The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 294: Two-person dialogue

Although being isolated is definitely not a good thing, you can find some happy places if you are happy. For example, no other brokerage company has released spies and messed up, making the shooting of Blood Moon Fog unusually smooth. . ??

Even the chaos has been too lazy to do it, but I can imagine how strong this determination is.

At the time of shooting, except for some scenes that required spacecraft to fly, Zhou Yu was generally idle, so he chatted with Xia Wei on his side.

Shortly after the cooperation began, Xia Wei once again received an official warning from Star City. The tone strongly indicated that this was the last warning, and even raised the threat of possibly revoking the Xia Wei broker license. This made Xia Wei very sad and determined his determination to leave Star City.

"Old Zhou, you and I are also difficult brothers, I don't know what plans are there after Luhua City? I remember that you are promoting non-expansionism?"

"Well, out of the city of Luhua, I am a blind eye, so many sites are useless."

"That is troublesome. The brokerage company needs the audience to survive. If it does not expand, there will not be enough residents. With the two idols of my family, there are seven idols in the city of Luhua, with the scale of Luhua City. Coupled with the fact that Suzaku’s spectacle is scheduled to hold a concert, it can be maintained daily, but what if you want to add new idols in the future?”

Idols are very popular. The total population of Luhua City can support up to 1o idols, and now 7 have reached the warning line. Unless idols are not planted in the future, their idols may become 'over-the-air idols' because they lose their popularity. Not only has the ability to fall, but it is also possible to touch the ‘self-destructive’ attribute and embark on a path of no return.

This week, Zhou Yu did not think about it.

Although idols are not easy to get, but in the current degree, at most one year may be bursting, and the total population of Luhua City is unchanged, it will be in front of us.

“Then, is there any other way to increase popularity? Recreate a wonder building?”

In the face of Zhou Yu’s doubts, Xia Wei did not think of any way at all. He frowned and turned a few laps in the same place, then said with a slap in his head: “Rely, get used to being a broker, even the simplest one. Everything has been forgotten! Old Zhou, it is OK not to develop land, but you should do it as soon as possible and come up with a TV station!"

I rely on TV station?

Zhou Yuzhen was shocked, can the TV station be built? How does the 2nd TV station operate? I am afraid that the investment will be higher, and it will compete with TV stations such as Starlight and Fall. According to Xia Wei’s previous statement, almost all market shares in the 2nd dimension were occupied by the two, and the others only survived in the cracks. Luhua City has a foot, and there is not too much a victim.

Just listen to Xia Wei and continue to say: "Yes, it is the TV station. It can not only bring extra popularity, but also bring some income, but it is more troublesome to build. The drawings are inevitable, then the license is required, and finally At least one radio wave talent is required to transmit the radio waves."

It is indeed troublesome. The things mentioned in Xia Yukou are not the same, they are absolutely rare items. Moreover, it is possible to build a TV station, which is basically a kingdom or a metropolitan level. It is as difficult to construct as it is.

And after the construction of the Suzaku Wonders, it only takes a little routine maintenance, and a professional maintenance team can do it, but the TV station is different. First of all, you have to have enough programs, as well as a wide variety of talents. Even if you absorb the Xiabu company, there are still many gaps.

Even if all are complete, you must set up a contract with the nearby city to receive the radio waves. The radio wave transmission of the radio wave is limited by distance. If you want to send it farther, you need to buy the electric tower in other cities to buy the land, and you must also station a radio wave person, which is a large expenditure.

Think about it, it might be done, but it can't be done in a year and a half.

However, unless Zhou Yu gives up the policy of non-expansion, building a TV station is the only way out for Luhua City. Now Star City and the Fallen City have isolated the Luhua City. If we follow the road of expansion, it is equivalent to fighting against both sides.

Helpless, Zhou Yu can only retreat to the next: "Don't think about any TV station, too far away. Once Beidou leaves Star City, we don't even have a place to play. For this problem, I want to create a wandering idol guild. These stray idols will become our temporary strength in the future."

This stray idol guild is not a functional building, but Zhou Yu intends to create it by himself, which means everything is new. In the 2nd dimension, there are Star Alliances and Fallen Tribes. Since Luhua City and them are facing each other, they simply create a third force that completely disrupts the rivers and lakes.

For stray idols, it seems that there is an organization to help them find work. However, there is a problem, that is, the Wandering Idol Association created by Luhua City can play the role of introduction work. This requires a large network of information, even if the Flying Knights of the Sky Knights Academy are all sent out, it is probably insufficient.

Therefore, Xia Wei expressed doubts about Zhou Yu’s proposal, although he was very interested in the Wandering Idol.

Zhou Yu continued to open his mind: "If you don't, you don't have to be a guild style at first, just let the wandering idols leave information to each other. When you have a job, recommend each other to form a form of mutual help. When the time is ripe, we will Let's unite together to form a guild."

"Then how do you know that they will not form a guild by themselves? And what is the way to connect with each other? There is a contact method between Stars and City between brokers. The average person is not so convenient."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu took out an object from the warehouse like a treasure, and proudly said: "With this stuff, I am a two-dimensional twist vine!"

Zhou Yu took out a treasure that was recently taken from the treasure house of the Dragon Palace. Its shape is like an eyeball, shining with strange red light. You need to supply 5o of money every day, and then you will spit out 1o blank card. For cards with a size of 2 dimensional business cards, you can use these cards to log in to your own information and then talk to other registrants.

Very convenient communication treasure.

However, it has a disadvantage, that is, it can only spit out 1ooo business cards at most, which means that the guild founded by Zhou Yu is only 1ooo.

This number, say more and say less, is quite awkward.

However, Xia Wei feels that this seems feasible. 8