.

This theater has become a beautiful legend in the eyes of the children of Luhua Village, because they have seen a dreamy puppet show there. The lively fire-breathing dragon is both a childhood shadow and the monster they think is the coolest.

There is a better-written child who writes the night's affairs as an essay. As a result, the teacher thinks that it is rich in imagination, and he has been selected by the primary school students as an example.

Now that the theater has gone to the sky, it has been thrown into the warehouse when moving, and I did not expect it to come in handy at this time.

Using this theater, although the 2nd-dimensional villagers still can't be shaped, the special equipment on the stage allows the sound to be transmitted to the 3rd dimension, which is the stage that Xiaomu Pear needs.

The little wood pear who got the stage was very happy, and he was going to have a graduation talent show on this stage. As a parent, Zhou Yu naturally came to the scene.

Watching the idols in the nearest distance, and the audience is alone, this experience is at the local level, it is a lifetime.

Xiaomu Pear sings "The Kraken". This song has been sung to the north and south of the country with the enthusiasm of "Fruit Pirates". Because the original singer has not shown up yet, it has been called the perfect sound. There are a lot of people singing, but there are only a handful of people who can reach the original level, and the voice of Xiaomu Pear can be among the ranks.

Of course, Zhou Yu is not a musician. He only starts from the standpoint of an ordinary listener, so the evaluation is not counted, not to mention the fact that Dad is in it. Just like the average father attending a daughter's talent show, applause is indispensable, and even the 2nd-dimensional camera ‘truth’ is recorded, and it can be repeated in the future.

The first wooden pagoda was still a little oyster, and the little blush was very cute. After singing, she ran away. This can't be done, how is the face so thin as an idol? It seems that it still needs a lot of tempering. However, it does not matter, and no one else will have the opportunity to see Xiaomu Pear.

After seven days, the growth period ends.

Wood Pear - the perfect idol, the special skills, the change of character, the perfect understanding of the role, can perfectly interpret any role. Yan value 93; singing work 85; dance 88; acting 100; variety 90.

This exaggerated five-dimensional value, poor little thoughts, was killed by Xiaomu Pear. Although it is a pity that there is no attribute of the 'composer' attached to the music soil, but there is a very practical skill, this is the magical skill that many actors dream of.

The perfect score for acting, coupled with the role of Baiji Ji, is not to say that the main direction of Xiaomu Pear is the actor. As for the slightly weaker singing and dancing, it is not a problem, because the score of 85 is already a first-class singer. Careful calculations are completely omnipotent idols.

It is a pity that the vegetables on the small farms have not been harvested until they are planted. Otherwise, they must hold a banquet to celebrate.


Xiaomu Pear just opened the property soon, the starlight city where Xia Wei is located received the news, and the property of Xiaomu Pear suddenly spewed out the herbal tea.

Lying in a slot! Where did you run out of such a newcomer?

"Wenqu! Wenqu! Come and check out this newcomer named Muli, which company belongs to the brokerage company. God bless you must not be Nandou, or else I will mix in the future?"

After a while, half of the old man with a goat beard walked in and said: "Check it out. At present, Pear is still a free man. There is no belonging. The birthplace is... um, Luhua Village?"

Luhua Village? Xia Wei suddenly thought of the strange three-dimensional human being. His village was poor and clear, and it was really surprising to be able to produce such a high-quality talent. However, it does not matter, the near water floor first month, there is Li Wei Nian this card in hand, even if you can not sign the wooden pear, it is not difficult to get a cooperation in the future, it is really a day!

“Hurry and hurry to go to Luhua Village!”

A top talent who doesn't want it? Although Beidou’s funds are difficult, it is not impossible to beat the emotional cards. Called Li Wei Nian, and then took the above song, hurriedly prepared to go to Luhua Village.

There is not a small number of brokerage companies with Xia Wei, so there is no doubt who is the one who signed up for a fortune, and no one has started, and rushed to run, even if it is a good thing. And what is going on in this Luhua Village, a small place that is unknown, how come out of such an exaggerated talent?

There is the first one, maybe there is the second one. Make a good relationship, and later there are opportunities for cooperation.

Therefore, for a time, the flashing white light of the portal of Luhua Village did not stop, and the airship was directly taken by the proximity of the portal. For a time, the horses and horses are like a cluster, and the man in the black suit is everywhere. I don’t know if I am holding a mafia conference here.

The first goal, wood pear!