The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 521: Li Xun's anomaly

The next step is to deal with strategic skills.

The strategic skills that appear this time are: magic intuition, advanced witchcraft and advanced summoning magic

Magical intuition, allowing heroes to learn the magic of enemy heroes or creatures in battle. (Heroic magic must reach the level of learning the magic)

Advanced witchcraft reduces the public cooldown of heroes casting spells.

Advanced summoning magic can enhance the spell effect of summoning-like spells, giving the summoning creature a +2 rank.

Li Xun was silent for a moment. His mind has been wandering between magical intuition and advanced summoning magic. These two strategic skills have helped him a lot, and it is really a bit difficult for a while.

The greatest advantage of the magic intuition lies in the long-term subtlety, it is difficult to see intuitive gains in a short time. But if you learn, in the long-lasting spell atmosphere, you will always harvest some unexpected results. Therefore, it belongs to a long-term investment, which is doomed to be ineffective in the short term.

And the biggest advantage of advanced summoning magic is that it can make the summons directly get the excellent effect of level +2. In other words, if Li Xun summoned the elemental creature's spell, he could only summon large earth elements, but he can now summon the unearthed element elders. The soil element elder is a magic creature of level 16 or higher in the Klein Continental Creature Book.

Use the mana required for a higher-level spell to obtain an elemental creature of the level of a master wizard. How can this account be calculated?

But after thinking about it, Li Xun finally chose the magic intuition.

This long-term investment potential stock is still more cost-effective to invest early. Besides, it is conceivable that in the next few years, Li Xun ’s daily life will be a routine mage ’s daily life, and there are not many places that need to fight. Therefore, the urgency for immediate improvement of combat power is not so high, and it can be released backwards.

After dealing with personal matters, Li Xun was alone and teleported to the half-planet star base.

This time the space span seems to be particularly long. When the strange illusion of space in front of him finally dissipated, Li Xun, who had thought that he had adapted to the space teleportation, finally fell helplessly, lying on the edge of the teleportation array for a while and retching. sense.

The half-plane that was packed last time seemed empty now.

The Trailblazer Arcane Tower, which originally occupied most of the space, has disappeared. There are only a dozen corpses in the empty half-plane space that are drawing various magic circles on the ground.

Just the day before yesterday, the Trailblazer Arcane Tower finally completed the energy filling, with the ability to transfer space. Therefore, he began his space exploration without stopping for a moment, and hurried towards the space beacon left by the recent Arcane Empire. At that time, Li Xun didn't come to see him off at the critical moment of the abyss plane expedition, so the Trailblazers quietly embarked on a long plane journey in loneliness and loneliness.

Space signs and space coordinates are the basic terms in space transmission. The difference between the two words means that the meaning can be very different.

When constructing a fixed transmission array in a plane, some ground nodes will be used, so it is easy to calculate the spatial coordinates of this point through space structure and plane geometry. This space coordinate can be said to be a fixed space node, so it cannot be more easily. As long as anyone knows the space coordinate of the point, and there is no spell barrier, he can use space spells to transmit at such space nodes.

The space beacon is different, it is usually used in some temporary transmission arrays or some plane space in the drifting state. Since such a transmission point is not fixed, the spatial coordinates are constantly changing and shifting, so even if you master its spatial coordinates for a while, it is useless. Maybe you have transferred to the destination based on the space coordinates this time, but the next time you use this space coordinate, the destination is gone.

Therefore, for a half plane or eccentric plane that is drifting in the endless void, there must be a complete plane sign. In addition to the plane coordinates available for transmission, this plane beacon must also include a series of spatial coefficients such as the degree of spatial distortion, the spatiotemporal drift rate, and the spatial disturbance parameters near the transmission point. Even so, the probability of finding a spatial beacon on an eccentric plane is very small.

The time-of-day lighthouses that were built in various places in the previous Arcane Empire period released the required transmission parameters to the transmission objects in the form of arcane, so as to ensure the accuracy of ultra-long-range space transmission. But now the arcane empire has collapsed, and the time lighthouse has long been annihilated in the endless years. Without its traction, it is really necessary to rely on strong luck!

The cruel reality was that Isa had already told Li Xun well before leaving, so the young mage had already been prepared for nothing for a hundred years. A century of life is long and fulfilling for a human being, and it can be placed in the background of an endless void, perhaps just a fleeting starlight.

