The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 242: Blood Demon Battle

Chapter 0242 Battle of Blood Demon

Deeply stretching a lazy waist, Li Xun yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. The first thing he saw was Xi Lisi's smile.

"Are you awake? Come and eat! I made it myself." Hillis gritted her teeth with a clear emphasis on the last point, her face full of expectation and anxiety.

With a laugh, Li Xun came to the campfire in a few steps, took the spoon from Hillis, and scooped it deeply in the pot. Looking at the colorful and complete hodgepodge in the spoon, Li Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"The clever Master Xilis will not think that bringing all the good things together is good food!" Li Xun murmured secretly. In his cognition, most beautiful women cook will go to two extremes, either delicious or dying.

Forget it, now is not the time to consider this, Xi Lisi looked at herself with expectation!

Li Xun took a sip gently under the deep attention of Xi Lisi. Well, the taste is really good, actually Li Xun aftertaste the beautiful feeling of chicken thigh salad burger. But does Klein Continental have chicken thigh salad burgers? of course not.

Thank you all-powerful magic!


In the middle of the dark area, the ruins of the underground of Kazan Moyes.

The gore walked quietly in the darkness.

His gaze glanced in the silent darkness and fell into the distance. The twisted cliff edge, rock peaks and stalactites are staggered there, and some miserable and blurry light sources ooze out from their strangely shaped shadows, as if the **** teeth of the devil. Listening with your ears, a rumbling noise came out from below the ground. The subtle mist and constant eruption are filled with small rift valleys, reflecting the magical light emitted by the moss fungus and other rock walls, forming a strange illusion.

This is an ugly and terrifying world, but there are also some amazing unique landscapes, but just to see the wonders of this scene, you need to sharpen your teeth first, because unexpected crises may be hidden anywhere here.

But for Gorefiend, this problem does not exist, because he is a natural hunter. Dare to treat him as a prey, really need a good stomach.

The slender protruding front kiss of the blood demon exposed fangs, and his nose flapped gently, which was a sign of his excitement. The unique darkness of the underground world isolates him from the surrounding "people", but instead creates the most powerful hunting environment.

The temperature that can be manipulated at will makes those who love to use infrared visual detection become blind, and often ignores him as stone cones, horn rocks and large barrel mushrooms everywhere on the ground. As long as any creature enters the blood demon within 100 meters, he can feel the existence of blood vaguely. If the distance is reduced to within 30 meters, he can even temporarily control the blood flow of the other party. As for the close-range 5 meters, his adversary has the best spell protection, otherwise he will have to try the peculiar feeling of boiling blood and bursting heart.

At the corner of the stone wall in front, there was a sharp blade impact, an angry growl, and a special crossbow machine bracket. And the sound of blood splatters. Only a few short fingers, all the sounds subsided, and only the thick and **** blood lingered in the deep and silent underground passage.

The blood demon stopped.

There were only 3 attackers, but they were very experienced in killing the 5 left guys. Judging from its rhythm, it should be 2 assassins and 1 warrior. Such an elite combination seems to be the squad of "Kuroshio" sent to block the passage.

Of course, their unintentional actions also interrupted the rhythm of the blood demon hunting, allowing him to change the hunting target from the five people in the side to the other three. For Gorefiends, there is no such thing as a "teammate." Anyone who appears around him in the dark can be hunted. The difference is only in order.

The blood demon gently pedaled the ground, jumped and hung on the stone wall, and the sharp claws silently plunged into the hard rock. The close-fitting soft white robe fluttered against the wind, but no sound came out, nor reflected any light in the deep darkness.

Like a flexible predator, the blood demon ran quickly on the stone wall, and even hung upside down on the top of the channel near the corner. The blood of the five dead has gradually cooled, but the humanoid figures of the three attackers made up of countless subtle blood streams are still there.

When the blood demon moved from the top of the cave to the tops of the three male drows, they had just completed the body search. When the last assassin had just stood up from the ground, a dangerous instinct made him suddenly look up to the top of the cave.

Somehow, a bizarre creature was already hanging on the top wall of the passage, staring at him with crimson eyes. This is a wolf-like creature. No. Strictly speaking, it only has a head like a wolf. The long and pointed front kiss obviously has a different lethality, and the limbs are at least twice as long as the ordinary wolf. The wide and sturdy front body under the robe and the smooth lower body show excellent flexibility. The sole of its foot seems to have an invisible magnet, which can actually be hung on the smooth top wall, and its head is twisted 180 degrees, just watching the Drow assassin.

