The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 396: Go all out

Due to the penetration of the "curse master", although Li Xun can't make every curse take effect, he can take advantage of the instantaneous power of the spell to exchange quantity for quality.

"Weakness", "slowness", "weakening", "decay", "confusion", "bitterness" ... playing one after another, not only avoiding the interference of the cooling time, but also comprehensively testing the demon's weakness. Once successful, the plane lord ’s body will be weakened for a short time, and the magic resistance will decline rapidly. On the other side, more than 20 chaotic lords will seize the opportunity to add a series of cursing spells of disgusting dead people.

It was by this method that Li Xun successfully reduced the fighting power of Hilgues, which made the death knight's body attack of the team not in vain, not only broke the lava shield that had both offensive and defensive, but also made his body appear naked. Visible damage.

The only threat in the field that could threaten the lord of the plane is the ghost dragon Moros, but if he hasn't been familiar with his new body, if he hastily walked over, he will be knocked off by the opponent without breaking a few photos, breaking the bone wings, and becoming nothing. A bad bone. In terms of melee combat, Moros dared not compete with these old monsters who had been fighting for thousands of years.

Just look at the other party under the uninterrupted attacks of dozens or even hundreds of corpses, and can easily kill the death knights in a team with small losses. This has to be replaced with the ghost dragon Moros, and it has probably already been killed with the death knight!

The gap in combat power can also be filled by countless cemetery creatures, but the fighting skills shown by the seemingly rude and clumsy giant demon annihilating the death knight, even more terrified the ghost dragon Moros. Without a large number of teammates to assist and cover, he would never dare to easily approach the huge killing machine.

However, the master's order was quickly issued. These specific instructions are generated directly in the mind, and should be passed through the soul connection that he still does not understand. When the ghost dragon Moros received these instructions, his enlarged soul was also shocked.

These instructions are not only complicated, but also subtle.

For the battles below him, not only the specific fighting method is given, but also the position where he must be at a certain moment and the specific form of each part of the body when attacking. If he completely followed these instructions to fight, he could not tell the difference and boundary between fighting and dancing.

But the master's command is a command, even if it is ridiculous, it must be obeyed abruptly, because that is the command of the "master"!

Ghost Dragon Moros roared silently, the convulsive spirit ripples spread far away, and some melee cemetery creatures surrounding the lord of the plane immediately retreated, making room for the fight between the two big men. Fighting space. Even those death knights who were demolished by the tall demon, even if only one arm was left, quickly climbed out of this area.

The death knight squad seems to have been completely annihilated, but in fact it is far less desperate. The immortal body is protected by heavy armor, even if their body is torn apart, but as long as the skull where the soul fire is located has not been seriously damaged, they will not be completely dead. After the war, stitch the broken body together, and the rest is only a long recovery.

The ghost dragon growled in a low voice, lowered his body, and slowly approached the plane lord Hilgay after the war. At present, the enemy should not be careless, any small movements of the other party will be captured by his keen mental power, and will be fed back to the calm lake of consciousness.

There, there is a vague human figure standing quietly, using Unicom's consciousness to guide the ghost dragon's every move.

At the moment, Hilgai is plagued by numerous curse spells.

I do n’t know how many years later, Hilgai, who has evolved into Balo, has never tasted the curse, super magic resistance and powerful soul, so that most curse spells in this world cannot penetrate the spirit. Protection plays a small role in him. But today, he was like returning to the days when he had just evolved from an abyss worm into a timid demon, fear, anger, resentment ... these strange emotions emerged in the bottom of his heart, making him roar and roar.

Seeing the giant ghost dragon approaching step by step, Hill covered his greasy smile, but took the initiative to lean over with heavy steps.

The two consecutive raids failed to quickly resolve the young mage, which made Hill Gai's mind vigilant to him, and he no longer dared to treat him as a human mage that could be smothered. Therefore, Hilgai has adjusted the tactics in a timely manner, turning the first target from the head of the undead into the first fighting power of the undead.

Although the ghost dragon is 30 meters from head to tail, although it is far more than 10 meters, the big demon lord Hilge, but the two really slammed together. It is obviously the ghost dragon Moros.

