The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 746: Vicksa's Destiny 2 (Supplement)

(Thanks to the white priest, the big red envelope for reward, thank you for making up)

Although he knew it was wrong, it was only a trance moment, and Vixar felt that the evaluation of succubus in the past was too vicious.

This is obviously a pathetic race that has fallen into a violent biota. They should have been wearing Jinyihuafu, sitting in the tall hall, surrounded by delicate flowers, enjoying the diligent service of many slaves. And he, the gentle Vixxa lover, snuggled in their arms, and confided in their ears sweet love that could not be said for days and nights ...

Perhaps Master Vicza still has many suppressed emotions hidden deep in his heart that need to be vented, but in reality, he becomes trance and confusion under a blowing kiss of the high succubus, and he is faltering step by step from defense Walk towards the succubus in the circle.

2 steps ... As long as there are 2 more steps, he walks out of the defensive circle. At that time, the merits of capturing a human high-level wizard will fall on the great succubus Agatha.

Unfortunately, at this time, a black panther mysteriously appearing in the shadow at the foot of Vixxa swelled out, growled loudly, and slammed into the succubus.

The last time Agatha, who was still smiling with a sweet kiss, kissed the black panther's volley with a demonized left hand. The right hand shook the barbed whip and beat the other party fiercely. And the sweet girl who was originally delicate and fair-skinned and tender, was also replaced by a humanoid demon with dense dark green scales all over her body.

This is actually the real battle form of succubus.


With a short exclaim, Vicsar suddenly seemed to wake up from an unbreakable "nightmare" and looked at the scene in front of him with horror.

"Damn beast, you broke my good deeds. I will definitely cramp you and put it in a hot lava to roast into skewers ..."

Seeing the high-level mage get rid of his own charm, the succubus Agatha was almost irritated at this moment. If it wasn't for the mage's pet delicacy, perhaps now he could already taste the deliciousness of the mage's flesh and blood, and by the way harvest a high-quality caster's soul.

It is a pity to get rid of it.

Any man who has escaped the temptation of the succubus will be in a state of panic and anger for a long time, and it is difficult to charm the success again. This also heralded the desire to reap this soul with little effort.

With extreme fear and anger, Viksa's right hand quickly swiped in the air, and a lightning rune shining with a dazzling electric awn was formed in an instant. At the next moment, a blinding lightning chain struck the succubus Agatha, causing him to issue a painful and gentle oral statement.

If it is placed in peacetime, this kind of ecstasy will definitely inspire Viksa's strong protection and pity, but at this time, it can only inspire it to madly retaliate against the other's resentment.

Before being more than a dozen, only two steps away, he was about to lose his life, and his soul would be lost to the hands of higher demons, becoming toys that they wanted to play with. This kind of fear is always chilling when it reminds him of it, so he feels sincere resentment and anger towards the succubus of the initiator.

The violent lightning torrent hit the succubus forward protecting the bat wings, and a huge hole was drilled in it, which completely vented the lightning power to the succubus' delicate and slender body.

The charm of the succubus instantly turned into a scream, and the petite body was directly pumped out and hit the solid stone wall on the side of the magic hall, leaving a deep pit like a cobweb.

"Hahaha ... Agatha, I said earlier that your succubus are all soft lying girls, only squatting behind to pick up some leftovers. Now you know the danger on the battlefield! Let the great Kirk teach you how Fight! Hahaha ... "

Along with the arrogant devil's laughter, another tall demon figure appeared inside the magic hall, and the huge demon war mallet in his hand fiercely hit the transparent defensive circle mask.

Damn it, it's a fiend!

The yellow-green stench of smoke that pervades the outside of the ugly body can be used to infer the species of the demon. Of all the demons, you can kill you, the most disgusting demon-the mad war demon.

And he is a fierce war demon with a rank up to level 17.

For such high-level demons, the ranged group injury spells are often not very aura, and only those single damage spells can penetrate their magic-resistant skin and give them enough magic damage.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the newly-arrived demon warrior attacking the defensive circle in a frenzy, Vixa desperately went to the division of Enzos to seek help, while responding with a sharp lightning spear. The four "hammers" surrounded by them also strode stiffly to meet this powerful demon known for its huge strength and fierce fighting.

The escape scroll was held tightly in Vixxa's hands. As long as two or three vacancies were available, he could smoothly return to the Devil's Castle and stay away from this dangerous battle. But he could not wait to come to the Dazha station to get the retreat information of Enzos, and he never dared to launch the escape scroll in his hand.

