The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 527: Issa's mission

After half a quarter of an hour, the Arcane Tower completely completed the time and space synchronization with this star field, and regained the ability to move freely. But at this time, the void storm just monitored was getting closer and closer, and the protective layer outside the Arcane Tower was illuminated by endless glare.

These gorgeous sparks are not a magical effect, but a vision that appears after the front tide of the energy storm rubs against the arcane tower's protective force field.

Can't help but say that as soon as the Arcane Tower gained the ability to move, it quickly escaped to the distance under the impetus of the energy torrent, and finally traversed more than 3,000 kilometers in danger before avoiding this void storm.

From this we can also see the significance of having a mage tower or arcane tower for star exploration. Without such a transportation tool and a living place, the wizard who hastily explored the starry sky could only rely on his personal strength to maintain the protection of the body at all times. In the event of a void storm, he could only support the constantly consumed shield while using his personal The force fled outward.

A little carelessness will be consumed by these empty storms, which can easily reach tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of kilometers, in an endless hurricane of energy, and will end in a dead body.

Although most of the members of the Arcane Tower are cold and unrelenting undead creatures, there is still an instinct to benefit and avoid harm. As the extension of the energy hurricane swept and wrapped around the Arcane Tower, the two pairs of red soul fires in the eyes of the witch in the central control hall also flickered and flickered. It wasn't until the energy tide completely escaped that the corpses returned to normal.

Isa, who had been guiding the arcane tower slowly along the decreasing area of ​​the energy tide in the hall, relaxed his mood. Fortunately, they have a clear time and space beacon on this trip, and they will not lose their way because of this matter. Otherwise, after a purposeless drift, it will be difficult to find the original Star Road again.

The endless starry sky is a magnificent hero stage and a silent hero cemetery. Once lost here, even the most powerful hero will be exhausted in a corner that no one knows.


After a series of time and space transfers, finally at the end of a teleport, the Blazer Arcane Tower reached its destination.

This is a dark and dark shadow. The stars inlaid on the distant sky curtain are not far away and throw their own light and heat here, but they are quietly swallowed by the void.

Several corpses flew out of the arcane tower, under strict spell protection, and performed spell detection at a certain empty space singularity according to Isa's instructions. After repeated confirmation, this is the destination of their trip, where the plane once was.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, the world is changing, and the plane is drifting. There is nothing empty here.

Arcane Tower spent two full days at this space singularity, then based on the detected space expansion parameters and the angle of space-time distortion, guessed the approximate direction of the plane drift, and continued to track in a dull and dark direction. Go on.

Three days later, Arcane Tower discovered the plane.

The stars in the sky that were once out of reach are now turned into a bubble-shaped crystal wall with a huge area. Through the crystal wall transformed by the regular force of this plane, we can vaguely see one big three small four pieces of land floating in it.

The Arcane Tower did not continue to move forward, but was anchored in the void 500 kilometers from this plane.

Although the void in front of him is empty, he really can't get closer. A plane with complete and rigorous rules like this must have its own strongman or god, and if it is too close, it will most likely disturb them. At that time, these unwelcome outsiders must be treated as intruders.

If it ’s a low-level secondary plane, it ’s okay to use the Arcane Tower, which embodies the essence of the Arcane Empire ’s civilization, but once it provokes a strong main plane, I am afraid that these “people” Will become the prey of others.

Put in the past, such a situation can only rely on certain powerful arcane towers to break into it. Only in this way can we truly get detailed information and information on this plane. But now, with Morika, certain sacrifices can be avoided.

At this moment, Mollyka has been floating in the endless void, separated from the Arcane Tower protective layer, and her body is facing the huge plane crystal wall in front of her, silently sniffing and perceiving something.

Compared with the huge plane crystal wall, the Trailblazer Arcane Tower looks so small, like a fly flying next to a huge watermelon. And the petite and beautiful Morika is like a floating dust that no one notices, floating quietly, quietly ...

Half a day later, Morika returned to the Arcane Tower.

Isa and her eyes communicated silently for a long time, and finally got the preliminary information of this plane.

Not long after Molika's autonomous consciousness was born, knowledge of many planes and spaces was temporarily supplemented from Issa, and it was impossible to intuitively calibrate the complete information of the plane just now. However, the same-sex perception at the core of the original consciousness is still achieved. By comparing it with the Klein continental main plane and several small planes of the abyss world she has been in contact with, you can roughly judge the development stage and strength of this plane in front of you. Grade.

