The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 404: Killing banquet

The great Emperor Zhou Yu, who actually became the director of the live-action movie, is also a bit exaggerated. And according to the internal news of the amusement park, even the iv of the idol is also his hand. Can a person who is known for his high-handedness really qualified for this role?

Looking at the history of Zhou Yu’s fame, there seems to be nothing to do with it except for the high-handedness. Whether it is animation, games or comics, it is the work of others. He is just an owner. Because those producers are not willing to come forward, these reputations are all added to Zhou Yu, and finally gave birth to a great ag.

However, this film is indeed from the hands of Zhou Yu, because from the live broadcast, it is also possible that Zhou Yu is fully commanded by the director. The director and the filming, all in the middle of the rules, giving the actors the acting guidance is also very appropriate, completely a performance of a veteran director.

The only problem is that the Emperor seems to use only one camera. Is it difficult to make a gorgeous movie in this single-lens movie? After all, from the previews and some of the footage in the shooting, this is a sci-fi comedy popcorn, if the picture is not gorgeous enough, it is difficult to attract people.

Moreover, judging from the consistent quality produced by the Great Emperor, if the quality of the Alien in the amusement park is too bad, it is also a damage to the reputation of the Emperor.

Making this film is not for the sake of real-life reputation, but simply for the desire to reach Xiaomu Pear. So can you earn money, how many people will praise is not the point, as long as Xiaomu pear is happy, everything is worth it. If it wasn't for Zhou Yi who felt that there was a money scene and then had a commercial operation, maybe the film would only be made privately and then released for free in the amusement park.

Therefore, Zhou Yu is completely unconcerned about the results after the release.

Another person who doesn't care is Lou Xiaobao. He is determined to withdraw from the entertainment circle. If it is not because of his brother's request, he will not appear in the movie. Since the brothers don't care if they can sell a seat, he naturally won't worry.

What the netizens are generally worried about is other participants in the amusement park, including the little mice. Today, however, they received an invitation, the banquet for the "Avenida of the amusement park." On the banquet, they will see the full version of the movie for the first time.

As actors, they know the story, but they don't know what the results are. Zhou Yu was responsible for the later part of the movie. It is said that it was handed over to the mysterious animation team. There are some sci-fi scenes in the movie, and the little aliens like Xiaomu Pear need them to make.

However, in fact, Zhou Yu only let Ling Dao move his ‘God's Clip’ skill to make final adjustments to some unnatural images in the movie.

At the banquet, all the crew members were present. The film without a professional actor is really a speechless fact, so it is not unreasonable for netizens to worry about acting. Although there are no acting skills in those small fresh meat movies, there are still some small meats, and Zhou Yu’s movie does not have a celebrity. If there is no acting, the box office will be boring.

Zhou Wei is very worried, for fear that the box office is not good enough to make the amusement park's reputation decline. After all, the idol team is still preparing to start the first shot with it. If the first shot is dumb, the story behind it will be even more bleak.

"Fish, give a truth, can't you do it? If it doesn't work, I will go to the relationship and brush the ticket, at least the data is not ugly."

Looking at Zhou Wei’s fidgety look, Zhou Yu felt a bit happy. Let you rush to commercialize, now know that you are afraid? However, watching this week, Zhou Yu is not funny, said directly: "I don't know how the box office, but the quality of the film is absolutely no problem."

There is no such thing as a box office. Nothing is too much to predict. However, as long as the quality of the film is good, there is no problem in recovering the cost. After all, Zhou Yu’s are all non-professional actors. The scripts and music are all made by themselves. The cost is simply amazing.

When Zhou Yi heard it, he was relieved. As long as the quality of the film is not a problem, even if the box office is bleak, it will be fine. If the small idols are red, they can still recover the cost. Besides, with the appeal of the Emperor itself, the box office number should not be too ugly.

Next, it is a feature film.

Since there are aliens, the sci-fi scene is naturally the most anticipated. To everyone's surprise, the opening of the film is amazing. Is this the film we shot?

The opening scene is the hometown of a small alien, attacked by cosmic pirates. There are shelling and screams everywhere, and it’s realistic to think it’s true. The people involved in the film felt even more heavy, because they saw Zhou Yu in order to make this scene, he once made an urban model of an alien planet, and then took it up and down for a long time.

With this, you can make such a special effect, and it is not a vegetarian.

There is a special effect on the bottom, and everyone's heart will be fixed. Even if you are worse later, you can recover the score by just relying on these. However, next, in the real part, a strong sense of shock jumped out again.

Is this the film we shot?

After numerous innumerable performances, plus the correction of Ling Dao's 'God's Clips', the actor's lack of acting skills was perfectly modified. No matter who looks at it, they will feel that these actors are all old and playful, and each performance is explosive.

To be honest, such realistic acting makes the actors feel confused. Is this what I played? How can I not have any impression?

However, the facts are in front of you. The actors of these 'skills' did indeed support the whole movie, including the little mice, and the bad children he starred in were also vivid, depicting the image of a school bully.

To this end, the little mouse is still being picked up by his little girlfriend while watching, and he said that you are still so bad. The poor little mouse can only explain that it is all 'acting skills', while diligently cutting the fruit, so as not to suffer from the flesh.

The bad boy was finally influenced by the little aliens, bravely stood up and struggled with the pirates of the universe, using the skill of exercising while playing the game, and manipulating the space battleship in the amusement park to make the final confrontation with the pirates. And those adults are still ignorant.

In the end, justice won, and the pirates were left by the head of the amusement park as a 'hard work', washing the dishes in the background. Little aliens and a bunch of little devils waved goodbye.


A very popcorn movie, there is no deep thought, that is, a variety of childlike and amused, showing a Hollywood-style special effects.

However, for the little mice, the significance of this film is extraordinary.