The Rise of the Cemetery

~: Cemetery Heroes Basic Settings

Character: King Leoric (Skull King)

Identity: The first governor of the cemetery, the commander of the undead, the lord of the cemetery, the king of skeletons

Race: Skeleton

Occupation: Decapitator

Level: Level 22

Strength: 20

Agility: 12

Constitution: 18

Intelligence: 9

Perception: 12

Charm: 10

Special Attacks: Netherfire Crit, Critical Strike, Vampiric Aura, Rebirth, Death Cross, Phantom Cleave, Death Dance

Features: Damage reduction 5 / sharp, immune to cold

Expertise: homeopathic chopping, jumping chopping, three-section chopping, mitre chopping, mastering first attack, mastering heavy weapon combat, violent attack, weapon specializing (giant sword)


Figure: Hillgate

Identity: Planar Lord

Race: Barlow Flame

Level: Level 21

Strength: 18

Agility: 12

Constitution: 20

Intelligence: 17

Perception: 12

Charm: 10

Special Attacks: Incendiary Explosion, Entanglement, Spell-Like Abilities, Summon Demon, Beheaded Sword

Features: Damage reduction 15, dark vision 60 feet, flame body, immunity to electric shock, fire and poison, strong acid, cold resistance 10 spell resistance 28, telepathy 100 feet, true knowing.

Expertise: Homeopathic cleavage, mastery of first strike, mastery of dual-weapon combat, fierce attack, instant spell-like ability (remote control), weapon specialization (long sword)


Figure: Corpse King

Identity: Cemetery Hero

Occupation: Polluter

Level: Level 16

Strength: 14

Agility: 6

Constitution: 17

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 6

Charm: 4

Specialty: Leader of Zombie Undead

Zombie-like undead friendly +10.

Talent: Rapid Regeneration

The decaying power lingering around the body can erode the life energy feedback body of the enemy unit and give it a terrifying rou body regeneration ability.


Decay: The Corpse King causes the enemy hero's body to decay, transforming its 4 points of power into itself, while causing damage to it.

Soul Eater: Active energy is stripped from nearby life targets. Each affected unit takes moderate evil damage to damage / heal an enemy / friendly unit.

Tombstone: Summon a cursed tombstone with unclean power. The tombstone will call a zombie every 15 seconds to attack nearby enemies. Summoning zombies can't be controlled, the attack can reduce the target's movement speed by 7%, and the deceleration effect can be superimposed; if the life of an enemy unit is below a certain value, the zombie attacking him will gain death cravings, increasing the movement speed and attack speed by 50% . After the tombstone was destroyed or disappeared, all the zombies summoned died.

Flesh puppet: The corpse king transforms into a flesh puppet. The flesh puppet can spread the plague in the surrounding area. The closer to the corpse, the stronger the plague. Infected enemy units' movement speed is reduced by 9%. When attacked, they will take additional damage and will not be reduced by magic resistance, but it will not be effective against magic-free units. When an infected hero / non-hero unit dies, its essence will be absorbed by the corpse king and return to life.


Figure: Alsace

Identity: leader of the Knights of the Black Front, founder of the organization of the Cavaliers

Class: Rune Knight

Level: Level 16

Strength: 12

Agility: 9

Physique: 11

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 8

Charm: 11

Specialty: King of Knights

Arthas has an unparalleled ability to summon cavalier undead, and is naturally embraced by them.

Talent: Power of Runes (Blood, Frost, and Evil)

Rune Knights can combine the power of death with the energy of shadow to form their own unique power of runes. Reasonable use of various rune and rune power skills will maximize the output and damage tolerance of the rune knight.


Death Coil: To sacrifice / heal an enemy / friendly unit through death coil as a sacrifice.

Dull Shield: Use dark energy to create a shield to protect friendly units and absorb a certain amount of damage before the shield disappears. After the shield is destroyed, it will return the previously absorbed damage to the enemy units within 500 range. Remove the negative magic effect on the target when casting.

Frostmourne: Arthas uses the legendary sword Frostmourne's extreme cold power to slow down the target (depending on the opponent's resistance) for 2.5 seconds. Any unit attacking the slowed target gains speed for 4.5 seconds. Ignore magic immunity.

Back to Light: When activated, remove the negative magic effect on your body, all the damage you receive during the period will be converted into the power of death to heal the body.

Withering: Corroding the area designated by the Rune Knight, causing continuous shadow damage.

Anti-Magic Shield: The rune knight is surrounded by a layer of anti-magic shield for 5 seconds, absorbs 100% of all magic damage, and is immune to the harmful magic effects imposed on the death knight. The absorbed damage will generate rune energy.

Evil contract: Summon an undead creature controlled by the rune knight and conclude an evil contract with it. 50% of the damage taken by the rune knight is transferred to the contract creature.


Figure: Karthus

Identity: Cemetery Hero

Race: Dragon Lich

Occupation: Funeral

Level: Level 18

Strength: 5

Agility: 4

Constitution: 8

Intelligence: 19

Perception: 16

Charm: 8

Special Attacks: Spit Attack, Necromancer Control, Water / Rotten Water, Crush, Ferocious, Paralyzed Gaze, Paralyzed Touch, Tear, Grab, Spell Casting Ability, Spell-Like Skill, Tail Sweep

Features: Blind sense 60 feet, dark vision 120 feet, immunity to cold, electricity, sleep effects, paralysis, deformation, toughness, sensitive senses, cold resistance, electricity 20 points, undead biological characteristics

Expertise: Spell delay, mastery of mobile power charge, fierce attack, fast breath, tear, deformed breath, grab


Aura of fear (power), mixed with the super fear aura formed by Longwei, save difficulty +3.

Paralyzing the gaze, the staring eyes of the dragon lich can paralyze a victim who has not passed the toughness check within 40 meters. If the check is successful, the character can always be immune to the gaze of the dragon lich. If it fails, it is paralyzed for 7 seconds.

Soul transfer, if the physical form of a dragon lich is destroyed, his soul will return directly to his life box.

Soul curse, an exclusive skill for the funerary rank. All curses issued by the rank owner can touch the soul's origin and cannot be lifted by normal methods.

Transfiguration: When the dragon lich needs close combat, he can be transformed into a ghost dragon of the same order, half-unreal and half-entity. During the transformation, the Dragon Lich can not activate the body skills.