The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 1042: Strong advance

If you want to get close to challenge the power of the Zerg demigod, you must first kill through the dense army of insects.

This is a clear understanding of the leaders of almost every force present.

Therefore, with the strong entrance of the necropolis, the church forces hidden in the distance suddenly blew the trumpet of the march, a church team with a clear banner like a steel knife, rushed into Ahn'Qiraj from behind The army of insects.


Countless bugs!

Densely filled with terrible war bugs from all horizons!

This is the most intuitive impression of every Klein native who rushed into the war. Except for the comrades in arms around him, it was the squirming black figure that occupied all the horizons in front of him.

Thousands of heads, moving forward and succeeding, can we really kill so many bugs?

Although every member of the church team will unconsciously raise such doubts in their hearts, as a religious armament that has undergone battle battles, they still kill the worms with the most courageous attitude.

All of them rushing to the forefront are selected shield swordsmen. Their left hand is a heavy tower shield that is one and a half meters high, and the right hand is a horror sword that ordinary warriors need to grasp with both hands, and they are covered with sacred armor with a thickness of 2 fingers. And what was surging on them was a dense aura of dense layers.

They are naturally rebuilt swordsmen specially trained by the war church. To be honest, only a church organization such as the War Church that fights on a full-time battlefield will cultivate a knight that is as powerful as its defense. If the Church Knights are Mercedes-Benz's steel lions, the big men wrapped in thick iron bumps are the terminators of the foot and street battles.

Despite the support of multiple glorious auras, their physique has been greatly improved to be comparable to that of Warcraft, but the full set of steel armor and heavy shield swords still make their breath clear and audible. Heavy breathing formed a visually visible white mist through the cross-shaped opening on the mask. These heavy swordsmen were arranged in a dense array, moving forward step by step, and quickly collided with the front end of the swarm Come together.

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

Intensive collision muffled sounds one after another across the front line, which was also mixed with the painful humming of human warriors and the abnormal sound of blood spray.

Despite the hard work, the heavy swordsmen actually used their flesh and blood and the heavy tower shield to withstand the terrifying and fierce impact of Ahn'Qiraj War Bugs.

When the first batch of war worms broke their heads in front of the Great Wall of Iron and Steel, the second batch of war worms hit again, then the third batch, the fourth batch ...

The tide-like swarm swarmed the tower shield with a continuous airtight attack. Many warfare insects even collided together, making the frontline battlefield even more chaotic. And more war worms jumped on the body of their companions and jumped from the tower shield into the queue of heavy swordsmen.

The rebuilt swordsman who had been prepared immediately told the war worms with the weapon in his hand, what is the combat skill! What is neat!

The heavily shot tower shield is obviously one of the skills of the heavy swordsman, shield strike!

Almost every war bug shot by the tower shield will be dizzy, confused, and fall into a state of dizziness for a short time, and the next welcome to them is the signature homeopathic slash of the reloaded swordsman.

A well-made double-edged sword is a heavy weapon held in two hands, and only a heavy swordsman can easily hold it with one hand under the blessing of countless holy auras. At this moment, chopping on the black tough tough carapace of Ahn'Qiraj War Insect, like a red knife cutting into butter, looks so smooth and unrestrained.

Where the sword light flashed, the carapace was broken, the limbs were broken, and the smelly purple-red insect blood was splashing everywhere, making people sick!

The battle-trained heavy swordsmen are so uniform, watching them move forward step by step, he exhaled with a shield to pat the war insects in front of him, and then wielded the sword to cut the opponent in two. half. The smooth and stretched movement not only does not bring killing disgust, but is full of hearty artistic beauty.

It is the legendary warrior Francis who has the reputation of being the strongest swordsman in the world in the war church.

Looking at his companions fighting side by side, Francis's chest was full of passion and his arms shouted.

"All for Campas!"

At the next moment, countless roars sounded on the battlefield.

"All for Campas!"



The warrior's blood is so passionate! The **** killings, coupled with the tyranny in the swords and swords, can more and more stimulate the killing heart and fighting intention in the chest.

Along with the continuous sword sword light, the front end of the insect wave broke for a while, the fragments flew, and the blood of the insect splashed, and the black wave was strongly pressed back by the church team.

With this sturdy steel line of defense, various long-range units in the rear can confidently pour their anger towards the tide.

呲 呲 ......