Someone may have seen this fleeting starlight, leaving one or two meaningless sighs in the air, or no one could even know that the lonely disappeared in the bright starry sky.

Therefore, to measure the vastness of the Xinghai world in terms of human's short life dimension can only draw the conclusion that people want to commit suicide pessimistically. Void is lonely, Xinghai is cold and ruthless.

In the ancient books left by the Arcane Empire, there is a repeated saying: Legendary order is the starting point for exploring the endless void. Only after initially getting rid of the shackles of life, you are qualified to measure the void, otherwise it is destined to be just a piece of floating sand in the Xinghai!

This may be the true meaning of starry sky exploration.

Seeing the owner's arrival, the dozen or so corpse witches who had left behind quickly put down the work at hand and came to say hello to Li Xun.

With their escort, Li Xun visited the only equipment still in operation in the half plane.

Due to the departure of the Arcane Tower, the largest element conversion facility was lost, and the element pools dug in the half plane have not been filled up to this day, let alone the several mana pools such as the ground fire water wind. The loss of the Arcane Tower is slower than the convergence of elements, and even the protective barrier of the half plane has dropped by several grades.

Looking around, the traces left after the energy impact can already be seen on the hard ground in the half plane. This shows that it is already a bit difficult to maintain such a huge half-plane space only by the elemental collection and energy conversion of the half-plane itself. In the face of some large-scale energy turbulence, this layer of energy protection barrier cannot completely protect the internal safety.

At this time, Li Xun was surprised to find that more than a dozen corpses had even opened the mage's shield, indicating that they had been attacked by turbulent energy before.

This will not work!

This is the first stepping stone in my own future in the eccentric space. If its safety cannot be guaranteed, how will the subsequent development proceed?

After considering it, Li Xun released 30 high-level corpses and 10 blood mage from his soul space again. Adding it back and forth in this way, there are 50 casters in this half-plane with an area of ​​300 meters. With their day and night efforts, they used all the half-plane space as early as possible, presumably to be able to initially establish a self-circulating energy protection system.

However, this requires slow work and hard work, and it is not something that can be rushed out. So after explaining to them the focus of work for a period of time in the future, Li Xun once again stepped into the teleportation array.


Isdir Arcane Tower.

The time has passed so fast that it has entered the late autumn.

Due to its location in the mountains of Feralas, the city of Oneiros comes a little later in autumn and winter than inland areas. Under the influence of the damp moisture from the south coast, the rain here is extremely abundant.

It was another downpour, and the whole city of Oneiros was shrouded in a mist of rain.

When Li Xun walked out of the transmission room holding his forehead, Xi Lisi was already waiting in front of the door, and the long-lost crow mouth was crouching on her shoulder and quacked.

"Is it smooth?" Xi Lisi's soft and gentle voice soothed Li Xun's heart, and the lingering **** breath in his nose was also lightened.

Although Xi Lisi is already a member of the cemetery system, she can't fully accept the scenes that are too **** and violent, so she refused Li Xun's invitation and did not participate in this plane war.

Although Xi Lisi and Li Xun were only separated for 4 days, when they met at this moment, they clearly felt the difference in the young mage. A vicious, indescribable breath of death pervaded his body, and the **** smell of the layers of blood made people feel soaked in the blood pool, even if the young mage was surrounded by the magic shield. It is also constant.

Looking at the pale princess, the gentle princess who wanted to retort, shocked by the rippling breath of death on her body, Li Xun smiled apologetically at her, and quickly returned to her living room.

After a moment of effort, Li Xun couldn't help worrying about the abnormalities on his body when he was soaked in the rippling warm pool water.

The level did rise to 16, but his real strength did not come up with it. In the exploding development of the necropolis, in contrast, his body power to control the necropolis appeared a little weak.

Participating in a world war, he is the master of the cemetery, and the soul energy he has gained is undoubtedly the largest and most abundant. In addition to being integrated into the soul and becoming a part of his personal strength, there is also part of the soul energy that is always lingering outside his body and lingering.

If he is really an orthodox necromancer, this kind of good deed is absolutely undesirable. With the help of this layer of soul energy, he naturally has a certain spell bonus when he casts a spell of the dark line, which can reduce his body consumption when casting the spell.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

With this kind of soul energy companionship, his body is bound to be full of death and coldness. This kind of dead energy is also a disguised erosion to his body. Sooner or later, his flesh will be eroded away, and it will be transformed into an orthodox necromancer-like shape.

This is absolutely intolerable to him.