The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 144: Raiders of the Undead 2

Chapter 0144 Raiders of the Undead Capital 2

La Gong's expressionless, dry and rotten face confronted the hillside of the Misty Peak not far away, where inexplicable fluctuations came out, and the human breath that had just been locked disappeared.

Send? There is such a large range of space interference here, and he dares to carry out space transmission? The surprised and uncertain Rongong turned back and the meteorite had landed.

Even if Elagon's resistance is strong, there is a feeling of tremor at this moment.

There is a house-sized blue fire meteor that fell on a human village ruin 70 miles away from the capital of the dead. The meteorite burst on the ground, and the violent shock wave was mixed with countless fragments of fire meteor. diffusion. All objects above the horizon have undergone severe tests. First, the shock wave swept through, shocked the internal structure, then the dense fire meteor debris shot, hit all the obstacles, and finally it was mixed with The shock waves of rolling dust, gravel and gravel wrapped everything in heaven and earth and threw them to the far horizon.

The undead knights wandering in the wilderness, hills and wilderness south of the capital of the undead instantly fell into bad luck. Without any reliance on them, they had no time to run out of the shock wave range. The height of the meter was thrown hard in a strange corner.

The real killing range of the Doomsday Judgment is 30 miles, but the shock wave that can be formed can reach nearly a hundred miles. Therefore, the undead capital 70 miles away from the explosion center also ushered in a huge amount of dust and gravel and the dead trees, bricks, dead limbs and bone fragments wrapped in the bag. Although the surging air wave is the end of the strong crossbow, it can be slammed on the towering city wall of the undead capital, and it still stirred up a few hundred feet of gray waves. Thrown into the capital of the dead.

The spooky, heavily guarded undead capital became the dust capital and the tattered capital at this moment. This last wave of gray waves is not a magic attack, but a feedback from nature. It has not been completely blocked by a large protective shield that was propped up in advance, so it can only let these tattered debris drift across the city to the undead. Thick gray.

First, a large-scale outbreak of the Bright Word, and then the end of the judgment spread to hundreds of miles of this world. All powerful people within a thousand miles have sensed these two violent fluctuations, and they have followed their own ways in the capital of the dead. Great changes. Especially the hidden point that the ghost specially pointed out last time was hidden outside the restricted area of ​​the undead capital.

Feel the magnificence of the first light magic at close range, although the second half was stopped by the legendary lich, but the pure light power still made the strongman in the hidden point scream.

"Archbishop!" Exclaimed a middle-aged knight wearing a gorgeous golden paladin armor, covered with a white robe, and covered with beards and beards: "The **** of the morning light is on this, this is definitely the eruption of archbishop-level holy power! Why? In addition to us, His Royal Highness sent other teams? "

"Hebril, don't question His Royal Highness, this may be the spontaneous action of other church brothers." An old man dressed up clearly next to the archbishop interrupted the middle-aged knight's babbling, and the firmness in his eyes immediately suppressed The other party's willingness to refute.

But this is definitely the most pure magical power of light, and the power of light is currently only owned by the **** of morning light that he believes in. This ... this ..., the middle-aged knight stopped his cranky thoughts and meditated several times on the bright praises of daily chants, and then the peace was restored again.

He hadn't waited for his words to recover some of the misstatements he had just made, his face changed dramatically, and the shock wave of the Doomsday Trial was coming!

There are a total of 7 of them in this squad. There are Paladins who can fight and resist, Paladins with strong attack power, and Archbishops with strong attack and support. They have been concealed here for 10 days and have been waiting for the final of His Royal Highness. command.

The magic circle that can hide them from being discovered by the undead is a magical spell engraved on a special scroll. It is not known for defense, but can restrain the internal atmosphere from leaking out. Now faced with such a large-scale shock wave, injury is not possible, but how to continue to hide their breath after the magic circle is broken. Here are the believers of the God of Morning Light, who have the pure light power opposite to the negative energy. Without the magic circle, it is more realistic to hope that the undead are blind than they are to be blinded by the undead.

"Attack! Straight through the door of the plane of the capital of the dead, swearing to destroy the source of all evil. Rush ..." The Paladins of Hebril and the archbishop exchanged views, and immediately exchanged opinions, without hesitation, immediately A series of commands were issued. The entire team immediately erupted into a tyrannical momentum, rushed out of the protective cover before the arrival of the shock wave, and the dull head with a determined face rushed into the infinite gray waves.

Since it is about to be discovered sooner or later, it is better to cover the door of the plane to the greatest extent through the cover of this shock wave to complete the mission given by His Royal Highness. As for the air waves and dust in the area, the worst in the team are the Knights of the Shield, which can be ignored.