He came from a small family in the remote branch of the Desailock family, and it was him who had the highest rank in the entire family. If Enzos gets a sore foot because of avoiding war, I am afraid that the whole family will face an unpredictable fate after returning home.

Those high-level mages who want to escape are all rising stars from the big family or the origin of the blood, and small households like him can't stand any bumps in fate.

With extreme fear and anger, and a strong resentment of unfair fate, Master Vexar poured out his strongest attack on the demons who were constantly pouring into the hall, and harvested from the screams of the demons. With trivial pleasure and satisfaction.

At this moment, the main line of his destiny was bright red, almost reaching the peak of his life.

It was such a strong emotional change and the fierce tremor of the fate thread that just triggered Li Xun's attention here. With the penetration of the impenetrable panorama into the tower's magic defense system, Li Xun can even see the fierce twisted face and bloodshot red eyes of the other party at a distance of hundreds of meters and barriers of layers.

Above his head, Li Xun can almost see the main line of destiny that has been tightened to the extreme.

This moment is definitely the most important turning point in the life of the high-level mage Vixxa. If the accumulation of hard work in the past can make him survive this life and death node, then he will surely usher in a blowout type of power explosion. But once it fails ...

Almost without much thought, Li Xun can foresee the tragic fate of Vicsar. Because Li Xun, who is more open than his horizons, has discovered three or four hidden dangers around him that will have a significant impact on his fate, but he is ignorant of this.

Vixa, engulfed in violent speculation, did not notice that a concealed high-level demon had lurked outside the defensive circle, and his black panther pet, which was entangled with the higher succubus, was also on the verge of death .

Even more frightening is that the mad demon teleportation technique that was forced to the corner of the hall by the four hammers has also cooled down.

Even without using too much brain power to think about it, Li Xun can foresee what will happen next few fingers.

The mad war devil who completed the teleportation cooling must be the culprit that forced Vixxa into a destiny. It will definitely use the demon teleportation technique to get rid of the entanglement of the four iron golems, appear near Vixxa, and defeat the defensive circle of obstacles in one fell swoop.

However, this is not enough.

A high-level wizard's complete blessing of single spell protection can definitely allow it to withstand a round of fierce attack by the fierce war demon and successfully launch the escape scroll in his hand. No amount of family punishment can match the threat to life.

So at this time, how to keep him through the magical protection of Vic Sami is a problem. But looking at the demon pet Panther that is about to die in the hands of the succubus, Li Xunsen smiled coldly.

The magic pet is connected to the owner of the contract. Once the magic pet is killed in battle, the impact of the soul formed at that moment can definitely interrupt Vixa's continuous guidance of the escape scroll, allowing him to fail at the last moment of his upcoming success. The subtle stealth death is even arranged!

Viksa, who was interrupted by the immediate escape, was just a high-level wizard. How long can he stay under the madness of the 18th level? 15 fingers or 30 fingers?

When he realized that he needed to get rid of the entanglement of the war demon, he might not yet know that there was a terrifying hunter waiting in the dark behind him-the high-level dog demon.

That is one of the most agile demon. There is nothing more unlucky than seeing a dog demon while escaping!

Massive data and battle deductions in the scene flashed quickly in Li Xun's mind, instantly letting him predict the future destiny of Viksa in advance.

At this moment, Li Xun quite watched the alien version of "Death is coming".

For Vicsar, his future is still vague and vague, everything is so unpredictable. But for Li Xun, all hidden dangers of destiny hidden behind the scenes are so clear and clear in front of him. Even Li Xun has a feeling that if he uses his own power to intervene in this destiny of destiny of death, Vicsar's fate will negotiate with himself from now on.

This does not mean that Viksa will obey Li Xun in the future. But from then on, his mage career will undergo a major change, and Li Xun will appear in every important time segment of his life.

This may be the cause and effect proclaimed by the earth in the previous life, and in the present life, everything is incorporated into a perfectly functioning world system in the form of a silk of fate.

Negotiations of this fate are always unpredictable. Even if Li Xun is full of confidence, he can control the fate of Vicsar, but once he contaminates himself, even if he exhausts all of Li Xun's energies, he cannot predict whether this change will be good or bad. After saving Vixxa, did his own destiny get better or worse?

Facing the long corner of fate, Li Xun hesitated.

Interfere or not interfere?