The locust-like crossbow arrows plunged into the swarm with a screaming wind, turning the nematode side of the battlefield into a wheat field, and the poor corpses of hedgehogs were shot everywhere.

The accuracy of the crossbowmen cultivated by the human kingdom is far worse than those of the elves. However, as an essential long-range attacker in the human army, the crossbowmen also have their own advantages, that is, the attack distance is long, and the penetration force is fierce.

The elven **** archer attacks war worms, often by virtue of accurate arrow skills, through the arrows within 50-100 meters, instantly killing the enemy. The human crossbowmen rely on powerful bursting crossbows and special crossbows. Due to the use of mechanical power, the range is more than double that of bows and arrows, and the punching power is even more amazing.

However, compared to the high-efficiency insect killing of elf shooters, human crossbowmen can only be covered with a large area of ​​crossbow arrows to make up for the lack of precision. It is a pity that the crossbowmen troops of 500 people covered the past with only one arrow of rain, killing only a few, and more warfare insects were still filled with arrows and still fighting.

This made the commander of the Crossbow Forces embarrassed.

There is no way to meet a ruthless character such as Ahn'Qiraj War Bugs who doesn't care about physical damage at all. If they can't be killed, they can fight to the last moment of their life exhaustion.

And behind the crossbowmen's troops closely followed by the congregation of the clergy of the major churches.

The priest is actually a very strange combat profession in the church organization. Compared with the weak pastors of the church, the priests are all physically strong, all draped in defensive chain mail, and put on a burqa outside, clutching the scriptures and flail.

In addition to performing various long-range attack magic skills, they can also charge forward like a warrior when necessary, and use their heavy flail or mace to crush the enemy's head.

As the team progressed step by step, the members of the Priesthood held hands in support of the holy scripture, chanting sacred prayers loudly in the mouth, and using good and cheap light bombs to bring them into the sight of the battle. Insect kills.

In addition to killing the enemy, the clergy are actually better at "purification" and "blessing".

With their assistance, those heavy swordsmen who fight on the front line, even if they are stained with extremely corrosive insect blood, will soon be enveloped by a bright white light, which will instantly dispel all negative blessings and bad conditions.

It is precisely because of the existence of the priesthood that the heavy swordsmen at the forefront have become so powerful and lasting!

And the most powerful in the church team is the church knight.

Each of these church knights, which stands above the majestic horses, has an individual combat power of level 10 or higher, and then it is blessed by massive glorious divine magic.

However, the battle in front is just beginning to warm up, and it is far from the stage of white heat, so they are only guarding the side of many bishops and archbishops, as the team moves slowly and quietly.

As for the core combat power of this trip, the Angels and the cardinals with legendary ranks are at the bottom of the team, watching the development of the distant battle. Obviously, they want to choose the most appropriate time to enter the core battlefield.

After all, there is a terrifying zerg demigod and a large group of evil wizards and countless disgusting undead!

For that so-called war mother nest, they have no interest at all. However, if all the evil in front of you can be wiped out once and for all, it is worthwhile to sacrifice the entire team here.

Therefore, such a ridiculous picture appeared in the desolate land that was ravaged by the holy city of elves.

The densely packed Ahn'Qiraj worm swarm occupies every inch of space around the tree of life and lays layers of defensive lines everywhere. In the southwest and northeast corners of the Insect Sea, two powerful forces belonging to different forces were bluntly killed, and they were advancing through the swarm of worms. The goal was directed at the Zerg who was striving to revive the mother nest Demi god.

However, at this moment, the closest to the Zerg demigod is not the cemetery nor the church, but the guild forces and legendary mages who are wrapped in the vast sea of ​​insects.

Wealth, wealth, insurance, or avoid the enemy, and then wait for the opportunity to move?

At this moment, it is such a difficult problem in front of the guild legends and the lich.

If the three parties can abandon their previous suspicions and work together to attack the zerg demigod together, then this abominable invader must be looting today! Moreover, since the guild masters occupied the "most powerful" position in advance, they would definitely get close to Shuiloutai when sharing the war bonus.

However, if the other two forces are surreptitious, and there is any conspiracy in the dark, then their current situation is just two sides.

The more hesitant, the more depressed the mood, and finally the unbearable old demon warlock Desailock rushed out of the mage camp regardless of it, and roared towards the Zerg general who had entered the late stage of the resurrection ceremony.