The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 61: harbor

Puto Port is the largest seaport in the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Seraion, with a coastline of 20 meters deep; the short freeze period every year is its natural advantage that cannot be ignored, but it has a greater advantage. But it is because it is the only safe passageway of North Shanghai Road. From the port of Puto, you will enter the gem sea. The mysterious marine empire Patsel ’s sphere of influence has always strictly controlled its territory and never allowed human ships to travel on their "sky", only Only those forces that have signed diplomatic agreements with them are allowed to pass through specific areas, so this has caused some "commercial roads" to prosper.

The 50-mile range off the coast of Puto Port is a delineated security zone, and as long as it does not exceed the prescribed area of ​​the coastline, it will not be attacked by the regular army of the Marine Empire. But this does not mean complete security, because the active trade in the coastal area also attracts pirates, such as the murlocs, eagles, and sea monsters living in the offshore, and even many chaotic elements of the marine empire are here. Engage in a sideline, and the Ocean Empire has always kept its eyes closed. These guerrilla soldiers may not dare to rob large and well-equipped merchant ships, but they are favored by some small merchant ships, which also promotes the local mercenary market in disguise.

Puto Port not only has the Magister ’s Guild, but also many shrines. There are more than a dozen gods who can only say the name of the god. It seems that the local lords have also made a balanced strategy, introducing so many religious forces in one breath Dilute the exclusive power of Chenguang Church here.

As a mage, naturally enjoy many privileges. Casas easily found a well-known pizza firm, and after three days, he took the firm's trade fleet to the north. Both sides take what they need, and the fleet provides the masters with the best price and best service in exchange for the protection commitment of the master.

Since there are still three days left, Li Xun can't help but pull Xi Lisi to go around. Since the last encounter in the middle of the night, the relationship between the two has become much closer. Li Xun did not study much of the magical objects in this world, and dragged Xi Lisi, who came from the royal family, maybe he could find some real treasures.

Yongye City is engaged in the construction of the Master Tower, where various materials are extremely lacking. For example, Obsidian is usually used as the outer layer of the Master Tower due to its excellent disgust. Zircon, celestite, and lapis lazuli can be used to build the magic pool; Jade and moonstone are necessary to build the summoning room; white crystal, blue crystal, amethyst, red crystal, and black crystal are needed in the **** room ...

When thinking of the materials needed to build a mage tower, Li Xun felt that he had two big heads. The difficulty of constructing the Master Tower is not only in the collection of various rare materials, but also in the knowledge ability of the Master & Master who presided over the construction. Both are indispensable. Without surrendering to a large force, a large & amp; mage needs to spend 10-20 years to accumulate money to build his own mage tower, and spend another 10 years to perfect and improve it. Although the construction is difficult, once the Master Tower can be put into use, it means that a Master Family or a Master Force has been established.

Li Xun had little savings in the past year, but once connected with the construction of the Master Tower, it was almost abject poverty. If it wasn't for just robbing the dark elves, Li Xun wouldn't even dare to think about it. Although fine gold and mithral are also very precious in the ground, they can always maintain a certain scale of production, and the scarcity of such super metals on the surface has reached a point of madness. The standard price of the Klein Continental Auction House is 10 grams of fine gold 1 Ten thousand gold coins, Mithril 10 grams and thirty thousand gold coins.

Using fine gold as a coating for weapons, this weapon does not even need any rare materials to have natural demon and annihilation characteristics, so it has always been sought after by high-level melee professionals; and Mithril is hard because it is as light as goose feathers Steel-like, coupled with good mana conductivity, is an indispensable part of the mages to create the best staff. Due to the wealth of the mages group, the price of Mithril continues to be high. Relying on the fine gold and mithral silver robbed by Li Xun, any auction house can easily auction 30 million gold coins, provided that he can successfully auction or he dares to auction.

There is nothing to worry about, but things are too good to worry about. Such a large sale is only handled by a mid-level mage, and the probability of being hacked is 100%. Li Xun turned his storage ring over and over again, and he could only make up nearly 30,000 gold coins. This amount of money could not purchase much of the materials he needed.

So he switched to several large businesses, and after seeing many magic items under the guidance of Xi Lisi, Li Xun scratched his head and canceled the purchase plan, embarked on a carriage to the Master Guild. Hilis, the ghost horse, heard from Li Xun's remarks that she had just knocked on the side and heard the meaning of building a mage tower independently. Of course, she regarded this as a young mage's beautiful dream for the future, so she repelled Li Xun's impetuous advancement with very real difficulties. As a mid-level mage who can't control his own destiny, every current financial resource must be transformed into his own strength, so that he can go further and further on the road of knowledge, and hoarding wealth still waits to become a high-level mage or a big master. & amp; Mage think about it again!

The tower of the Mage Guild is located in the southern part of Puto Port, where the temple is scarce, which shows that there is no deal between the mage and the stick. Due to the habits of the Masters, the towers of the Master ’s Guilds in various places also use the high tower model. The first floor hall is usually used as the main event venue for the Master ’s apprentices, and is also responsible for reception tasks. Therefore, Li Xun and Xi Lisi entered the first floor hall directly Reception counter at the corner.

This is the busiest time of the day. There are forty or fifty mage apprentices in white short robes active in the hall. Some of them are selling items at the corners of the hall, and some are communicating with each other. Hillis stopped and looked at these familiar scenes with a smile, and said to Li Xun: "You can go there and see if you can find some strange things? These apprentices are not easy!"

Li Xun asked inexplicably: "Have you ever experienced it? You shouldn't need it at that time! Was it necessary for experience?"

