The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 817: Cemetery road

At this moment, the entire cemetery has been completely spread out.

In some regions, the key battles when expanding individual planes do not even require the participation of Li Xun, the owner of the cemetery. In many cases, the deaths and injuries of thousands of creatures have only turned into a paper application before and a paper report afterwards. No more deaths are just a cold number on paper.

Many times Li Xun began to wonder if he was the same as those legendary liches.

And the current mainstream heroes of the necropolis are also working towards the legendary level. If Kalsas's recent advancement is successful, I am afraid that he will become the first battle hero in the necropolis to cross the legendary threshold.

This has great symbolic significance for the necropolis.

You should know that this multiverse is infinitely broad and deep, with material interfaces and special planes of various sizes and shapes. If you want to travel through this world and conquer the entire multiverse, then the legendary stage is the lowest threshold for the start of the necropolis.

Seriously, only when a considerable proportion of heroes have crossed the threshold of legends, will the necropolis have the basic qualifications for levy. Otherwise, you can only carry out plane smuggling like the Wizarding World, and it depends on the will of success. In many cases, the progress of things is not under the control of the necropolis.

Judging from the current expansion directions of the necropolis, the undead world is undoubtedly the best colonization situation, and it is also the main source of necropolis mercenaries. The Abyss Plane currently occupies two floors, but they are all small planes. Although there seems to be great potential for development in the colonization space, it is also the most dangerous place.

You know, the bottomless abyss of the multiverse is a place where all the main plane creatures feel headache and shudder. There is almost a collection of powerful abyss lords, demon lords and terrible evil gods known throughout the multiverse. All kinds of extremely powerful chaotic evil creatures take their homes there, and are extremely hostile to all creatures on the material plane.

Many scholars who have thoroughly studied the multiverse have regarded the bottomless abyss as the intestine of the multiverse. As a garbage containment site for the excretion of waste from the multiverse, it is undoubtedly filled with various toxic substances harmful to living things. The abyss demons and **** demons are scavengers in the dump, and they are the spokespersons of all the negative words such as chaos, cruelty, cruelty, filth, etc. in the multiverse.

Although their existence is not accepted by the creatures on the Zhu material plane, it is necessary for the development of the multiverse.

So many scholars have asserted that the bottomless abyss can only be cleared, but it will never disappear.

This is because the development of the multiverse itself needs such a place to store "garbage".

However, if any family has too much "garbage", it will inevitably affect all aspects of this family, so remember that regular cleaning is the general trend of the entire multiverse.

Of course, the above remarks are all part of the subject matter. If you really treat those demons, demons, strange monsters, and evil gods as weak and bully "garbage", then you are waiting to be cleaned up by these "waste"!

Therefore, the abyss world is an extremely dangerous place!

The colony here is very likely to unconsciously step into the homeland occupied by a powerful demon creature, or inadvertently be involved in the intricacies of many abyss lords. Therefore, living among a group of lunatics, and among the powerful lunatics, it is very likely that upon waking up, the territories that have been painstakingly developed will be smashed by an unintentionally passing bastard.

Therefore, since the two abyss small planes were completely occupied, the development of the necropolis here came to an end. The next goal worth attacking was too late to be determined.

It's so hard, it's so hard!

Most demonic planes are possessed by the Lord, and it is even more difficult to choose to be weak and eat inside. On the contrary, the two demonic planes occupied by the necropolis are the real sweets in the eyes of outsiders. Many times, the necropolis not only has to think about who to fight, but also more about who will come to fight themselves.

Fortunately, regardless of whether it is Hilgues, the devil wizard, or many undead, they are also recognized as members of the bottomless abyss, and will not be rejected by the abyss. And the medium-sized demon plane targeted by the Mage Guild has been exploited for hundreds of years, and it still looks like a half-dead.

The essence of this is still the identity of human beings. This makes it difficult for them to form absolute **** there, and it is even more difficult for them to gain recognition from the plane consciousness.

So for comparison, the Undead Realm and the Abyssal Realm are not suitable as the foundation for exploring the endless Xinghai. One is that sooner or later, it will be extinct, and it would be brainless to put the foundation of the cemetery for ten thousand years. One is the gathering of lunatics, and the demon is rampant. Putting the foundation there is waiting for a lunatic to be turned upside down!

Therefore, the best choice is still the Klein plane.

First, there is a well-developed main material plane. Although the size is not enough for the large plane, it is already top in the medium plane. And after more than three years of planning and development, the necropolis has initially established its footing there. With the emergence of a legendary cemetery hero, the foundation of the cemetery will also be more stable, and no longer worry about being exposed to the enemy by the enemy.