Ghost Dragon's fierce bite was passed by Hill Gaiwei by mistake, then the big devil leaned over and snatched into the dragon's huge skeleton arms, and the hammer-sized fist was smashed from bottom to top Ghost Dragon's jaw. The tremendous impact caused the ghost dragon to sigh with sadness, and the body was raised high, exposing a slightly slender 2 meter long cervical spine.

The huge beheaded sword in Hill's other hand was suddenly covered by a blazing flame, and slammed into the fragile neck joint of the ghost dragon.

The ghost dragon rolled over on the spot, out of the devil's control in an extremely ugly posture, and responded with a thick "dark spear".

When the two were separated, they slammed together again as soon as lightning struck. A continuous "crack" burst came out, and the two huge hills were wrestled together without any grace.

At the dizzying moment when the two fought, a team hidden behind in the cemetery army appeared on the battlefield. Looking at the indestructible demons, they quickly stood still and began to pray calmly in the face of the battlefield 100 meters away.

The 30 monk-like humanoid creatures are all covered with a thick black cloak, and they can't see half of their looks at all, but the sharp and high prayers are inexplicably shocking. No one can hear what they murmured, but the occasional words such as "Destroy", "Death", and "Sacrifice" are enough to make people shudder.

Cursing the enemy in battle, such nonsense has not happened for thousands of years.

If you put it in the past, such ridiculous behavior will only get the devil's laughter, and then torture the weak and poor guys bit by bit with the most cruel and terrible torture. But today, the demon lord Hilgues in a fierce battle suddenly jumped in shock.

As a puppet manipulated by the projection of plane consciousness, Hilge ’s autonomous consciousness has been suppressed to a very low level, but despite this, the creepy sense of death still shocked him, even from the manipulation of plane consciousness. Come awake.

This was a terrible feeling that directly threatened his soul, as if an invisible big hand completely stripped off the thick demon scale armor outside his body, and then pushed his hot soul into the nine days of ice and snow. The deep chill from the depths of his soul made him involuntarily want to smash the group of prayers into meat sauce at the fastest speed.

But the ghost dragon that struggled with him suddenly tightened his body, and he strangled with him desperately, so that he could not free himself to eliminate this group of treacherous prayers that did not even reach level 5.

To the deceased, the special arms up to Tier 6 among the arms of the cemetery have never really been on the battlefield. As a tier 6 soldier in a cemetery with a weak body that can't even beat a zombie, all their strength is reflected in the unique skill "Prayer of Death".

As a deceased with a strong suicidal tendency, their greatest glory in life is to die for their master. Whenever they receive orders from their masters, they will rejoice and go on to recite the "death prayer", at the cost of their own souls in exchange for the probability of death.

With their qualifications of less than 5th level, facing a high-level demon of 19th level, and facing a demon lord possessed by plane consciousness, the success rate of any "death prayer" to the deceased is less than 4.1%, but this Still can't affect their mood.

After the first two minutes of "Death Prayer" to the deceased, as a gray halo flashed, he kneeled to the ground and turned into fly ash, and the demon lord Hill Gait who was fighting with the ghost dragon life and death Nothing.

No one assigned, the second accused the dead excitedly kneeled on the ground inexplicably, staring at the demon lord in the distance, and chanted "Death Prayer" loudly. It is their glory for the master to die generously, and what they have been expecting from the moment they were born.

They are death fanatics and followers of death. Death itself is not only a fear to them, but a gift from the gods.

Another aura swept, the second accused was also gray, and the demon lord remained motionless.

So, the third accused the dead also happily began their "death prayer"!

Even though the two death curses were unsuccessful, the sound of a siren in the depths of Hilga's soul never stopped. This crisis that directly threatened the soul also touched the plane consciousness that had never felt dull, so that it had to pay attention to this group of little guys who seemed to have no threat.

That is, the death-type spell cannot threaten the great plane consciousness, but can kill the demon lord it entrusts. Although I do n’t really believe in a small group of such fragile lives, it can also threaten a plane lord who is only one step away from the holy order demon. The sense of crisis deep in the consciousness will not be faked.

Planar consciousness also deliberately eased the suppression of part of Hillgai's autonomous consciousness and gave up a certain body control.

"Ao ..."

With a violent scream, the plane lord who exploded with all his strength blasted away the entanglement of the ghost dragon and rushed towards the group of accusers.