Two consecutive outbreaks, despite their magnificent scale, as long as they are not in the core area of ​​the spell outbreak, the power contained in them is not enough to threaten the powerful players above the higher order. However, during this sensitive time when strong enemies were waiting, such a powerful **** stick appeared, and the forces of all parties could not gather their hands and feet, and began to have sporadic friction, and eventually evolved into a melee of several major forces.

Multiple battles erupted at the same time, but no matter where they occurred, the arrows pointed directly at the capital of the undead.

At this moment, Li Xun was resting and recuperating in the Undercity, striving to quickly restore his mana with the help of Gu Hai's death. The mana potion has been drunk, but the speed of recovery still does not meet the requirements of the mage, so I have to use this method of instilling great death energy to harden my mana. Even with his own special physique, a serious illness will inevitably occur afterwards.

After Mist Peak gave the Undead United Council two hard moves, Li Xun took all his men to use Hearthstone to teleport back to the Undercity. The first step has been taken, and the next critical step needs to be taken.

Despite mental exhaustion and insufficient mana, Li Xun's excited cheeks were red, his eyes gleaming with gold, and he was breathless. Last year, I could only hide in a remote corner to listen to the total of these legendary powerhouses with the attitude of worship, but now I can show my muscles and knock their sap in the back.

Huh, when your face scolds the street, I do n’t dare, but there is still some courage behind me who spit at your back. Not only there, it is not too small!

This kind of insidiousness that counts the weak as the strong, once successful, Li Xun feels that he has created a miraculous myth.

With his brain full of thoughts, Li Xun does not intend to gather the stability of this anxiety. Anyway, there are more crazy things to be done later, just let yourself indulge for a while!

With the constant influx of dead energy, Li Xun's mana has been filled, and he looked around at the many heroes under his arm and shouted: "Let's go straight to the door of the plane of the capital of the dead, do you have this courage?"

Skeleton kings, butchers, ghosts, ice monsters, demon guards, and hellfires all screamed in the sky, and all kinds of strange monsters resounded through the dark city.


How can there be a sense of failure in the demonic dance!

Li Xun shook his head to get rid of these weird thoughts, and selectively changed the predetermined hero and the next one into the soul space, and changed into the appearance of Angri again, stepping into the newly opened void channel.

When Li Xun appeared in a hidden place north of the capital of the dead, the end of the judgment in the distance had come to an end, and it was the time when all kinds of **** and **** raged on the capital of the dead.

The space interference has gradually disappeared, Li Xun immediately performed the teleportation technique he just learned, and ran to the capital of the undead at the fastest speed.

Half an hour later, Li Xun finally saw the walls of the capital of the dead on the far horizon. After landing on the ground, Li Xun immediately separated a phantom and flew out in front of him quickly. His body became a vampire, mixed with a group of vampires and ghosts he released, and made a chase behind the phantom.

Such a big change immediately attracted the undead knights wandering around the capital of the undead, all coming straight from the distance. But helpless Li Xun this file, all flying agile troops, flying high at nearly a hundred meters high, over them directly approached the city wall.

At this time, not far from the south of the capital of the dead, various powerful spell fluctuations continue to come, and there is a tendency to move closer to this.

Li Xun did not dare to neglect, directing the phantom ahead to dodge left and right, avoiding the dense acid arrows and corrosive arrows on the city wall, rushed into the city, and went straight to the palace according to the instructions on the map. Everywhere in the capital of the undead unceasingly rushed strangely shaped undead, or intercepted, or chased, began to encircle Angri phantom. The pursuit team in Li Xun's hiding place slowed down and made rapid advances to the palace with a roundabout route.

This trick is pretty good when outside, but once close to the center of the city and only 1 mile away from the palace, the guy who came out looking for something appeared.

A necromancer with a corpse-like appearance drilled from somewhere below, and rose into the air to stop the intrusive "own man".

"Who are your subordinates, why are you rushing here? Hurry up and exit here, we will be responsible for that guy!" At this moment, we are fighting everywhere, and the capital of the undead has also experienced a "catastrophe". The wizards were dying, and this mid-level necromancer was launched to scold this group of people who do not understand the rules. Out of negligence, the mid-level Necromancer hurried out of the hidden place without even blessing the shield.

At this point, there is no longer any need to cover up, and Li Xun kills his heart.

The Necromancer's face changed, and he suddenly felt the crisis of pricking the soul, and he was terrified. He hurriedly stretched his hand to his waist, intending to excite his precious shield gem, but it was too late.