The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 391: Love ‘Friendly’

Grasping education means running a school, and looking at the current task list, the only thing that can be associated with the school is the love mission of flying birds and silly birds. Judging from the current situation of the two people's interactions, the distance from the cultivation of the fruit is only a step away.

I used to think about letting go of her free show. After all, there is no third party. The two people’s feelings are steadily expanding without any worry. However, the educational resources are extremely scarce now. For the idol college drawings on the stupid bird, only one seedling can be encouraged.

Of course, it’s not directly talking to the stupid bird and the flying bird: "You two have to come to a real family."

Even if the emotional intelligence is low, Zhou Yu knows that this can be pushed but can't be hard, otherwise it may collapse. Therefore, to be a role of a matchmaker, we must first learn to create a romantic atmosphere. This problem requires brainstorming. However, when I look at the important members of Luhua City, Zhou Yu’s heart is a cool one.

Nima, I don't know when it started, the tops of Luhua City are all single dogs!

Those farmer's huts, miners' huts, and fishermen's huts are paired in pairs, but that is ‘arrangement of marriage’ is not counted, and the marriage of the 2nd yuan villagers is also self-solving and has nothing to do with Zhou Yu. The rest, they are all single, and even the black wind village idols of Shangyue are all without a spouse.

This is a bit of a tragedy. Is it true that people are grouped with a polymer?

Shaking his head shook the idea out of his head and started a love battle meeting with a group of bachelors. The theme is very simple, is to try to create a suitable romantic atmosphere for the birds and birds, so that the two can take the final step to complete the **** task.

Although they are all bachelors, but when the matchmaker is rushing, they have put forward their own love proposal. In particular, these little girls, Xiaomu Pear, are involved in the temperament. Zhou Yu didn't know which one was useful. He simply said to the table: "No matter what, if you have a way to make it out, as long as you can promote the stupid bird to really propose to the bird, I can give him a special reward!"

There must be a brave man under the reward, and this thing is also a very interesting thing, so a group of people started the Eight Immortals across the sea.

The stupid bird recently felt that the atmosphere around him was not right.

Since the closure of the city, he has no way to go out to be a treasure hunter. The treasures previously collected are basically taken away by the family of the birds. Although the stupid bird is willing to pay for this, just seeing the treasure chest of the empty house, the treasure hunter's heart is always wow and cool.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, sweeping the remaining adventures in the city of Luhua every day has become one of the daily work of the stupid bird. Since the adventurers outside have no way to come in, all the adventures are solved by the self-produced brave and the treasure hunter.

Birds will occasionally follow, and men and women will not be tired of working together.

However, there will always be a ghostly shadow behind him. The bird's skill is not enough, but the stupid bird is not so flickering. If it is not because he knows that there is a small firefly behind him, he may have already smashed it.

This little girl, sneaking around behind, is trying to dry up?

This adventure is called the Abyss Cave, a 5th-level adventure, and it was preserved because of the production of precious stones. The reason why stupid birds come often is to get a rare gem ‘angel heart’. Use it to re-see the birds once, a ritual that the silly bird thinks should be added to the birds.

However, after a while, the little firefly that had been hiding behind him suddenly came out. The black cloak with the abyss owner was laughing at the abyss. "Ha ha ha, it’s a pretty little girl, I Just missing a Mrs. Zhai, I decided it was you!"

The method of small fireflies is to save the beauty of the old hero. However, what she did not estimate is that although the bird is not a top player, it is not something that ordinary people can afford, especially after blackening.

This export was swayed, and the birds immediately ran away. They did not wait for the heroes of the birds to save the beauty. The ‘the abyss’ owner was almost beaten by the savage birds. The main thing is that the little fireflies don’t dare to move with the birds. The original scripts should not be like this.

"Okay! Don't play! It's not fun at all!"

The small fireflies that had swollen noses and green eyes pulled the yarn down and left the abyss cave. It took a night's effort to smash the full set of equipment of the abyss master. I didn't expect the **** silly bird to understand his own painstaking efforts.

The flying bird also stunned, and did not understand what his little girlfriend was playing. The silly bird is stupid, but at the moment it is a bit clear. The little firefly is creating opportunities for himself.

Just why is it a hero to save the United States? We are all already friends and men, and we are not sure about our relationship. We need this old-fashioned way to increase friendship. The problem now is the lack of a critical opportunity, but the first thing to do is to get the 'Angel Heart', or else the romantic proposal? The city owner of Tuen Mun, the salary that even a good point can not afford to buy.

In the next few days, the stupid bird is now, and the same purpose as the little firefly is constantly appearing around. However, these laymen, not only did not help a little, but added countless troubles to their plans.

Playing an abyss master, the result will always be a variety of strange conditions, just like a group of pig teammates playing **** mode, it is a headache. Obviously, they have absolute strength, but they have all kinds of accidents pretending to fall to the ground, so that the stupid bird has a chance to show it. However, the stupid bird can only rush to save people, and then the counter-offer of the abyss, almost overturned.

Brothers and sisters, know that you are kind, but can you not do this too! ?

Stupid birds can't say anything, they can only use these problems to carry the children to brush the abyss. I don’t know if it’s because of the increase in luck with the teasing ratio, or what’s going on, only the one with one-tenth of the probability, the 'heart of angels’, has been brushed many times and failed to do so, actually in these few It was bursting out in the sky.

It’s really the Emperor’s heart.

Looking at the radiant, beautiful to the fascinating ‘angel heart’, the stupid bird’s heartbeat is very fast. There is both the joy of breaking the best and the tension of the upcoming proposal.

Do not know if the birds are willing or not?

Although the two people's feelings are very strong, but before this most important ceremony, the stupid bird is inevitably cranky, and the original nervous mood is even more magnified. The most important point is that the ‘Friends’ who specialize in playing their own black guns seem to have not stopped.

How promising is the future. 8