The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 768: Dragon Blood

At this point, Master Kel'Thuzad finally stopped, staring at the huge Bone Dragon. It was only a quarter of an hour before he responded from the "daze" and turned to ask Jacob.

"How far has the frost dragon's elemental fusion progressed? What special performance did this day have?"

Jacob smiled bitterly and said: "The fusion of the teleost dragon and the ice fragments is not ideal, and there have been many elemental riots during this period. If it was not our forced external intervention, this experiment can already declare failure!"

"What is your judgment?"

"After the unanimous judgment of the seven corpse elders, the main reason for the failure of element fusion is that the effect of the element stabilizer cannot meet the predetermined requirements. If you want to continue further experiments, you must find a more efficient stabilizer ..."

At this moment, Jacob's tone seemed hesitant.

"Hurry up and say anything, you must have a better goal!"

"Yes, respected Master Kel'Thuzad, I ... we feel ... feel ..."

"What the **** do you like? Hurry up, don't talk!"

"Dragon blood essence! Sir, we all agree that dragon blood essence is the most suitable as an element stabilizer."


Although he had been prepared mentally for the other party to say that it would be an extremely rare treasure, the sudden hearing of Dragon's Blood still surprised Kel'Thuzad. But after being surprised, he also fell into deep thinking.

Regardless of other things, these corpse witch researchers can think of dragon blood essence, indicating that they have really thought about it, I am afraid that they have also done some tests before. After careful consideration, it is really quite operable.

Dragon blood essence, the dragon blood bottle can produce a drop of high-purity dragon blood every seven days, in the form of crystals. If it is absorbed by an orthodox dragon, it can help it transition to the next form smoothly, so it is a rare dragon treasure. .

The Dragon's Blood Bottle was robbed from the underground world by the owner of the cemetery, and was placed in the ancient tomb of the dragon in the dark city on the first day after the robbing, becoming the most important treasure in the vein of the dead dragon in the cemetery. This also makes the ancient tomb of the dark city dragon a well-deserved dragon holy place among the many cemetery cities. Many bone dragons, ghost dragons, and dragon witches from the undead dragon like to go there regularly for dive.

However, because there are more monks and fewer porridge, the demand for dragon blood essence within the undead dragon has reached a hungry level, so it is extremely difficult for the outside world to get a drop. In the end, the cemetery lord issued a compulsory order, and the elder dragon lich who guarded the dragon tomb reluctantly squeezed out a dragon blood essence into the market, which made the cemetery group know the cemetery. There are actually such treasures.

The corpses of the Undead Institute can think of the dragon blood essence, obviously they have already initially identified their basic attributes in the market. Only treasures such as dragon blood essence can not only strengthen the development potential of bone dragon, but also appease the elemental particles that are too restless, allowing the two to merge together more peacefully.

Kel'Thuzad couldn't help but think along this line of thought, and finally approved the judgment of the corpses. Under the current circumstances, if you want to continue the "Frost Dragon Transformation Plan", it is true that dragon blood essence is the best choice.

But want to get dragon blood essence ... This thing makes the old corpse witch head big.

As far as he knows, there is only one of the dragon blood essences currently flowing out. As for other dragon blood essences, I heard that they were all occupied by a dragon lich elder bred in the ancient tomb of the dragon in the dark city. The old guy never took a step out of the dragon tomb and ruled there as the guardian of the dragon tomb.

Although the auxiliary advanced function of dragon blood essence can only be effective once for any dragon family, but if you take it for a long time, you can still subtly improve the individual's development potential. Therefore, the reason that the elder lich elder had the stronger his own strength, the better he could guard the dragon tomb, almost occupied all the output of dragon blood essence.

According to legend, the individual strength of the dragon lich elder has reached the holy order. It was only because he never went out that he did not have a reputation in the necropolis. Once it was about to walk out of the ancient tomb of the dragon, it was instantly a gangster-level figure after the three legends.

Even inside the undead dragon in the cemetery, it was also a quarrel. Under strong external pressure, the dragon lich elder finally made concessions. In the future, the output of dragon blood essence must be transferred for every three pieces for the promotion of the most outstanding descendants of the undead dragon.

I heard that the rising star of the undead dragon, the ghost dragon Moros, also used the great benefit to exchange a dragon blood essence from the dragon lich elder. Recently, he is arranging various matters of his own evolution. The big brother in the undead dragon, the legendary undead flying dragon can naturally enjoy the worship of dragon blood essence.

Calculated in this way, one out of every three dragon blood essences should be provided to the undead flying dragon, one dragon lich elder left for his own use, and the remaining one was furiously fought by many cemetery dragons Object.

In this case, the difficulty of any outsider trying to obtain a dragon blood essence can be imagined.

