The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 268: Respective worries

Undead world, Stratholme City.

Brand new city, brand new area, but familiar architecture, familiar mission hall, all these give strange feelings to the undead mercenaries who have just arrived here.

When they found the mission iron man again on the familiar high platform in the mission hall, every undead rushed straight into the sky, and they had to replace the merits accumulated during this time with their favorite objects. But before they were put into action, a low, hoarse voice sounded behind him suddenly.

"You guys, please wait a moment! I have a word to talk to everyone!"

The undead stopped their actions, and turned around to stare quietly at the increasingly stable green-haired zombie Moros.

"This is a new cemetery city, and it is also our new beginning! Everyone was very productive some time ago, and now we are also planning to replace the invisible and intangible merit points with visible and invisible soldiers, Treasure. Is this right? Of course it is! This is the hard work of your time and you deserve it. But I want to persuade everyone to look at the new task given by the task iron man first, and then think about yourself Plan! "

The Moros language's long-focused words inspired the deaths to be cautious, and they all connected the task iron man on the high platform with doubt, and began to view the task list given by the new city Stratholme.

Everything is generally the same as the place of sleep, the only difference is that each task will be given a minimum rank limit. The starting point for many small and medium-sized logging missions is a lieutenant or captain, and even some low-level missions such as basic reconnaissance and resource collection have the rank requirements of sergeant or warrant officer. This made many undead souls who had never been in the military rank immediately moody.

There are indeed a lot of merit points this time, but if they are replaced by the high-level soldiers in the cemetery they are looking forward to, they will not be able to move in this new city in the future. Is it possible to take these powerful soldiers back to sleep to do the task? However, there are fewer and fewer wild undeads near the sleeping place, and the task of having oil and water is correspondingly reduced. Is it necessary to take the dead to search the land to find resources?

The undead were at a loss for a while.

Moros laughed and said: "Everyone is very rich in their hands now, why not promote the rank to warrant officer or lieutenant. When the commander of the Skeleton King announced the end of the fortification mission, the participants will be upgraded to the first rank, then most of the time The mission needs can be met. In this new city, are you still afraid of mixing up? "

Once someone made a point, the minds of the undead immediately rejuvenated, and one after another the comments were analyzed. Pinch fingers to calculate the cost of promotion to the rank, and the rest is still able to gather some powerful cemetery soldiers. Although it has shrunk, is it?

If the undead mercenaries want to obtain a rank of lieutenant, they need to invest 3870 points of merit. Because the rank is not allowed to be promoted beyond the ranks, only the level of merit can be invested to upgrade, so this is a basic requirement.

Of course, if you want to obtain a rank of Warrant Officer, you only need 1870 points, but in case your future team undertakes a medium-sized expedition task, shouldn't you be excluded from the task assignment. So listening to Moros, now raising the rank to lieutenant, and then waiting for the unified promotion of the fortification mission, that is really unimpeded.

For a time, the ideas of the undead were determined, and they took out their identity plates and began to upgrade their personal ranks.

At this moment, in the Master Tower of Stratholme, the Skeleton King and Arthas were inspected in the mission hall through the magic water mirror.

"This Moros is really good. You can talk to him in detail! And he has enough prestige among the indigenous dead. It is appropriate to do this!" Arthas comforted the Skeleton King with a smile, to be honest, just now The moment is indeed the most tense moment for Skeleton King.

Skeleton King ’s hollow eyes jumped indefinitely, and his low voice also revealed a fear: "Yes! I really did n’t expect that these indigenous undead were so hard, they just took so many mission targets from the regular army. If you do n’t guide them to spend their merits on military ranks, I am afraid that the high-level arms of the cemetery we brought can be sold out by them instantly. At that time, we will become short heroes! "

"This is an indispensable break-in during the pioneering period! Now Stratholme has started to operate, and the abyss can also be self-sufficient. We will only get better and better here, and your burden will not be so heavy!"

"I hope!" Skeleton King's tone is not so sure: "Master's footsteps are getting faster and faster, and our footsteps must also keep up. We can't relax at any time! Oro has already set out to check the enemy's situation, your mission It is to eat off the hard bones near Stratholme and prepare for the later attack on the zombie lord! "

"Well, I'm going!" Arthas hammered his chest with an iron glove's right hand, and the armoured clank turned and walked out of the mage tower. A moment later, a thunderous horseshoe sounded, and Arthas rushed out of Stratholme with a whirlwind of the Ebon Knights.


