The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 411: Temple of Justice

If you do n’t copy, do n’t know.

In the small vault of Hebril, there are as many as 7 first-level treasures, and there are 2 second-level treasures and 1 fourth-level treasure. Of course, the only fourth-level treasure is now in the hands of the young mage.

Black under the lamp, absolute black under the lamp!

If it weren't for this accidental incident, Li Xun didn't even know that the Undead Realm had already delivered such great feedback to himself, and these feedbacks were actually "collected" by a blackhearted guy.

Looking at the silent "master", his face was already dark like a pot bottom, and the light skull Heberil realized his mistake and bowed his head and waited for training. Xi Lisi has intentions to say something, but worrying about disturbing Li Xun's judgment, he can only stand silently with the nun on the side, waiting quietly for the young Master's thunder.

The nature of this matter is too bad, but if you look closely, Li Xun also has a mouthful of pain. Among all the cemetery heroes, Heberil, the skull of the Holy Light, has been quite trusted by him, otherwise, he will not be able to maintain the core city of the cemetery for a long time.

But Cheng also trusts, defeats and trusts. This guy with the most shadows of his own has even learned his little greed, small market and small selfishness, which makes Li Xun hard to tell! To be honest, scolding him is the same as scolding another.

Cyberel ’s loyalty to himself can still be trusted, but his mind is too active, because he has no clear rules for the treatment of treasures, he even directly intercepted it. This did not happen to other heroes at all, but it happened to Hiberial, which was a reminder to Li Xun. In the future, things like experimenting with your own memory and cognition should be done as little as possible, otherwise it will really harm others.

After thinking for a long time, Li Xun decided to forgive him when he finally knew that he would take the most precious dragon crown, but a beat was inevitable. In addition to this, the young mage also has an extra eye. In the future, he will still be diligent and strict in all aspects of his review of the Undercity.

I picked it carefully in the treasure pile and found that the first-level treasures are mainly the power sword (power +1), the four-leaf clover (+1 lucky), the power breastplate (mana +2), etc., and the second-level treasures are Werewolf flail (attack +4), Great Serpent Breastplate (strength +2).

For such treasure equipment, Li Xun first happily configured himself with a set of usable. After all, this is a living world, not a game. There is no so-called inventory and equipment bar to let you store treasures. The Power Sword is an extremely sharp one-handed sword. If you don't take it in your hand, you don't want to get its power +1 increase.

Li Xun tried it. For the fighting hero, a power sword that could be easily used. His stubborn face and red ears could not move at all with one hand. Even if he held both hands, he barely moved like a crab.

The strength attribute that has not moved from crossing to now is still **** 0, indicating that he is still the otaku physique of the previous life. Not to mention the comparison with the hero, even the most ordinary farmer here can't compare with him. After all, here is the high demon plane, even if there is no combat training, the farmers who dance with the manure fork have a sturdy body that is not inferior to that of the previous special forces.

The chest of the big snake **** in the treasure can bring a power increase of +2, but Li Xun still can't stand it. With such a heavy metal armor on his body, he can't move in one step. It seems that almost all the treasures here have a basic demand for users. If this basic demand is not met, the increase in the attributes inside is simply not easy to obtain.

Trying it out, the only thing that can bless you is the dragon crown, mighty breastplate and four-leaf clover. The dragon tooth crown is a beautifully decorated magic crown, while the power breastplate is a thin half-length wicker, which is worn in the mage robe does not affect his battle. As for the four-leaf clover, as a small ornament, it can play a role as long as it is worn close to the body.

Beside the young mage, the slender and sturdy nymph picked up the power sword and the werewolf flail against the air for a while. Although they can be used, they do not fit her agile hero's attributes. With this kind of treasure, her speed is inevitable to be greatly affected, so she can only give up in disappointment.

After the trial, the ghost girl clearly told Li Xun that the power sword wants to be used normally, the holder must have 6+ strength, in order to get the power increase of +1 on it, and the werewolf flail requires 8+ The power of the Great Serpent Breastplate requires 12+ more power.

Hearing such harsh conditions, Li Xun looked down at his miserable body data, and sighed in the sky, his dream of crushing the enemy in a divine outfit was shattered!

After equipping all three treasures, Li Xun's basic data is as follows:

People: Li Xun (Natier)

Identity: Lord of the cemetery

Occupation: Advanced Master

Talent: Soul Realm (Fourth and a Half Advanced)

Level: Level 15

Strength: 0 + 4

Agility: 0

Spirit: 15

Knowledge: 22 + 4

With the magical increase of the dragon's crown, Li Xun can obviously feel that there is a wave of heat in his body, and there is endless power between the palm opening and closing to explode. Of course, this is only the strange feeling that his body has not adapted to his new constitution after his strength has suddenly improved. This abnormality will disappear after a day or two of running-in.

