The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 204: Xiaobao travels

Zhou Yu’s script, watching the drums in the heart of the drums. This program will not be fired. I don’t know if the producers of the show will be able to guarantee that every show they make will be fired. But whether the script of a show is creative or not, is the producer a veteran? Still can be seen.

"The incredible maze of Xiaomu Pear", the first issue of "The Princess of the Confinement", the main line of the story is that the princess of a certain country was captured by the witch and imprisoned in an incredible maze. The king released a recruitment order for the brave, and went to the name to never be Break the maze and rescue the princess.

Very old-fashioned story, but given a fresh idea. There are a total of twelve brave people. They must not only promote the princess in the depths of the maze, but also compete with other brave people for time. Moreover, because some rooms in the labyrinth require two or more people to work together.

Competition and cooperation, trust and betrayal will stage a series of human dramas.

In addition, the setting of room puzzles is also very strange, and all the rooms that Mu has seen have escaped. There are even more games full of intrigues, completely different from the intellectual games played in the City of Magic in the children of the Magic City.

Only by doing this, we can see that this script is a great mind, and it is by no means a sudden start. Mu Hao was very surprised. I thought that Zhou Yu was only behind a top-notch animation team. I didn't expect to have a master of program planning.

How many talents does this guy still have?

Zhou Mu naturally would not admit it, because it was not written by him. He admitted that he was a little shameless, so he vaguely replied: "Well, it was written by a friend of mine. Look. Mu teacher, you are an expert, do you think it is still good?"

It’s still a success, it’s already invulnerable, is it good? The only problem is that the form of animation variety is really unheard of. The likes of animation may not be acceptable. Those who like variety may not become fans. There are too many uncertain factors, and maybe the two will not be pleased at the end.

Because of this uncertainty, Mu Yu gave a suggestion: "Zhou Yu, your book is very good. If I really want to make a project in the amusement park, I think it is a try. In the case of animation, the problem is not the quality of the program, but whether the audience can accept this form. For the sake of insurance, you can find a local reality TV show by cooperating with the provincial TV station, which is relatively easy to succeed. ”

This proposal Zhou Yiju both hands in favor, during the shooting of the reality show, the amusement park's traffic has increased unprecedentedly, the advertising effect is a lever. If Zhou Yu’s play script can be recognized by Muxi, the possibility of success is indeed very high.

However, does Zhou Yu think so?

"That's boring. If you want to do something that others haven't done, even if you fail, you'll be glorious. You don't worry too much, if the animation variety fails, then according to Mr. Mu, it's amazing to change the labyrinth room. And game content."

Sure enough!

The words of the two adults have flashed together, and how the fun-filled Zhou Yu might walk safely. In this state, nothing can change Zhou Yu’s thoughts, and he can only help him on the side.

Zhou Yi reluctantly and out of the studio together with Mu Yu, and constantly asked how to promote this type of program along the way. Although the animation variety is not understood, there are some experiences that can be used in the TV station. Now I have not tried my best to teach Zhou Wei.

Xiaohe Shanglou Xiaobao is the fourth resident in the residential area of ​​the villa. Because it was originally a Buddhist study, he now lives in the ‘Zenyi Mountain Villa’. The overall environment of this villa is a kind of Buddha's meaning, almost no visible presence of electrical appliances, is a good place for painstaking repair.

Zhou Hao used to like it there, but after a period of time, she was grateful. After all, modern people can hardly live without the electrical appliances. That is, Lou Xiaobao can endure this kind of life, which is considered a mountain villa for him.

When Lou Xiaobao stayed, Zen Mountain Villa really became a place of practice. Although there was no **** worshipped by Zhou Yu’s insistence, the incense was still in the morning, and the bells were ringing at 6 o'clock every day after getting up every day.

The so-called morning class is actually the preliminary version of "The Cultivation of Wushu Guidance" arranged by Zhou Yu. I will review the knowledge I have learned every day. Then continue to go to school, meet the words that do not understand, or do not understand the meaning of the party can ask Wu Yun, because Zhou Yu told him that Wu Yun is a master sister.

This is Zhou Yu is lazy. It is not a tutor. He gives Wu Yun to the pottery. Some disciples serve him. This sentence is used by the lazy master. Only when Wu Yun can't understand it, will he go to Zhou Yu to ask for advice, but the actual answer is the old drunkard.

Progress is there, but the old drunk is still not satisfied, because there is really no opportunity in the amusement park to practice, can't always learn theoretical knowledge? I have been looking for Zhou Yu several times. It is rare to have such a good apprentice, and I am naturally very upset.

Zhou Yu was busy with the preparations for the variety show. He was bothered by the old drunkards and went to Zhou Wei for three days.

"Uncle Shu, haven't you contacted the appropriate crew? Xiaobao is not a material for dead reading, he can only gradually absorb it from his work, and he can't learn it in the amusement park."

Zhou Wei was also busy with the variety show, and patted his head to think of this matter, so he went back to the office and asked the secretary. In fact, the crew has already found a good job, and the relationship between Tomu and Yu has found a more famous martial arts guide, so he said that he finally agreed to let Xiaobao follow the class.

More than half a year of shooting time is a bit worrying. It is not afraid that Xiaobao will suffer hard. This kid has had enough suffering from snacks, but he is afraid that he will not be gregarious. After all, he will grow up with a teacher. When I was at the amusement park, I realized that Xiaobao didn't like to communicate with others. Wu Yun and Zhou Yu were more close.

Zhou Yu’s worry Zhou Wei is not in his heart: “Do not worry, it’s not like being a hermit like you. It’s good to have more contact. I have arranged people there, and I will take care of Xiaobao.”

In this way, Xiaobao’s first trip was set.

When he sent Xiaobao away, he still had some disappointment. During this time in the amusement park, I was actually very happy, especially the strange game projects in the amusement park, which always made people forget. Besides, I have just left the master, and now I have to be separated from the ‘sister’s brother. It’s really sad.

"I don't want to come back, crying. After returning from school, there are still places where you can use your brother."

Zhou Yu comforted him, checked Xiao Bao's rucksack, and watched him get on the bus.

On one side, Zhou Wei asked: "The amusement park does not shoot TV dramas. Your animation team does not add people. You let Xiaobao go to learn martial arts guidance, what are you doing back?"

"Then I will be an animation team in an amusement park. When I am not alive, I will let Xiaobao bring the summer camp students to the summer camp. Whether it is a meditation class or a martial arts class, he is very useful."

The 3 dimensional animation team also needs one.