The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 218: Studio established

The list of studios is probably the most ridiculous thing in the year. The two teams behind Zhou Yu are undoubtedly the top figures in animation, especially the recent "Unbelievable Maze of Xiaomu Pear" on the online fire. The production ability is simply admirable.

Therefore, when Zhou Yu intends to formally establish a studio, the industry insiders are looking forward to knowing what kind of talents are behind the scenes to support Zhou Yu.

However, they were disappointed at first. Because all the employees in the studio are recruited, that is to say, the team members did not join in. Perhaps this studio is just doing a little outsourcing work for the team. But even if it is outsourcing work, skills should be needed, so what do you recruit so many immature children to do?

There was no understanding of Zhou Yu’s arrangements, and they got a definitive message, that is, these children were all decided by Zhou Yu. The so-called recorded job search video only looks at a short paragraph, and even many have not decided to read it, as if it is just confirming the appearance, not at all cautious.

What is Zhou Yu doing? If it is such a frivolous person, then what is the favor and absolute loyalty of Beidou and You? There are definitely a few of the olive branches thrown on the Internet, and there are several of them with strong strength, but they have never heard of a successful headhunter.

Can it be said that there are some hidden secrets behind this wonderful list?

However, after all, it is the studio that inherits the name of 衾篆, and it is also the only team that Zhou Yu has shown. Its birth has attracted the attention of many people. However, Zhou Tao of Xiaotaoyuan immediately announced that after the personnel were taken into the village, all the employees of the studio entered the learning state and would not take any work. I hope that the outside world should not be overly disturbed.

Subsequently, the gates of the Shanzhuang District were closed, and there was no way to approach them in formal channels. For half a year of intensive training, according to the positions on the list, it is necessary to see if these children can persist. If someone feels that they don't want to do it, then they will recruit people, and they should not be able to get rid of most of them.

However, there are three reservations for the flash gold did not stay, one is the dubbing ace Xiao Xi, one is the music production master Tan Xiuran, and the other is the martial arts action guide Lou Xiaobao.

Xiao Xi probably needs a little time to wait, after all, it is not suitable for age, although it is also a very good point. And Xiu Xianran has not made a final decision, and is still in a difficult choice. The biggest problem is Lou Xiaobao, and I don’t know if he likes to be a star now, or will he still come back as promised before.

After all, it is an entertainment circle. After a simple person enters, there is no guarantee that he will come back cleanly. The little monk who had ringed the bell in the morning, after seeing the bustling city, couldn’t be moved.

Everything goes with it.

The first time people enter the mountain village will be shocked by the weird villa design, just like the previous Mu Xi, repeatedly proposed to take these strange villas, but they were rejected by Zhou Yu. These children are no exception, they are constantly taking pictures along the way, and then they start to expect to be assigned to which mountain.

The headquarters of the studio is in a mountain village built on the lakeside. The scenery is very good, like a park. It’s also Zhou Yu’s reluctance. Zhou Wei feels that it is ok to build an office building. There is absolutely no need to change such a beautiful mountain village into an office space.

However, Zhou Yu’s decision is too difficult to change.

Jing Ning was entangled. To be honest, he still couldn’t let go of his animated dream. Although he has a lot of fame and can make great animations, it is not his style. He hopes to make an animation called Jingning.

After Xue Xueyan’s return, he explained the situation of Jingning in detail. Although he is only a fledgling little boy, he has a big dream and wants to be an animated director who can lead the trend, instead of completing the above explanation. The robot of the mission.

This dream Zhou Yu is supportive, because he knows that Jingning has this potential, just need to calm down and study hard, and sooner or later it will be able to show its light. Of course, this kind of support is based on the fact that you can see the potential of a person. If it is before, how can you not support a person to fight for a dream?

Jing Ning met once, after all, is the future animation director, the core figure of the entire studio, always have some understanding.

When Jing Ning saw Zhou Yu, he was sure that this person was a otaku like himself. Although there are many legends from outside, it gives people the feeling of a big man, but after actually meeting, there is a kind of incomprehensible kindness, and there will not be so many restraints.

"Jingning, you can rest assured that in the future, the studio will be in charge of you, and you can do your favorite animations. But you should also know that many of these people are newbies, you must bring them all out and act as yourself. Team."

Zhou Yu created the studio, which is to create an animation team that can be known by outsiders. In the future, there may be a game team and a comic team to alleviate the interest of the mysterious team. The other purpose is to cultivate flash gold, increase the vitality of your brain, and learn something you like.

Therefore, there is not much control over this studio. Jingning wants to put on his own brand, which is better. Anyway, it can be cultivated.

"Don't worry about the boss, I will bring them up and become a working team as soon as possible."

Jingning is very confident, because he still doesn't know what Zhou Yu said about the newbie. He thinks that he is a student who has no work experience like him but excels at school. In fact, there are some students who have never even studied in school. The application is just a passion, and then they are inexplicably hired.

By the time Jing Ning discovered this problem, he had no way to get rid of it. He could only continue to bring this team with a feeling of being shackled.

After the dialogue, Jing You also got a lot of strange books from Zhou Yu, according to different positions, corresponding to everyone in the post.

Zhou Yu will not teach in person, and the team or the Beidou team will not appear in the amusement park. This is very straightforward. Everything depends on the students to learn by themselves. Experienced people can help teach, and Jingning, as a manager, needs to supervise and learn, just like the squad leader.

This is a wonderful class. As a squad leader, it will probably be very hard.