The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 543: You have no girlfriend

Xiaomu pear and white ink, so they entered the forest hut for cultivation. Before playing **oss, they must first practice leveling, and there is no problem. In addition to paying attention to the essential items appearing in the market every day, Zhou Yu has no other things to do. After all, in the month when the TV festival begins, all TV stations except the half-home tv will stop working.

The half-house tv's bald superman has also arrived after the half-home messenger has returned. It should be said that it is a half-home tv, directly a theater-level sound, cool holographic picture, you can also bring 3d glasses to watch 3d pictures. From the playback content, even if it is only the only interactive TV series, half-home tv is also owned.

Not to mention the quality of the program, the various s-levels are full, and the luxury is a mess. This is the program selected by the local TV stations. It is the only opportunity for global unified viewing. Naturally, it is the best thing to take out. You have to take out a level a.

Although the programs submitted this time are all programs that have been played during the year, in order to increase the effect, all TV stations have added some ‘dl’ to their own works. That is to say, add some content on the basis of the original version to continue the vitality of the work.

The half-home tv also has its own program release, an interactive TV series "Who is the ruler", and an interactive variety show "Wildness Survival". All of them are the most interactive works of the moment, and even the interactive variety shows that are not yet in the city of Luhua have ran out, showing the greatness of the half-home tv.

"Who is the Dominator" This is a magnificent s-class interactive TV series, which is more advanced than all interactive programs produced by Half House. According to its introduction, it can be seen that the reason is that this is a war epic with seven countries, and the audience must choose their own camp when they start, then choose their own career and join this camp.

In the metaphor of the game of power, if you choose the North Stark family, you will watch it from the perspective of Stark’s family. When there are some major problems, the Stark family will ask for your opinion. Thereby changing the whole story. Of course, in the end, if you can sit on the Iron Throne and stay immortal, it depends on whether the audience's own choice is correct. According to half-house tv, these seven countries are likely to be the final winners, as long as they choose the right one.

The real interaction to participate in the TV should be higher than the Aloe City.

Nima also asked who is the master. The name is simply 6. It is clearly saying to the audience: "Come on, look, you are the master of this epic war."

Even Zhou Yu, I am looking forward to this TV series.


With two weeks remaining, the TV festival is about to begin, and Zhou Yu has slowly put down his nervousness. Anyway, all the things that can be done have been done. Now, just wait for the TV festival to open, and then see what kind of awards the family can grab in this feast.

In this way, Zhou Yu rested at home, only to take the people to the half-home city when the TV festival opened. Going to the half-domestic city is definitely going to be in the second dimension, and it takes a long time. In order to avoid the recurrence of the ‘unconsciousness’, people need to arrange it in advance. So Zhou Yu found Zhou Wei, hoping to arrange a holographic studio to come out, this time is even a retreat.

Zhou Wei felt very unbelievable and subconsciously thought that it was a fisherman and a fisherman.

Since the virtual employees, the fisherman has basically not closed again because there is not such a large amount of work. In addition, there are several teams in the upstream park. They have specialized in variety, TV and movies. In addition to helping Zhou Yu shooting, more are hired by TV stations in the field. After all, they are far away. It is impossible to bring enough people.

In this case, Yuzi suddenly raised a retreat, and for a month, this had to make Zhou Yu suspect. And the motives are very obvious. During this time, because the abyss dream holographic game has become a hot topic in the industry, there are constantly reporters running into the interview.

Because the dream is basically improved from the star map of the amusement park, everyone is very curious, whether the development team behind Zhou Yu will raise patent issues for the abyss. These things will not be answered by Zhou Yu, and it is even more impossible to see any reporters. However, people come more and naturally become annoyed.

This is Zhou Yu’s understanding.

"Yu Zi, you haven't opened your mouth, and the abyss is also worried. They want to study in the holographic game hall, but they are afraid that the technicians behind you are angry. You can't see them and tell things clearly. ?"

The abyss has taken a lot of shares to the amusement park, but still can't get an accurate reply. If there are technicians to come out and make things clear, they don't have to worry about it.

"Take them, isn't the dream that has already made the abyss full?" At the amusement park's sale, 3,000 units were swept away, and so many sighs were not bought. Online orders are also increasing. They estimated that they had long since laughed."

Zhou Yu can not care about the things in these shopping malls, even if the abyss is forced to throw downstream parks to develop, he will also support both hands. There is a high-tech company standing in front of him, he just needs to take out some games, and it will be sneak shots like a walk now, it is speechless.

Yes, it is a sneak shot.

Zhou Yu is also speechless. The concept and entity of the holographic game has long been taken out. I don’t know how long it is. Now it’s just the first one to crack it. Is it so boiling? Also watching the amusement park can not help the reporter's effort, Daxie entered the amusement park, in addition to some normal interviews, more targeted at Zhou Yu.

Among them, there are also a variety of paparazzi for Zhou Yu.

To say that the current sneak shot is also a cow, what can be photographed in a very long distance, let alone any drone tactics, and every day you sneak into the villa area, there are countless.

In desperation, Zhou Yu can only order the ‘Air Force’ of the amusement park. A group of pigeons hovered in the sky, and once they found the sneak peek, they were immediately plucked. After playing a few times, Zhou Yu found it quite fun, and in any case, he passed the addiction of the general.

The main reason is that this process is too militarized, especially the Flying Bird Knights, which are no different from the Air Force, and a command headquarters at the Birds Academy.

During this time, almost a dozen drones were shot down every day, but the news about Zhou Yu on the Internet is still endless.

In particular, Zhou Yu does not have a girlfriend, it is the most popular entertainment news.