The material plane has the following characteristics:

? Ordinary gravity

? Ordinary time

? Variable form

? Positive energy

? Strong goodwill camp

? Enhance magic

Ordinary gravity and ordinary time indicate that the plane in front of us is basically similar to the Klein continental plane, and the gravity induction is not much different from the time velocity.

The variable form indicates that in this plane, the object will remain in its original state without being affected by physics or magic.

The last three items: positive energy dominance, strong good camp, and enhanced magic show that this is a lawful plane with distinctive camp characteristics. It is very likely that a powerful kingdom of unity has appeared, otherwise it is impossible to appear so huge in the direction of positive energy. Offset.

But the most important thing is Morika's rank judgment: this is a plane with a demigod.

Demigod, an extraordinary creature with a level between 26-29. Compared with the legendary level, they already have some immortal characteristics, but they have not ignited the fire and established their own kingdom.

Even the Klein continental plane where Li Xun is located has never had such a demigod existence, but the plane in front of him does.

The largest equal-order existence that can be accommodated inside the Klein Continental Plane is the legend of level 25. It may be only one step away from the demigod of level 26, but it is still very different. You don't want to cross easily in one step. From this point, it can be judged that the current plane is a higher-level main plane with the same order as the Klein continental plane.

Issa shook her head regretfully, and the smooth and smooth iron head ordered to set sail without hesitation.

The Arcane Tower drew a beautiful arc in the void and drove towards the night in the distance.

Such a plane is not at all a predator of the necropolis. If seriously, it is the most normal thing to reverse the status of the two. Therefore, planning here is purely superfluous and wastes time. Not to mention, it is not easy for the other party to get the space-time beacon of the plane of the square, maybe it will cause disaster to his own plane.

I hope the next plane will have some good news!


Seven Ring Tower.

The origin of the Master Guild is also the headquarters of the Master Guild.

As a young man determined to become a great mage, Li Xun is certainly full of admiration and respect for such a holy place. This can be seen from his complexion stepping out of the teleportation array.

With the sparse flow of people walking in the smooth and flat corridors, Li Xun couldn't help but look at everything around him. The neat and clean mage robe, the brightly painted mage badge, the hurried pace, the steady and solemn face all outline a peaceful and serene mage world.

All of them were wearing formal wizards wearing gown robes. Occasionally, some mages followed one or two apprentices with immature faces and bright eyes flashing admiration. These guys immediately followed their tutors and did n’t dare to step aside. Their eyes looked like two searchlights, and even an ordinary stone carving mural could amaze them.

Compared with the hurry of other masters, Li Xun and his group of three people are particularly eye-catching. When at least several apprentices secretly projected their eyes, they saw the young faces of several people and the formal mage's robes, all showing shocked expressions one by one. But when their eyes fell on the iconic blue robe of Li Xun's high-level master, they were stunned. Instead, the mentor's eyes in front of them just made a turn in front of Li Xun, revealing a thoughtful look, and then suddenly smiled gently with the young mage, pulling the apprentice away.

Crossing the Yongdao, Li Xun, Xi Lisi, and Jack finally stopped, silently examining the majestic tower standing in front of them, their hearts whizzing, and there was only unspeakable shock and admiration in their hearts.

The Seven Ring High Tower, as the name suggests, is composed of seven of the most prestigious mage towers. The holy white pagoda in front of you is undoubtedly the core of the high tower of the Seven Rings, and the main tower built by moon white stone-holy moonlight. A name that sounds sacred, but its first owner is an outright necromancer.

As for why a necromancer used Moonstone to build his own mage tower, he also gave it such a holy and flawless name, which requires you to ask him personally. Of course, if you want to do this, you must have the ability to reverse the dialogue between time and space and ghosts, because he has been dead for more than a thousand years.

As for why a necromancer, a legendary necromancer will die? Such a topic is also meaningless. Because a necromancer who transforms himself into a lich will not die when Shou Yuan is exhausted, but he can also die from some dangerous magic experiment or a legendary spell with unknown effect.

Therefore, as a newcomer to Chiguo Guo, Li Xun can only look at everything in front of him dumbly like Jack, and listen to the gentle and pleasant explanation of Xi Lisi in the ear. The two eyes are completely insufficient. Too. They looked around, and the look of panic and panic looked like two nervous groundhogs.