The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 493: Cemetery Status and Death Song

Eternal life? lord it over? One plane? Create a gorgeous all-race harem? ...

These brazen words that were imaginary and obscene in the previous life seem to have a trace of realization now, so are you really going down the road step by step?

When you are a small person, any fulfillment of your ideals will satisfy your heart, and then you will have new greed. Recall that two years ago, I had just been born in a lonely wilderness village. At that time, my biggest wish seemed to be to rely on my identity as an alternative mage, to do prestige and blessing, and enjoy the life of mankind.

But now?

The cemetery has developed, and he is no longer satisfied with the little scenery and happiness in the past, and has begun to have greater speculations and prayers. But in the final analysis, these are just the end points of everything pointed out by yourself in the past social experience. Any guy sitting in his place seems to do so.

So, as a true individual, what is the value of your own?

What can we do to show that we are driving the cemetery, not the cemetery?

The cemetery is about to embark on an eclipse, it is conceivable that it must be an extremely **** and brutal killing. So, should such killings that happen to be controlled or even promoted by oneself be counted on oneself?

I think I hold the bottom line and beliefs of life, but just converted a space, this bottom line and beliefs have become a ground. Is it hypocrisy or the world is so cruel?

The virtues of benevolence, leniency, humility, and perseverance learned in the previous life are still in doubt in the world of high demon, in which the individual power is infinitely expanded. But the change was too great, but Li Xun couldn't help but feel a bit at a loss for his past adherence.

Is everything in the previous life a kind of **** or help to yourself?

Is there any need to persevere in the virtues once thought?

Are you a passer-by in this world or one?

In fact, aside from all torture of moral conscience, Li Xun's biggest problem now lies in the conflict between certain ideas in the past and the new survival and development model of the new world. Not only did he want to adapt to changes in reality and make his own path more smooth, but he was deeply afraid of these changes and worried that he would become a person he didn't know in a few decades.

This is really a process that wants to change but is afraid of changing!


One night's thinking was fruitless.

It may take a long time for such a long moral examination, but as long as your life is still smooth and happy, the moral sighs of the sad wind and the moon will be left for the lonely night.

So the next day, Li Xun still has to face this colorful world.

After working hard for half a year, I can finally calm down and think about something. Of course, Li Xun should take the opportunity to sort out the current status of the cemetery.

The current cemetery has truly crossed the Three Realms and has initially established its footing.

Undead world.

There are two existing cemetery cities: Sleeping Place and Stratholme.

There is a calm and capable skeleton king sitting in town, almost never worrying about the young mage. Although still facing the direct threat of the legendary lich, the cemetery relies on a solid city defense system, coupled with the 18th-level ghost dragon Moros in the bright place and the 19th-level demon soul guard in the dark, it is still impossible to secure a corner. questionable.

Even if the plan is good enough, it is not impossible to pit the "little lonely" legendary lich.

Abyssal world.

An existing cemetery city: a place of chaos.

Now the 43rd floor of the abyss has entered the stage of full ending. Since the coalition attack of the plane lords was broken, the reverse expansion of the chaotic land has formed a dominant position. All the devil lords of large and small are avoiding one after another, and no one in the plane can dare to challenge the forces of the cemetery.

According to reports from the demon wizard, the forward forces of the cemetery have reached the castle of Gundrak, the Lord of the Plane. As long as this representative demon castle is successfully won, the expedition of the plane will come to an end, and it will start to switch to a sticking business model.

Presumably the new cemetery city should appear in due course!

Klein Continental.

There are two existing cemetery cities: Undercity and Yuyue Fortress.

This is Li Xunxin's hometown. No matter how full and strong it develops in the outer plane, his roots must still be firmly entrenched in this main plane. He must learn from the lessons of the past arcane empire.

The arcane empire, how magnificent and huge the caster kingdom was, because it had lost its root plane, and it collapsed in an instant, almost vanishing in the long river of history. Nowadays, only ancient ruins and dilapidated historical records are left for exploration and admiration.

However, due to the proliferation of Klein's mainland powerhouses, Li Xun did not dare to force himself in such a precarious situation. Therefore, it was his longest development period, but he stumbled, and he did not dare to act arbitrarily, even the two cemetery cities were always dormant.

Although this is very unpleasant, it can only be slowly conspired for long-term development.

At present, Li Xun still intends to focus on the long-term plan of Raiding the Mage Guild, after all, this is the most powerful caster organization in Klein mainland.

Li Xun was in the middle, although he took a lot of risks, but fortunately, most of the interested people's eyes were still concentrated on the power of the fictitious "psychic", but no one has ever been able to direct the young mage and the power master Connect.

To be honest, if Li Xun is not a party, it is difficult for even him to believe that these "great achievements" can be accomplished by a 20-year-old young man. Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why he was able to walk around? Otherwise, he would have been caught by the old guys, peeling and cramping, and searching for soul slices.

Despite the dangers, Li Xun is still reluctant to easily give up his cultivation in the human world. Perhaps in other words, he did not want to break himself out of the mainstream human society. Only in this way can he maintain his ties to humanity.

Once decoupled from human society for too long, he will be in various cemetery cities every day, and one day he ca n’t help but to his former partners Casas, Jack, Nuohan Dad, Orion Dhaka and others Raise the butcher knife.

That scene made him shudder at the imagination.

Since the internal expansion has too many obstacles, then shift the focus to eccentric expansion! At least for those unfamiliar worlds, he does not have so many feelings to give.

