The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 423: Peach blossom

Today, it is probably the most erratic day for the boss.

It is no wonder that the boss is still a lonely man. It is said that his private life is still very clean and he has never heard of any ugly things. Known as the otaku, he and the girl are too close to each other to be very nervous, resulting in acting abnormalities, which is understandable.

Therefore, when Zhou Yu was too close to Mu Jiajia, the result was even awkward, and only a burst of laughter was drawn. Even Mu Jiajia’s boyfriend didn’t think Zhou Yu had a different kind of thinking, because the former scum man should have been driven away by Zhou Yu. If he had any thoughts, Jia Jia lived in the amusement park for so long and was already started.

However, when the boss and the ‘Air Girl II’ play, there will be a red-faced situation, which is a bit strange. What you are facing is just an imaginary actor. Actually, there will be such a classic virgin reaction. Is it a bit too strange?

Is it too deep into the play, or is there another reason?

Everyone doesn't understand that only Zhou Yu knows that it is a matter of how close a woman is worth 9 points or more. It takes a while to get used to this kind of closeness. However, it is also good for Xiaomu Pear. If you change to a female idol that has nothing to do with Zi Yan, it will be even more embarrassing.

In the end, I still relied on the cognition of a ‘father’ in my heart, and finally suppressed the evil thoughts and completed the shooting of this scene.

For a dead house, such an experience can also be remembered for a lifetime.

The prototype of Taohua Village in the movie was finally completed by Zhou Wei. This is the first attraction of the film city plan, and it is naturally very fancy. This Peach Blossom Village is still overturned on the original site of Luhua Village. It has a taste of ancient villages and will be released as an attraction. There are also some folk performances, festivals, etc., which are used to attract tourists. of.

Since it is a peach village, peach trees are indispensable. For this reason, many peach trees have been transplanted here, and only when the flower season arrives, the scenery here is as beautiful as painting.

Of course, the merits of the three craftsmen and the brothers are indispensable. Because there are many villages with peach blossoms, but the peach blossoms and the villages can be combined to this extent, and only these three brothers can do it.

However, this piece of small peach blossom forest, but it attracted the attention of a 2nd person, that is, the forest of the black wind village has no ink.

About Lin Wumo, Zhou Yu’s cognition is a narcissistic guy who likes peach blossoms. Usually, they are all dressed up in costumes. If you have nothing to do, you still shake the fan. The look of the wind makes you want to flatten him. There will be some strange spells, and the combat power is OK.

But others are not very clear.

Because I like this small peach forest, Lin Wumo applied to Zhou Yu and then settled in it. Although a small room suddenly appeared in the forest, Zhou Yu still arranged for him. Finally, according to the design of the carpenter beaver, I chose the largest peach tree and designed a tree house for him to live.

The small tree house on this peach tree is not just as simple as a tree house. The carpenter beaver, who has nothing to do for a long time, has made this small tree house into a layered landscape garden. The real three-step scene is another world.

Zhou Hao was helpless. This big peach tree was borrowed from a thousand miles before it was shipped. It was originally intended to be a selling point for Tao Wangshu, and then get a small temple or something. The peach blossom fairy, showing the lover's travel economy, did not expect that now a transformation, everything has to be redesigned.

"Peach Blossom Fairy? Well, this proposal is not bad. I can give you the true look of the peach blossom fairy. The theme song "Peach Blossom Fairy" of "Peach Blossom Spring" is shot here with mv. I promise to make the peach fairy good. A fire."

Lin, who likes peach blossoms, has no ink, and he dresses up all day and looks like a peach blossom. Since I have given such a huge villa that is beautiful and can't, this kid doesn't want to pay for it if he doesn't pay for it. How can he give me the interest?

On the appearance, Lin Wumo is absolutely idol-level, otherwise it will not become the most popular man on the beach. If you star in mv, you don't need too high acting skills. Let Lin Wumo also go to the underground idol card, and then you can appear.

Zhou Yu, who came here to inspect the shooting environment, is very satisfied with Zhou Yu’s practice. The peach tree after this transformation is actually very tasteful, like a Taoist temple hidden in the mountain forest, occasionally showing a little flying dragonfly, making people think.

Anyway, it has been changed. Just give up the old quaint little temple and directly treat the tree as a place of incense. Let’s study a little bit of things like concentric locks, even branches, and wall-binding walls. many people.

Lin Wu, who lives here alone, has a bitter face.

After the city was sealed, the brokerage work was completely shut down, and Lin Wumo planned to cultivate here for a while. I didn't expect to be pulled up in the end, but I still have to test the underground idol card for the background of mv shooting.

"Boss, I am very skeptical now, you are forced to become a underground idol, and now want to pull everyone down!"

Lin Wumo’s guess is correct, the shame of underground idols, but Zhou Yu has suffered a lot. Although Gui Shu is also unlucky, but Zhou Yu does not feel that it is enough, at least to bring the black wind village and Beidou's agent to the water.

Xia Wei and Shang Yue, the two old slickers, are still very difficult to grasp the handle, and they can only come slowly later. However, Lin Wumo, the kid, has to ask for himself and wants a Taohua Taoist to be repaired. When you fly to the muzzle, don't blame others for not being merciless.

"You can rest assured that I will give you a "Peach Blossom Fairy" photo album, so that you can appear in the little girl's dream day and night."

Zhou Yuxi smiled, who made your kid agree to go to the local idol, and finally found the opportunity to retaliate. Besides, it is just right, the person with the most peach blossom temperament, in addition to Lin Wumo in the entire Luhua City, can no longer find other people.

Lin Wumo smiled back to the Taohua Taoist Temple, packed up things and prepared to go to the Idol College to report.

In the Taohualin, there are two other people hiding in the eye. They are the two brokers, Shangyue and Xia.

"Rely, it is really like this. The old business I said is right, Lao Zhou this kid can be revengeful, and I was so ashamed at the Idol Academy, how could I not retaliate?"

Xia Wei and Zhou Yu cooperated for the longest time, naturally knowing Zhou Yu’s thoughts carefully, and Shang Yue also said with a heart: “Hey, I’m a broker, if I know that I’m going to go down to the local area. Idol, isn't it that people laugh at big teeth?"

"So far, we can only form an alliance, and we have the same blessings!"

"it is good!"

A small alliance was formed in the peach forest.