The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 738: All kinds of things

Li Xun's efforts are of course in his eyes.

This time the tree demon who made him contract level 17 is a kind of affirmation and reward for his efforts. As for the necessary trials and tempering, Li Xun has already considered it. The invitation of the abyss mentioned by the legendary demon warlock is about to come. I am afraid that this trip will also have a lot of wars, just to let Jack take the opportunity to practice.

Anyway, Li Xun is guarding it, and I can't expect much problems.

But before going to the abyss, Li Xun also had to deal with some of the daily affairs in his home properly.

Of course, the first major event is the ‘cephaly’ in the cemetery that was left within the territory of the Union of Undead.

Under the rush of the corpse devil Mars day and night, it is not far from the destination that Li Xun calibrated. It was a small city on the edge of the northern territory of the Undead Council-Andorhal. It is backed by a whispered coast, surrounded by rolling hills and steep mountains, which is a natural dangerous place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is a pity that because the terrain there was too difficult, after being defeated by the Undead Council, the small city of Andorhal directly razed it to the ground.

Under the instruction of Li Xun, the corpse devil Mars rushed to the ruins of Andorhal with the "residual soldiers" after the war of Blackwood Lake, and re-founded his foot there.

The surveillance forces sent by the Undead Council have been adorning them from afar. Seeing that they were camping there, the undead troops also built a fortress in another dangerous place 50 miles away, named the Undead Barrier, and stationed a large army to firmly seal the ruins of Andorhal inside.

Although the elite main force brought by the corpse devil was taken away by Li Xun one after another, only a small but elite tomb-guarding force remained, but the Undead United Council did not have an uncharacteristically upswing to completely destroy them, but chose to ren Its self-indulgent indulgence. Although Li Xun, the ghost of Yingying, was impenetrable, he did not delay him to push the boat and leave a nail there.

Even if the Undead Council swallowed the bait with a fierce blow, Li Xun only lost a corpse grave devil, but the fierce revenge of the Great Cemetery may not be able to withstand the Undead Council. Since the return of a large number of veteran legendary casters from the Mages Guild, several Liches of the Undead Council have also appeared low-key. Except for the flying chickens and dogs still fighting in Novis, several other fire heads have been extinguished, showing that the other party has no intention to provoke a war.

For the venomous snakes like the necropolis, in fact, several legendary liches have already hated them, and they wished to eradicate them early. It is a pity that the main force of the necropolis is always hidden in the dark, just like the Hydra, and what is revealed is always only part of the strength. Even if the legendary lich launched a ruthless attempt to cut off the revealed snake head, it could not stand that the other party had a strong regeneration ability, and came to harass again and again.

In this case, without knowing where the main body of the necropolis is, the Undead Council cannot always make up its mind and fight with it. The necropolis may be affordable, but the Undead Council cannot afford it. Once peeped into the flaws by outsiders, those legendary enemies may be unwilling to be lonely.

Even now, the territories around the Undead Council seem to have no change, but in the background, the countries that border the Undead Council have begun secretly increasing troops at the border. It is difficult to say whether there is any influence exerted by the legends, otherwise the legendary lich's fierce name is out, and those few countries dare to provoke the fire of the Undead Council in this way.

In short, before the lich leader Sean VII can get away, and before the legendary lich Lagong returns smoothly, the remaining three legendary liches really do not intend to make waves. If everything can be delayed until the success of the Novis plan, then the peace situation in front of them is also undesirable.

After simply stabilizing the defense work of the corpse devil Mars, Li Xun quickly focused his attention on the second thing.

According to the information sent back by the Devil Wizard of the Abyss, the soul aura of the death chanter Kalthas appeared briefly in the abyss world, but it was completely cut off before he could contact him. However, before breaking the contact, he passed back an inexplicable plane coordinate, not from the wizard world, but from the abyss world.

Recognized by the demon girl Morika, this plane coordinate should be located on the 489th floor of the abyss plane-Valley of Poison.

It was once ruled by a powerful Balmoral called Tarnheim, although he had disappeared. The atmosphere in that plane is a mist of acid vapor, which is constantly being supplemented by volcanic eruptions, and the volcanic eruptions leave a scene of total destruction.

Although Tarnheim is missing, the demon minions guarding the territory are still maintaining the territory and are very unfriendly to uninvited guests. There are large and small demon lords all struggling to fight for the vacant plane lord status.