The 43rd floor of the bottomless abyss.

Lights and shadows change in the dark red sky. From time to time, a meteor with a long tail will break through the clouds, whistling down with a sharp howling sound, and smashing it on the ground.

Therefore, there is a certain risk of directly sleeping in the wild in the bottomless abyss. It is very likely that the bad luck will die from this accident without any signs in sleep.

But since the dark sky of the chaotic land stretched out, there has never been such an inexplicable fire meteor in the nearby sky. For such a miraculous phenomenon, the devil sorcerer has no leisure to study the root causes.

Since the owner said that there will be a period of safe development, there are two layers of meaning in this sentence.

The first layer is of course the guy who has the greatest threat to the cemetery family is temporarily solved by the owner, so that he can win this excellent period of development.

The second layer of course means that the cemetery is still covered by huge shadows. If the chaotic land cannot be developed vigorously during this time, the most likely ending is ...

How can the chaotic land develop quickly?

The demon sorcerer sees how the development of the dormant land of the undead world has been seen from the beginning to the end. I want to copy that pattern here, but don't even think about it! Everything in the cemetery family is tailor-made for the undead. For those struggling souls who are sinking in the undead world, they are not hesitant to a redemption, so it is easy to gather them and the unruly mind, twist them Ba together, working hard for a redeemed dream.

But in the abyss, this is the world of demons.

This is an endless, suffocating place of terror.

This is a place where the environment is extremely harsh and life is extremely dangerous.

This is a place where there is no morality and ethics, and it never stops.

This is an evil place where there is no friendship, love, love, only betrayal, killing, destruction.

The bottomless abyss is a collection of all ugliness, evil and chaos through infinite levels and countless changes. With the innumerable levels spiraling down, it is due to the brutal extreme.

So here, confusion is the eternal theme.

Without understanding and grasping this essence, one cannot survive in the abyss. The dark red sky and dark red ground of the abyss world can be said to be a reflection of the plane, or it can be said to be rendered by the blood of countless losers.

Here only violence can restrain violence, and demons only believe in violence!

If you want to win over some demons here, it is almost impossible. The cemetery city has also been built, and the demons have also killed a lot. What may be called subduing are some small timid demons. They also need to be housed in the original demon castle. As for the higher-level demon, once they see the Cemetery Legion, even if it is a hundred, they dare to launch a charge that is not afraid of death. So when the cemetery army went out to clear the demons entrenched everywhere, as long as the demons were not dead, the war would not stop.

Headache, really a headache!

Can't conquer the local indigenous people, can they only rely on the arms produced by the cemetery?

The undead world is in the stage of large-scale development, where the military strength itself is very tight, and it is unlikely that it will be deployed to support the chaotic land. However, the reinforcements mainly based on vampires mentioned by the host some time ago were temporarily dropped into the underground world of the Klein mainland. Replenishment of troops.

If the troops are coming, what about the mercenaries?

There is also a mission hall built in the chaotic land, and the mission iron man here is also divided into secondary intelligent iron men, coping with general task assignment and merit statistics is not a problem. But there are no local indigenous people here, or should they be tempted from the undead world?

In the past few days, this idea has been hovering in the mind of the devil wizard. The chaotic land lacks vitality and needs to be revitalized urgently, which requires a large number of available talents. If it cannot be found locally, it can only help the outside world.

What methods can be used to seduce them?

The possibility of raising merit points has been blocked. The host listened to the opinion of the mission ironman Austrian law core JY03761. In order to avoid the bankruptcy of the merit points, it is necessary to prohibit the unreasonable merit tasks from being issued everywhere. Therefore, the merit points that can be controlled by the acting city masters have greatly decreased. The acting city master issues missions, and the mission needs and merit points are allocated by the mission ironmen of each city as appropriate. As a war zone here, I can really raise it up, but I can't reach the point where those guys can get out of their hometown.

Provide free evolution pool?

The essence of lifeless air condensed by the evolution pool is limited and cannot be supported.


Well? Flesh ... Undead are all hungry for fresh flesh and blood. They can't enjoy these in the world of undead, but they are almost all over here. Although the taste is not very good, it is also an angle to start.