Of course, as the cemetery grew stronger, Li Xun's ambitions expanded.

At the beginning of the Klein plane, the penniless and lonely Li Xunman thought about how to survive and how not to be discovered by the local indigenous people. In this way, I lived diligently for two years. Until recently, Xu was a little bit raised and straightened upright.

But at this moment, as the leader and leader of the entire cemetery, Li Xun had to clearly point out the rise of the cemetery to many subordinates with ambitious ambitions. Moreover, Li Xun also needs to show his equally aggressive ambitions.

He needs to tell everyone: He, Li Xun, the lord of the cemetery, is also an ambitious, old and fierce fierce wolf, not a little sheep who leads the wolves!

this point is very important!


What do you need to rule the expedition of the entire multiverse and explore the secrets of the endless Xinghai?

The first one is of course immortal life.

Without immortal life, I am afraid that you are not even qualified to reach the boundary of the multiverse. For a lunatic who will fall halfway due to exhaustion of vitality at any time, more than the universe will treat you with its kindness and tolerance, giving you a chance to reintegrate into the multiverse.

Your body will be attacked by the tide of energy, your bones will be used by the star beast to decorate the nest, and your soul will settle into the bottomless abyss. In this way, you become part of the multiverse again.

So immortal life is very important, without it, you do n’t even have the qualification to explore the multiverse.

The second one is of course a powerful force.

But there are many kinds of power.

It can be the kind of arrogant personal force, the kind that a person can beat the stars. It can also be a group of forces, that is, the endless and constant surge of soldiers.

Although the two forms of power expression are completely different, they are undisputed. They are both external expressions of a powerful force.

Of course, the necropolis also has this potential.

The graveyard hero carefully trained by Li Xun is ready to take the first path of individual strengthening. Through continuous experience and hardening of life and death, I will strengthen myself little by little, and eventually become a powerful person who will shake the entire multiverse. However, this road is obviously very long and tortuous, and it has endless rugged and dangerous roads. It is difficult for those who are not persevering to come to an end.

The main body of the necropolis is obviously going to be tactical.

The elite and highly adaptable diversified arms can continuously increase the number of arms. These are the strengths of the necropolis. Moreover, there are many scientific cemetery masters, and the quality of the basic arms of the cemetery can be steadily improved, and a universal evolutionary transformation has been made.

This is obviously the strength of the necropolis.

But the multiverse is vast and deep.

There are a lot of exotic species and ethnic groups like the Necropolis which are extremely aggressive and have the capital to implement it, but most of them are not very good in the end. Either the intruder in the mouth of the local indigenous people was hanged by the joint, or it was so strong that it collapsed on its own due to the lack of a clear internal centripetal force.

So the third most important element is the mind to judge the situation.

The multiverse has never lacked lunatics, arrogant ambitions, and ambitions who want to conquer all planes, enslave all living things, and rule thousands of worlds ... but most of them are short-lived. A part of filthy and mean dust.

Without saying anything else, it is said that those freaks that the Necropolis met in the underground world of the Klein plane are typical of such villains. For the multiverse, these sudden demons are obviously the same as Li Xun, and they are also some kind of traversers.

They came to this world, and once clamored for a unified plane and conquered the multiverse. It is a pity that even the Klein plane did not step out, and was overthrown by the combined Klein natives, so far they can only hide in the dark and cold ground.

This was the first dark war recorded in the history of the Klein plane.

In addition, Li Xun's exploratory group books also found that the "multiple universe" has also had trouble with "insect disasters".

A group of mysterious Zerg from outside the universe suddenly came to this multiverse, quickly and quickly devoured several large planes, and established a huge "Zerg Empire". Estimated by strength and power, that Zerg Empire can be countless times more powerful than the current necropolis.

Unfortunately, silently, the Zerg Empire collapsed.

As for whether they were defeated by a certain strongman or by the indigenous joint forces, this is simply not found in historical books or historical books of magic. However, some remaining branches left after their demise are still active in the bottomless abyss. According to legend, the powerful and terrifying Zerg lords of the Bottomless Abyss are their descendants.

But nowadays, they are only one of many scavengers in the bottomless abyss.

So with so many lessons to learn from the past, Li Xun feels that first integrating the necropolis into this multiverse and washing his identity as a traverser may be the only way before a strong rise.

In this process, a brain that judges the situation and a strong but nonchalant heart is what the necropolis must have!