When the assassin looked up and saw it, it had exerted force on its hind feet and swooped down from the top wall. A pair of disproportionately sharp claws grabbed his head and face with a sharp wind!

The dagger that the assassin hurriedly blocked could not withstand such a swift slam, the thin body tightly wrapped under the thick gray cloth cloak made a burst of arm bones, and the whole person was hit by a huge force and hit the stone wall beside, blood The splashing sound came out of the darkness.

The other two drows reacted almost at the same time as the blood demon slammed, but the companions lost most of their fighting power without even blocking the other's blow, which made them irritated and dull. Bent down and rushed up.

The drow warrior with the long sword shook his wrist, and the dull blade thrust from the back to the blood demon that bounced in the air. When there was a muffled noise, the blood demon twisted miraculously in the air, and the flipped claws collided hard with the long sword, and the confrontation between them even rubbed out a dazzling spark.

The blood demon howled, a tumble in the air, popped back strangely, and then landed on all fours and landed firmly on the ground. Its posture is very strange, its body is almost lying on the ground, and its eyes are fixed on the drow warrior. In this position, it may burst at any time and launch a fierce attack again.

This couldn't help making the drow warriors feel tight.

The sneak attacker had no weapons, and his long sword collided with a blade that was ejected from the opponent's forelimb. The opponent's strength, agility, flexibility of the limbs and toughness of the body are far beyond the height that ordinary underground creatures can reach. When did such a powerful predator appear near here?

However, the cloth robe on the other party showed that he was not a wandering beast, but a creature with wisdom. From the appearance, it should be a common jackal underground, but the other party's abnormal physical quality is obviously different from this race known as insidious and cunning.

Strong physical strength combined with flexible and quick limbs will not make Drow afraid of anything. Because there are too many such creatures in the underground world, they already have a stable coping method, but the two together, appearing on the same creature, it is a bit unsolvable. At least the level 7 of the drow warrior in front of him is not enough to deal with this powerful creature that is cruel and cunning.

Although he is also a warrior, it can be limited to Drow's physique, and he is also a sensitive warrior biased towards speed. This is also a common problem of the drow race, lacking solid and reliable meat shields, and relying too much on the sturdy subordinate slave race.

The battle continues, and time will not stop so Zall slowly considers a detailed combat plan. The blood demon lurched slightly, and suddenly bounced like an arrow. The volley went straight to the drow warrior and took the lead in initiating the second wave of battle.


A low hand crossbow bowed.

From the shadow on the side of the drow warrior, a crossbow arrow flew out quickly, taking advantage of the blood demon's chance to dodge in the air, shooting straight at his chest. With the superb fighting skills of the drow assassin, he could have directly shot the enemy's throat, but he witnessed the opponent's flexible body movements. He felt that shooting a chest with a large force was more safe.

A trace of taunt flashed in the blood demon's eyes. The undecreased cast did not make any unnecessary moves to avoid dodge. The nearly 3 feet long sharp claws were inserted into the chest and abdomen of the drow warrior.

Puffing softly, the black crossbow arrows straight into the blood demon's chest.

Even if he had strained his solid muscles vigorously, and even had a stratum corneum resembling scales, he still could not stop the special gold-plated crossbow arrows from passing through. A hole with the thickness of a finger appeared on the blood demon's chest. A muffling body curled up. The aggressive attack was completely absent. The body flying in the air was helpless and hit the drow warrior who was alert.

The drow warrior suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, watching his arms waving wildly, as if he wanted to catch something to stop the blood demon sliding to the end of death. The sword in his hand quickly drew a "Z" in the air, from the blood demon The neck, abdomen and ankles were wiped off, and then he turned back slightly to give way to his body.

But at the moment when the two passed each other, the blood demon had no power to drop the claws of his weak subtle movements, and then touched the drow warrior, before he hit the stone plate under his feet. The hard granite slab was hit by a blood demon's body into a shallow pit, and the crack spread for several meters. The blood demon whimpered a few times, struggling to get up from the shallow pit, but fell back weakly, and the dark blood slowly spread out under him.