The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 298: "Magic Heart"

The story of the 2nd dimension is definitely based on the host's mental journey and has been adapted from some literature. Not directly expressed, but there will be various innuendo. However, this mentality of Jingning is really a bit unclear. It is obviously a seedling of love, but the result is a sci-fi horror. Now it can't resonate with the ‘original’ to promote the plot. It’s really a feeling for the novice player’s Zhou Yu’s brain.

Not only the girl's mind, you don't guess, the boy doesn't understand either.

I can't directly ask Jing Ning to ask directly. After all, his secret love has not been said so far, and he has asked him how he failed in this secret love. Some are too rude. In desperation, I can only choose to knock on the side, first find the scriptwriter Hao Yu who has the most words in Jingning.

When I came to the door, I asked directly: "I heard that Jingning has something to eat recently. You are his good friend. Do you know anything?"

Boss Zhou Yu suddenly inspected the studio, but also specifically found an empty room one by one to come in and talk, Hao Hao thought that there is something big to happen. For example, the boss is dissatisfied with the quality of "Pillow Night Talk", ready to come to a big exchange of blood and the like. I was so frightened that I heard such a problem and could not react to it for a while.

"Ah? Well, Ningzi is a bit of a thing, but it's just a small matter, and his work is still no problem."

Hao Hao naturally wants to speak for his friends, but the focus of Zhou Yu’s concern is not here, so insist on letting him make things clear. Helpless Hao Hao can only say that Jing Ning secretly fell in love with a sister in the dubbing group, but the progress seems to be very unsatisfactory, because the two people's character is really far from each other.

If it is just a love affair, how can it become a horror film? Zhou Yu feels that there is still a deeper level of things to mine. Otherwise, this story will not be completed, which is equivalent to the cultivation of this seedling.

"Hey, Ningzi likes Xiaoliu, and everyone understands it almost, or else he will find an excuse to get close to him."

Speaking of this week, the fish is a little blush, because in fact these excuses are all he is looking for, the purpose is to make the growth of love seedlings faster. Therefore, at least part of Jingning is being shackled, but I like this thing is completely certain.

Hearing Hao Hao continued: "The two of them said that they have not come together yet, but they often go out with Xiaoliu and her girlfriends. Ningzi is timid, but Xiaoliu likes something more exciting, for example. Haunted house, roller coaster or something. Every time I come back, Ningzi will lie down for a day."

It turned out that this story is finally connected. I can only say that this is a joke of heaven, but let a coward fall in love with the screaming queen, so that the brain of this coward is now a paste, and it is very good to keep a little self-help, otherwise this story It will become a escape from the madhouse.

"The last time they went to a heartbeat valley, after returning, Ningzi completely stopped eating. It seems to have given up the pursuit. In fact, this is a good thing. They really don't have the same personality. result."

How the two will be in the future, Zhou Yu will not care, he is more concerned about how to complete this story. After all, no one can tell the story of love, let alone his rookie.

Get clues, leave the studio, and come to the Heartbeat Valley.

Heartbeat Valley in the City of Magic, concentrated on some more exciting gameplay, Jingning's love story is here, so it should be able to continue the second half.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the heartbeat valley, I felt that the small black book I held in my hand had a reaction. The more I went forward, the stronger the reaction, as if I was guiding the direction.

After arriving at a place, Xiao Nian suddenly shouted: "Daddy, it is!"

Zhou Yu looked down and saw that the book in his small mind had already been opened. There was a toothpick with a toothpick size floating in the air and wrote the story smoothly. But after writing for a while, the quill pen stopped and did not disappear, making people unable to understand the mind.

It's like a puzzle game without tips, it's quite interesting. However, since the quill has not disappeared, the ‘ink’ required for the story is nearby, and it is slowly found. Continue to sway and use the 2nd eye for the whole process, paying attention to information that may be useful.

Finally, near the bungee table, I found the ‘fragmented cowardly flock.’ I don't know if it's Jingning. After all, there are some timid people screaming from above every day, maybe they are left by others. The ground that broke the ground, I did not expect this sentence to be true, but also slipped.

Trying to put the pieces on the book, the result was that the quill accepted the ‘ink’ and started again. Zhou Yu turned around for a while, and sure enough, he could still find some pieces of the festival. However, it is a pity that the quill only accepts a piece of debris here. After stopping it, it does not eat the pieces again. It seems that another type of debris is needed.

Continue to search, Ghost Gate, Fairy Jump, Rocket Lift, there are about a dozen kinds of rides to find Jingning's section of the festival, all absorbed by the books.

Going here, Zhou Yu is also a sweat, not tired, but was shocked by the degree of the sister. If you engage in so many projects in one breath, even a good person has already tossed into the virtual, let alone Jingning, a famous coward.

It is no wonder that this place will become a place of ruin, and it is probably a very embarrassing sigh of this day. Finally, I realized that the goddess of his heart probably has no way to catch up.

Silence, at least people are still there.

The pieces of the martial arts were pieced together, and the quill finished its mission and disappeared into the air. Then read through, the most critical outcome has not been written.

In this story, the protagonist resumed his brain function while recovering his past memories. The puzzle of why he suffered a car accident gradually opened his veil, including a mysterious conspiracy. However, the last big chapter of the story is still blank.

What do you mean? Could it be said that this story is still an open ending, let the readers guess?

The detective game has not entered the answer, which makes the obsessive-compulsive disorder acceptable? Unfortunately, Zhou Yu took the book to other places, and there was no strange thing happening. Even the previous flashing tips no longer occurred, indicating that the exploration is over.

In desperation, I can only go back to the studio. However, here, the ending of the story has finally continued, and I still hide behind a secret play of Jingning and Xiaoliu.

Jing Ning, who is sadly reminded, has the courage to formally confess to Xiaoliu, but he is really not afraid of death. However, in the face of Jing Ning's true confession, Xiao Liu said that she was very moved, and then silently handed a ‘闺蜜卡’.

"Sorry, I have always been your girlfriend."

Three capitalized tragic words. Hushan Xiaonong said that thank you book friend, I am a reward for Gui 1, Xiaoyi Peach