Therefore, if you want to obtain dragon blood essence for a long time, you can only fight the idea of ​​the dragon lich elder inventory.

Having made up his mind, he scrutinized the plan in his mind a few times. When it was determined that the problem was not serious, the old corpse witch Kel'Thuzad turned to leave the Institute of Undead. Of course, before he left, he did not forget to bring some of the recent "specialties" of the Institute of Undead Research. It is all up to them whether this business trip can achieve its purpose.

The old corpse witch rarely left a trip to the Institute of Undead. The first destination was not the dragon tomb of the dark city, but the holy city of Solma.

As soon as he stepped out of the Solma portal, the old witch was shocked by the sight in front of him.

After half a year of intensive research, he knew nothing about the development of the cemetery cities. Seeing suddenly at this moment, it is inevitable that some surprise and emotion.

Solma, located on the 438th Demon Plane of the Abyss World, belongs to the private plane of Hilgai. As the sole garrison city of the Great Cemetery, Solma has also become a holy place for the blood tribe's owners.

Unlike other cemetery cities, it is indeed a city of exclusive blood. Stepping out of the portal and looking around, there were all well-dressed and gentle vampires in front of me. The gentle temperament, the arrogant and gentle manners, and the extravagant life of human nobles, let the old corpse witch at first glance think that he came to a metropolis dominated by humans.

The streets and alleys are full of vampires dressed in exquisite noble clothes. The men are all in a straight tuxedo, a vampire with a red bow tie, a gentleman's hat on the head, a civilized staff in hand, and a very delicate mustache under the nose. Female vampires are all gorgeous and one-piece dresses, sun hats of different colors, soft and light silk gloves, delicate and high-heeled shoes.

Every time the tinkling car bell rang, there would be a leisurely noble carriage passing by, and the curtain of the opened carriage showed the smile of the beautiful noble girl, and they were echoed with their arrogant and sweet smile on the way.

On both sides of the road, there are a variety of cloak shops, high-end restaurants, concert halls, coffee huts, and open-air balconies. Even the hospitality in the dresses to greet guests is so polite and gentle.

But farther away, you can't see too many of these horrible cemetery buildings, but instead of a series of retro-style castles and villas. A variety of beautiful flowers and ornamental plants can be seen everywhere in the flower beds in the middle of the street and in front of the house in the villa area.

The old witch was speechless.

This is the Devil Plane, known as the most desolate and unsuitable place for the growth of fragile plants in the multiverse. The blood races want to plant these ornamental "wastes" here, in addition to cultivating the heat resistance of these plants, they also need to use the strength of the bones to change the air and soil composition of the entire city.

The thought that needs to be spent here is that the old corpse witch will feel headache when thinking about it, but these blood races have done it generously. It seems that after the blood race has invested most of its strength in the human society of the Klein plane, the rewards it has obtained are indeed very rich.

While the old zombie stood in a daze, several blood races responsible for maintaining the order around the portal clearly recognized him, and hurriedly came over to salute.

"Dear Master Kel'Thuzad, I don't know how expensive you are to visit Solmar? The blood clan Sir Thomas is happy to help you." The vampire in front of him was obviously a first-class blood clan who had just won the knighthood. The director of the Institute of Undead has arrived, and is particularly humble and respectful. A gentleman's hat was grabbed from the top of the head, and a standard 90-degree bow was made on the chest.

"I want to meet your blood ancestor, is he in Solma now?"

"Blood ancestor is in Scarlet Castle, he will be very happy to comment on you. Please!"

Sir Thomas smiled obsequiously, turned around and snapped a finger, a luxurious noble carriage stopped in front of him, and the high-headed horse pulling the cart "sneaked" with a snort, looking terribly abnormal.

Sir Thomas opened the door respectfully and bowed: "Sir, please get in the car!"

After the old corpse witch got into the car, the noble carriage started traveling westward all the way to the scarlet ancient castle, the tallest building standing in the center of the city.

A quarter of an hour later, Kel'Thuzad finally saw the target Gorefiend in the trip on the second floor of the Scarlet Castle.

To be honest, the old corpse witch who hadn't seen the blood demon for a long time almost couldn't recognize him.

The blood goblin in the past is purely a cold-blooded assassin, always rushing to the front line of the **** battlefield, feeding on blood and using blood as its power, and the appearance is just a blood-covered jackal. And now, the pale face that has not seen the sun for a long time, the long silver hair scattered, the blue eyes overflowing with strange power, the tall and sturdy body, the elegant, gentle and learned noble temperament, which makes the blood demon completely. It seems like a person has changed.

If it weren't for the familiar soul fluctuations, the old corpse witch could not believe that the human nobleman standing in front of him was the blood demon he had been dealing with for a long time.