The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 202: Yemei Sanmei

Chapter 0202 Exploring Sanmei at Night

Zena reported her work concisely, and she did n’t have her hands idle. The bath towel had stayed at her most proud, voluptuous pair * buttocks, gently circled on it, and toward the soft and slender waist Cruising.

The mage of the true color * wanting to sell * the soul was touched abruptly, thinking momentarily grabbed the central point in the words of the priestess, and the whole mind was freed from the emotion by surprise.

"Fool, you stupid woman. Don't you think there is a problem?"

"Problem? Do you mean the sacrifice to the goddess?" Zena also rolled over in the conspiracy and tricks. After a brief reminder, she realized the problem. The body froze there violently, without the thought of continuing to play, because this involved her life.

"Do you think you can still preside over the sacrifice ceremony to the goddess of spiders in your current state? How much do you respect the goddess of spiders? Or that the goddess of spiders once blessed a believer in spiders controlled by outsiders? Turn your mind around. This is to completely wipe you out by the goddess ’hand, or simply you are the sacrifice offering."

Zena's body was cold, and the temperature of the mist in the bathroom that was hot and sultry just now could not warm her any more. She tried to tighten the bath towel and could not wait to wrap herself tightly. The priestess got into the silk quilt of the bedroom, and no longer dared to show off her style. She eagerly discussed the countermeasure with the mage.

This kind of anatomy like a shredded cocoon made the priestess realize that her situation was not so hopeless. As a believer in spiders, but seduce and pull external forces for your own use, this behavior is not a betrayal. As long as you master the relationship between the main and the secondary, you can even get the award from the spider goddess.

The spider goddess' favorite is conspiracy and betrayal. If Zena was cheated on the altar, the big spider would n’t mind swallowing it and taste her desperate, howling soul. But if she didn't win the bill, the spider goddess would not punish the so-called collusion with outsiders. After all, many drow elves and mothers would lure some foreign aid to strengthen their power.

Therefore, Zena's crisis is not a frontal attack, but a secret calculation behind. As long as she is cautious and does n’t step into someone ’s trap, several of the mothers of Rasmuffel will not shout and kill her on the bright side. After all, the undead envoy entrapped behind her was too arrogant, and there was simply no gripper available. Moreover, the relationship between Zena and the special envoy of the undead also made them illegible, as if they were masters and servants, and not masters and servants.

With Zena's appearance and strength, it is impossible to dominate the relationship with the guy, but the guy is so relieved that the "simple" minded goods can control such a powerful undead team Completely handed it to her. If he needs an ally, there are a lot of people in Rasmusfel who are stronger and stronger than Bizena. Why must he choose her?

love? With this kind of thought, Drow, at this moment, his bones are probably already under the wormhole.

Perhaps the Special Envoy of the Undead wanted this kind of weakness of Zena. These bone racks want to touch the underground world, they want to weaken the strength of this drow city sideways, so Zena is the fulcrum, they are eating away their strength step by step, their goal is the entire drow city.

After thinking that they had mastered the situation, the drows worked together to get rid of the first family hostess, and they began to plot to completely expel the undead from the city of Rasmuffel. Their first step was to clean up this eye-catching * Goods-Zena. They had prayed to the goddess of spiders for the wanton behavior of the undead, but they did not get any response, so they made such a trick to let Zena die.

The two people communicated with each other, and the exchange of consciousness was much faster and more intuitive than language. They quickly sorted out the causes and consequences of the development of the situation, so the countermeasures were immediately released.

Go out.

Find a reason to go out and let them design a deeper stratagem, but they can't find anyone, then look at what they can do. As a foreign hero, Zena has been traveling outside the system for a long time. In the past, because the Undercity was not stable, she needed a ground snake to take care of it. Now, leaving her alone is a bit like a river and a bridge.

As long as Zena can maintain basic loyalty, she can also be used as a half-hero. The minimum military rank and merit system also apply to her. After staying outside for too long, there is not much profit. Once returning, I found that the natives of the Undead have become the bosses of her boss. How can it be worthy of her and her for a year and a half.

At present, the scenes spread by the cemetery are getting bigger and bigger, but the appearance and growth of heroes cannot fill many blanks. Such foreign heroes should also be useful. At least, if the overseas enclave is completed, you need a hero to guard. The elite heroes under their own need to grow quickly. They can only grievance these foreign heroes. Then, they need to lean more towards them in policy to compensate.

Let her return to the cemetery under the pretext of going out! Some things she should know, she also needs to know. Of course, those things like "warm beds", "near water towers" and so on, Li Xun absolutely never thought about it, yes, absolutely never thought about it.

After setting the date of the return with Zena, Li Xun's consciousness returned to his body, but after a brief buffer, he touched another soul node.


The night was low and the stars were a little bit.

Riding the tiger head shark Mercedes-Benz in the vast sea under the moonlight, carrying a slightly fishy sea breeze blowing head on, bringing a unique and fresh experience to the nun.