The Arcane Tower and Half Plane have been released, and it is estimated that it will take another week to stabilize the situation. When the Arcane Tower's energy replenishment is almost the same, it is time for it to sail out to search for "prey". There are still some plane world coordinates remaining in Isa, but tens of thousands of years have passed, and the ghost knows how much can still be used.

But clues are always a hundred times stronger than aimless wandering in the endless void, which often takes hundreds of years to get nothing. Starry sky exploration, a beautiful sounding vocabulary, is by no means a human being who can afford a hundred years of life. Therefore, the minimum strength standard for exploring the void is legendary.

The search for prey is given to Issa, and what Li Xun needs to do now is to solve the construction of the cemetery city.

Once you have specific goals, how to sneak into development has become a top priority.

Let Li Xun, the owner of the cemetery, go to the enemy-occupied area to engage in latent construction. But the construction of the cemetery city left him as an ontology, and how to shape the bone sea became the biggest problem.

Gu Hai, the most basic and most original building in this cemetery city, requires the joint work of Li Xun ’s blood, soul and deep consciousness of the cemetery building, and is rooted in the birthplace of miracles that can only appear on the origin of the plane. .

In all respects, Guhai is a magical creation that cannot appear without Li Xun.

This shows that a cemetery hero who sneaks into another world wants to build a cemetery city, he must prepare a ready-made sea of ​​bones in advance.

This ... how can this be achieved?

Do you first create a sea of ​​bones, then dig it out and pack it for compression?

Not to mention that the bones are motionless is a huge bone pit that covers an area of ​​nearly 100 meters, and it is not so easy to fake because of its continuous deep connection with the origin of the plane. Once the bone sea is dug out of the ground, cutting off its connection with the origin of the plane, can it be transplanted to other regions to survive?

No, I have to find a way to experiment.

By the way, is n’t the devil wizard planning to build another cemetery city on the 43rd plane? Then take this opportunity to complete it together!

But before that, he still needs to go to Undercity to receive a new hero.

It ’s been a long time since the hero of the cemetery has appeared, and Li Xun ca n’t wait to add a new partner.

Undercity Tavern.

The new hero is a scary guy who crawled out of the dragon tomb of the Tier 7 cemetery building.

Li Xun estimates that this has a direct relationship with the fact that he enshrined the Dragon's Blood Bottle directly in the Dragon Tomb of the Undercity, otherwise there will be a cemetery hero of Tier 7 origin.

It can be said that this is the guy with the highest starting point among the heroes of the cemetery so far, so Li Xun is more cautious about his transformation.

The first is the detection of the nature of power. From his "petite skinny" body alone, one can guess that he is by no means a powerful warrior, and the test results also confirm this.

This is an icy guy who is extremely biased towards the dark system, and his body is full of death. Even when the young mage is close, he can't help sneezing.

After circling around him for many times, a clear character model gradually appeared in the young mage's heart.

That's it!

Death chanter, also known as death song, is also a famous death manipulator.

Calthas is the messenger of annihilation, and he is enthusiastically devoted to the beauty and clarity of death. When he was young, he was completely obsessed with death and became more and more ruthless in the pursuit of his dark desires. Calthas, eager to become death itself, went to Shadow Island and gladly devoted himself to the undead. Kalsas transformed into a death chanter, a surviving and terrifying lich in the world, distributing gifts of blessings of annihilation.

With the drinking of blood wine, the signing of the blood contract of the soul, the soul template of the death chanter is also imprinted step by step in the depth of the soul of the new hero, and the shape of the new hero Kalsas has gradually changed.

The dull skin was completely void, and the body turned into a cold and dark black mist. An exaggerated golden death crown was buckled on his head, wearing a bright red human leather robe. The most eye-catching thing all over his body was his cold eyes overflowing with a light purple glow. Anyone who looked directly at his eyes had a sense of dizziness.

And the skills he has mastered are also biased towards the dark killing line.

Death contract, a talented passive skill. When dying, Karthus will be transformed into a spirit body, able to continue casting skills for the next 7 seconds.

Barren, active skill, Calthas casts a mark at the designated location, and causes a considerable amount of magic damage to the enemies in the area after 0.5 seconds. If only one enemy is injured, it will cause double damage.

Wall of pain, active skill, creating a wall of pain for 5 seconds at the target location. Enemy targets passing through the wall have their magic resistance reduced by 15% and their movement speed reduced by 40/50/60/70/80% (during this period their movement speed slowly returns to normal) for 5 seconds.

Pollution, active skills, off: Calthas killing the unit can restore some mana. Turn on: Consume a portion of mana per second to cause the same proportion of magical damage to surrounding enemies.

Requiem, active skill, after 300 seconds of chanting, Kalsas inflicts huge magic cursed damage (regardless of distance) to all enemy targets.

When Kalthas, the Death Ode, stabilized the Soul Mark and walked slowly towards the young mage, a cold, death, and evil breath came. Such a breathy young mage has only been felt by a handful of cemetery heroes, and they are all guys with great development potential.

"Death is a song that everyone will hear! Great master, death surrounds you! I am willing to accompany you to eternity!"

As the death chanter bowed and bowed, Li Xun's face was slightly distorted.

"What is this about? What is it to praise me or curse me? This guy who has completely accepted the soul template of the dead song will not use his must-have move to curse me?"

But looking at him as another potential hero after the blood demon, death prophet, and soul guard, Li Xun could only barely return with a smile, and then politely sent him to the chaotic land.

A major sweep is taking place there, clearing out the fish from all over the place and fighting the battle in full swing. It is suitable for guys like Death Song to rise.