For such headless intelligence that is more ambiguous and more like a false alarm, the demon wizard was also reported to the cemetery owner because of repeated times. Li Xun somehow felt a strange feeling when he received this intelligence. Out of a focus on soul intuition, Li Xun decided to recruit a small adventure team to sneak into the 489th plane to investigate. If there is any real change in it, it is not too late to send a large army of cemeteries.

And this extremely dangerous adventure mission was taken over by Doom Messenger. He picked a few more partners in the necropolis mercenary before leaving the chaotic land and stepping into the portal to Wanyuan Plain. At present, the two small abyss planes in the necropolis do not have a portal and route to the Valley of Poison. If you want to go to the 489th floor, you can only go to Wanyuan Plain to try your luck first. Portal.

After the second matter was processed, Li Xun began to pay attention to the third memo submitted by the owner of the fortress Yuyue.

As a cemetery city constructed overseas by the Necropolis, the Yuyue Fortress naturally has the convenience of communicating with the Hai people, and is also an important platform for the cemetery and the Hai people to conduct business transactions. Over the past six months, Zena's actions have been quite handy, and he has almost built Yuyue fortress into a trading capital.

But people are afraid of famous pigs and strong. As can be seen from the recent memo submitted by Zena, the troubles of Hazuki Fortress have come.

On the one hand comes trouble from within the Hai people.

Fair trade with barter is of course beneficial to both parties, but in every group there are inevitable speculators. The large-scale business transactions between the Yueyue Fortress and the surrounding Hai people undoubtedly attracted some coveted eyes. Some unscrupulous sea tribes began to try to plunder and loot the sea caravans on Saldo Island, and sent troops to block off the surrounding waters of Saldo Island.

This can only be said that Zena's previous secret work was too good. The Yueyue Fortress, the cemetery city behind the invisibility, has not been exposed. Standing on the bright surface is a fake city of Zena. Xu was too obscure and made some Hai tribes lose their awe. Only then did they hit the door.

For this military provocation, Zena naturally has a way to deal with it. But the intervention of another wave of forces made it difficult for her.

This second wave of power comes from the Temple of Justice.

The last time I hit the gecko, the Temple of Justice's attention was drawn to the half-moon island by the dragon lich Winnosius, which initially solved the risk of a leak on Saldo Island.

It is a pity that with the fame of Saldo Island, this mysterious power that has suddenly risen has renewed the suspicion of the Temple of Justice. During the most recent period, many knights and priests from the Temple of Justice entered and exited the sea off Novos, making people uneasy.

At present, the necropolis is entangled with the Undead Council. If unilaterally defends against the invasion of the sea clan, Zena, as the owner of the cemetery, can complete military operations of this scale. But once the temple of justice was involved, she had to report to the cemetery owner first.

Otherwise, she would not be guilty of committing war crimes without permission.

After communicating with several high-ranking lords in the necropolis, and consulting the dragon lich staff in turn, Li Xun had to issue an urgent order to the **** throne under the blood demon to investigate the recent developments of the Temple of Justice.

To be honest, with the recent slow penetration, the **** throne with the high-level blood as the core has successively inserted subordinate forces into most of the human kingdoms of the Klein continent. However, in areas where the church power is more severe, only the blood warriors at the level of blood warriors can hide the ubiquitous detection of evil, so blood warriors led by Sarah were sent to these countries, where they operated the tomb silently Park ’s underground intelligence network.

This is also a major reason why Li Xun has rarely seen the group of blood warlocks recently.

After the decision on the island of Saldo has been decided, the following is the trivia near the Undercity.

Since the necropolis directly sent troops to destroy Rasmuffel City, a fortified fortress was built on the ruins of Drow City to firmly block the Undercity behind. But in the recent past, the lower channel of the Undead Fortress seems to be a little too peaceful. Obviously, some underground forces that do not know life and death are spying on the reality of the undead.

These **** guys really remembered whether to eat or not, and the destruction of a drow city could not extinguish their never-ending greed, even daring to cast their coveted eyes on the dark city.

As the No. 1 main city in the Necropolis, Undercity is the core of all cemetery portals. Once something changes, the free flow of the entire Necropolis will be stuck. In addition, the tears of Asha, the "artifact" of Li Xun's cemetery, are also placed here, which is absolutely not to be snooped on.

Li Xun, who gritted his teeth, immediately ordered the Holy Light Skeleton stationed in the Undercity, and an elite cemetery corps took the initiative to attack from the undead fortress, sweeping all underground passages and creatures within a hundred miles in the shortest time. Nest, kill all dangerous signs in the bud.