However, the shape of the dragon tooth crown is too eye-catching, and the magical fluctuation is too obvious, which is not suitable for daily wear, so Li Xun can only regret to take it off. As the dragon's crown of crown moved away from the top of the head, the swell of power just now disappeared, and the torture of the emptiness of power between one plus one minus caused the young mage to frown.

My basic physique is still too weak, so I am particularly sensitive to the induction of this physique change. It seems that at the right time, I really need to invest points in my physique.


Owendell Kingdom, Pefors County, the Holy City of Samara, the Temple of Justice.

Archbishop Van Kress faced slowly and solemnly toward the temple hall. As a typical southerner, he has short tan hair, a simple and tough face, a tall body, and a tiger's back, which is far from the feeling of thin and timid other magicians.

In the spacious promenade carved with exquisite murals, from time to time, priests wearing gorgeous robes whispered and passed by here. When they met Archbishop Van Cleese head-on, they bowed respectfully and gave way, and until the majestic figure slowly walked away, they raised their heads respectfully and continued their journey.

In this place full of sacred sacred atmosphere, everyone will unconsciously surrender feelings of infinite respect and begin to pay attention to their own words and manners.

It was 5 pm, and the solemn prayer bell was about to ring, and some bitter monks could not help but speed up their pace, hurried to the temple hall to participate in the evening prayer presided over by Archbishop Van Kreis personally.

A series of rapid footsteps suddenly sounded in the promenade. A middle-aged man wearing a bureaucrat's gown hurriedly ran through the crowd, whispered and overtook the archbishop, and whispered in his ear.

In this temple of gods, there were some people making such a lot of noise, which could not help attracting many priests, priests, and bitter monks to stop and watch. But when they saw that it was the clerk who had offended the dignity of the temple, he could not help but lowered his eyes and shook his head secretly.

Archbishop Van Cleese is an elite who is extremely ceremonial. He is rude to the rudeness of the visitor. After listening to the whisper of the clerk of Annem, he has always been calm and calm.

Without much words, the archbishop turned back and followed the clerk in a hurry, staring at a group of magicians who were rushing to the hall of the temple. For the first time, they saw that the Archbishop, who had never collapsed in front of the Taishan Mountain, also had a look of sorrow, and was about to arrive at the time of prayer. The Archbishop responsible for the prayer ceremony today left in a hurry, which made them more Feel something big happen.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the direction that Archbishop Van Kreis hurried to is the residence of the Pope. Those who witnessed this scene thoughtfully, exchanged glances, and bowed their heads and left.

When Archbishop Van Kress hurried to the door of the pope ’s residence, the archbishop who had come to order had already issued a declaration of war in a fervent manner. From that slightly sharp voice, Van Kreis could hear it, which was the voice of Archbishop Anthony Latin.

"This is blasphemy ... this is Chiguo's blasphemy against the gods. We can't tolerate it, let alone! Knights? Now is the time for them to guard the dignity of the gods! Knights of the Palm ... Knights of the Sword of Justice The regiment ... The Knights of St. Martin ... Have all the swords in their hands been rusted? ... War ... This is the war provoked by the cultists! ... "

Van Cleese's footsteps were slightly paused, and there was a trace of anger again on the solemn and tough face, but immediately disappeared, and walked silently into the house.

The three knights mentioned by Archbishop Anthony just now are the elite knights that have slowly accumulated in the Temple of Justice for thousands of years. Each official member has a professional level of no less than 10 levels, even if their reserve members are also at level 7. the above.

As the most important guarding force of the Temple of Justice, the Knights of St. Martin is the main temple of the God of Justice, which is the Holy City of Samara in Pefors County, Owendell Kingdom, where they are now located. The Knights of St. Martin has 1,200 regular temple knights, and twice as many full-time knights and servants. It is an elite and terrible religious armament.

The Sword Knights of Justice has 800 regular temple knights, twice as many regular knights and servants as regular members, and has been rushing out all year round to carry out the mission of purging pagans and fighting evil. Currently carrying out a special combat mission in the field, the destination is unknown ...

The Knights of the Palm had just experienced the battle against the Undead United Council a year ago. Due to improper strategy, the combat power was severely damaged, and it was being restored.