The tiger shark under the seat only showed a back ridge, the streamlined body broke through the cool sea water, and galloped in the vast ocean. The scattered water splashes occasionally splashed on the nun's face. At the moment, the only female body covered her body in black armor, and her fair-skinned arms and calves were exposed. The soft slender feet were soaked directly in the sea water, which intuitively felt the agitation of the water flow during the rapid glide.

After breaking up at the port of Ancona, the nun followed the Naga Siren guard of the Armagil family to the selected island. Master Hermes was certainly not able to do this kind of **** work, so the two Kraken guards walked with the nymph both day and night. Every half day, they will find a secluded island to let the nymph simply rest for an hour, and they will go to the nearby deep sea somewhere to change the tiger shark car.

The nymph started to draw a chart along the road to surprise the owner, but she was completely desperate just one day after she came out. The sea is simply too vast and too vast. Most of the time in the day is to travel through the endless sea water, so you want to find a reference object to determine the location, and you do n’t know what direction and location the sea clan in front of the dull leader leads.

The rest islands along the way are not all deserted islands. Many of them are full of mountains and deep valleys. The forest is lush, and you can still hear the roar of fierce beasts on the island. Many coastal areas of the island can find wooden houses, warehouses and simple docks arranged by the Hai people. Deep forests on the island can also see a little of the lights at night, as if they are some hidden campsites. For such islands, the two Kraken guards usually leave one to accompany the nymph, and the other to go to the sea to change the car, which has increasingly aroused the nymph's curiosity.

Although she was determined to find a chance to explore, the guardian of the siren guard who was able to accompany her was very tightly guarded, and she was almost inseparable, so that she could not find a chance to break up. Besides, the overseas enclave requested by the master has not yet been obtained. At this time, if something is disturbed, it will be exposed by someone ... The girl nudged her lips and had to stop. This mysterious thing is still left to the master to care about!

It has been out for 2 days, and the master has returned to the Undercity! Don't know what he is doing now?

When she arrived at a small island resting halfway, when she was sitting quietly on a sharp reef on the seashore, she was stunned, and a familiar wave of consciousness emerged around her body.

The innocent girl burst into a smile.

Li Xun's consciousness just connected to the nymph, and "heard" the surging sound of the waves, a slight sea breeze blowing on his face, a little splash of water, occasionally one or two drops fell in his mouth, salty Astringent is almost bitter. For a time, Li Xun forgot to speak, silently accompanied the nymph feeling the charm of the sea.

Half an hour later, the returning sea monster guard shouted far away, the girl stood up and stepped on the soft sea sand, and Li Xun quietly retreated.

In real life, have you ignored anything?

After consciousness returned to the ontology, Li Xun sat on the throne of white bones and gently stroked the armrests made of white bones. This touch was so clear and so real, once again reminding him of the reality of the world in front of him. The excitement this evening is great! The desire in the middle of the night and the love in the middle of the night made him involuntarily miss Silis's smile and wanted to hear her voice.

Ami tofu, come and take my heart, I ca n’t hold it anymore!

Li Xun, the immortal Xiaoqiang, quickly explored the consciousness again, and touched it towards the soul he had missed.


The night is sultry.

Two rounds of bright moon like a disk hang above the sky dome, reflecting the earth without sleep.

Hillis quietly leaned beside the stone window, allowing the cold moonlight to hug herself tightly into her arms. Today is the birthday of the father. At this moment in the past years, perhaps the lamp walls are shining brightly, or the fireworks are celebrated all over the country. It is always so noisy and hustle and bustle. I hide in a quiet attic and look forward to this The hustle and bustle passed early. But at this cold time, she was full of deep regret.

Today, no one remembers what a special day this is! Today this year, the people who have cheered and ran in the streets have become the walking dead driven by the Necromancer, and they will never look up to admire this beautiful scenery!

As for myself, I lived in a canary-like cage in exile.

Brother, how are you there? Supporting a dilapidated home independently, the last glory of the family is difficult to maintain in the dish of the Duke of the Daggers of the Soldiers. The name of the Bremira family may gradually disappear in people's memories, but only if there is another person with the blood of the Bremira family, this glory will never fall. Hold on, brother, Xini bless you here!

Fluttering, a red-billed black crow flew down the window sill and paced gracefully to Chillis twice.

"Crow's mouth, come here!" Hillis slowly lifted the clever guy, the metal body made her feel a little heavy: "Crow's mouth, what do you say he is doing now? Will he miss me?"

The crow's mouth tilted his head, and he didn't know how to comfort a lonely girl. He could only continue to "coo".

Xu was the moment when the goddess of luck came, a familiar wave of consciousness rippled in the void, and Li Xun came.

"I miss you!" Li Xun only said this after entering the mind of Xi Lisi.

"Look at the moon with me!" Hillis only responded.

So, vaguely, two immature souls nestled together, looking up at the bright moonlight, and the body and mind were quiet.