Hillis shook her head in sorrow, an unwilling posture, and led Li Xun to the reception desk without answering Li Xun's questions.

The arrival of the two also attracted the attention of the students in the hall. Due to the presence of the Mages Guild, the number of Master Apprentices here is obviously higher than that of other cities, and the quality is also much higher. However, most of the apprentices who have lived and experienced here all the years are familiar faces, and they suddenly saw two of the same age. The young men and women are wearing formal mage robes, and they can't help but be surprised. The conversation in the hall gradually weakened and disappeared. Although everyone did not dare to look rudely, they could not help but turn their attention to the two young mages, especially the elegant and beautiful female mages.

Xi Lisi nodded at the male apprentice behind the counter, nodded his head, presented his mage badge, and said softly, "Please go through the formalities! Master Li Xun and I need to consult the books in the library."

Most of the apprentices who could be selected for reception were flexible little guys. They bowed their heads and dared not look at Xi Lisi ’s beautiful face again. They blushed and received the mage badge. After careful examination, they lost their voices: "8 Mage! "

Although the sound was not loud, it seemed so loud in the quiet hall. Level 8 Master? Such a young 8th-level wizard? A short exclamation sounded in the hall. Looking at the appearance, this female mage should be similar to their age. When they are still working hard at the apprentice level to accumulate magic and find resources for knowledge, they have become official mage, or a middle-level mage who only dare to look up! For a time, many male and female apprentices felt alive. Although I have long heard of the existence of geniuses, it was only today that I saw them with my own eyes.

Li Xun touched his nose, feeling that the atmosphere was wrong, but he could only put his badge on his head.

"Level 6 Master!"

Although it is also exclaimed, you can always taste a sigh of relief from it. What's the matter! What's wrong with the 6th-level wizard? Isn't a level 6 mage a genius? What kind of anger do you loose?

Li Xun gritted his teeth bitterly, how could he seem to be reduced to a follower at this moment, but this kind of thing could not argue anything, but had no choice but to roll his eyes at Xi Lisi in exchange for an apologetic smile.

After a simple registration, the male apprentice returned the mage badge and led them to the stairs on the side of the hall. The library is on the second floor.

When the two young mages disappeared at the staircase, the long-suppressed sound downstairs burst out violently. Many apprentices expressed surprise to each other, inquiring about the news of the two, they could not be quiet for a while.

After consulting the book catalog in the library, the two began to get busy each other. Xi Lisi picked some magic notes that she hadn't seen before, and found them quietly, and Li Xun was much greedy. As long as she hadn't read them, she would have a copy of each, especially if you found it in it. Two 2nd-order spells "Underwater Breath" and "Sharpness" have not been seen in the Royal Library of the Duchy of Novos. Only these two spell copies, Li Xun paid 1200 gold coins, which shows that the knowledge is expensive.

Many low-level mages will choose to transcribe themselves in order to save some costs, on the other hand, it is also to exercise their familiarity with spells. But Li Xun didn't have this time. He could only open the way for money. When he saw what he liked, he needed a copy. In just half an hour, he had won nearly a hundred books of various types and spent 14,000 gold coins. Rarely encountered such a big hacker, the apprentice who manages the library smiled on the face, moved the copy of the book before and after, and soon piled up a hill in front of Li Xun.

Li Xun had seized a lot of dimensional bags in the previous battle, and after being distributed to several heroes for use, there were still two of them as facades, but since he bought too many books today, it is far from the two dimensional bags. Yes, you can only press the book stack and wait until the mental power includes them all before you receive the storage ring. Apprentices who have seen similar scenes before have added a lot of admiration. A middle-level mage can have a storage ring that is not popular even with high-level mage, which only shows that the middle-level mage has a deep background.

Without the leaning of a lot of resources, even geniuses have to accumulate magic power through day-to-day meditation. Okay, you are a genius, super genius! Do you meditate in one day to match the effectiveness of others for ten days? Advance quickly, can you store rings? Can storage rings also fall out of thin air with talent?

Xi Lisi, who has been reading through the books, was attracted by the hustle and bustle of the moment. I wanted to see the joke of this magical boy, so that you have nothing to choose so many books, but someone who has turned around will leak out that there is a storage ring fact. Storage ring? As a former princess of the kingdom, of course, it is not uncommon to have a large-capacity storage ring in his hand, but he ... Cilisi grinned helplessly, and he was not surprised that he had a storage ring. His own guesses on him seemed to be inaccurate, and unexpectedly became his instinct.

I heard from Casas that he seemed to be an apprentice from the Kingdom of Breland, who first registered as a 4th-level wizard in the Principality of Novos one year ago, and performed well in the previous siege of the Necromancer. He quickly grew into a 6th-level mage and was highly valued by His Royal Highness, so he was able to join the team. It was also in the months of getting along that Casas realized the strangeness and magic of his talents. He said that as long as this person can continue to grow, there is no limit to the future!

Hillis felt that she couldn't understand the young mage more and more. His experience is full of secrets, and he first became a level 4 mage when he first registered at the mage guild. What about before? Has he been traveling around the country as an apprentice? Was that magical talent born or was it a adventure? Genius can't exchange storage rings. The only thing he showed about Gu Xiwang was his desire for knowledge, but this was no surprise. After all, this is true of every mage who pursues something. I will live alone in Novis in the future. After all, it is beneficial and harmless to attract a genius mage, but what resources do I have to attract such a genius mage destined to shine?

The young princess who had to step into such a difficult situation fell into deep contemplation.