The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 827: Black robe

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The thick dust beneath the roots of the ghost tree was stripped away, revealing a rare purple copper ore here.

Finally, the black robe nodded in satisfaction, and his dirty right hand with sharp bones and sharp nails stretched out, and the letterman swiped a few times in the air. A gleaming green mysterious character diploma emerged from the air, but with a slight pause, he turned his head and fell into the ghost tree next to it.


A slap-sized bark of old bark fell off the ghost tree, revealing a dense hole hidden behind.

The hole is not big, so it is a punch, but there is a mini-magic magic circle in it. A piece of mysterious black debris floated in the center of the micro-circle.

Black robe looked at everything in front of her and could not help sighing softly.

On such a tiny magic circle, there are six or seven magic effects such as concealment, anti-prophecy, anti-detection, and magic sealing. This shows that the "man" who draws this magic circle has profound magic knowledge and master-level drawing techniques.

But today he ran to this desolate place, not for this miniature circle, but for the mysterious debris floating in the center of the circle. Carefully put the debris into a sealed magic box, the black robe hesitated, and a small fireball smashed into the dense hole. Among the blasting flames, there was a crackling and slight burst inside, and the traces of the miniature circle were wiped away.

But after finishing this, the black robe looked around and felt the dense breath of undead in the ghost tree forest, and could not help but snorted.

A few short whispers murmured, and a violent magic flame rushed out of the thin body of the black robe, sweeping everything around it at a rapid speed. Where the flame passed, the ghost tree burst into a torch, and the dead spiders and ghosts resenting the ghosts burned into ashes before they could escape. The mud on the ground is also violently tumbling, completely boiled, and the black mist is transpiring, and there is a vaguely howling of the old ghost.

The thin body of the black robe walked silently in the raging magical flame. From time to time, he raised his hand to shoot a fire arrow or burst fireball, destroying the ghost tree that ignited the periphery. When encountering a guy hiding at the bottom of the quagmire, the black robe only needs a flint meteor "meteorite bomb" to smash the slough into a deep pit, and everything in it will be destroyed in the lava fire column. .

Two rounds centered on the location of the dense cave ghost tree, and it was determined that all ghosts within 2 miles of the square were killed, and the black robe nodded with satisfaction, and turned and fell into a portal that was opened by the hand.

This terrible forest that was still full of ghosts and ghosts was born, and the ground was instantly messy, and it became the real death of Yu Yan.

The exit of the portal is opened in a super huge magic square.

The entire Magic Square can be roughly divided into seven functional areas.

Close to the North End City Hall is the administrative district. The bustling crowd there is dense and crowded. Mysterious characters in various costumes and dresses can be seen everywhere, but more of them are all round-shaped, sturdy and various types of undead. Seeing the ugly and ugly faces, the terrifying tall and terrifying undead were lined up honestly, waiting to enter the city hall for a certain business, and the black robe couldn't help shaking his head.

These guys are a good hand to fight home and go out when they go out. Raw blood is also not changed, but in front of the majestic city hall, they are honestly like a primary school student.

There are noisy human voices in the northwest corner, and the clanging of the clanging sounds is the place where the blacksmith shop, the undead tinkering ground, and the appraisal shop are located. It is also the most frequented place for cemetery mercenaries. Every time the war returns, the cemetery mercenaries need to go to the blacksmith shop to repair their weapons. The undead patching ground was also opened for mercenaries. As long as the soul fire is not extinguished, any type of broken limbs will be repaired here in the fastest and highest quality.

As for the valuation line, it was also for mercenaries who returned from the war. Once they have any doubts about some of the loot seized after the war, they can get it here, and the old corpse witch with the talent for identifying strange objects will carry out the item identification. In this way, they can confidently throw the identified items into the auction house, and will not hate the pearls.

Of course, these service places also need to be charged. Of course, the most commonly used currency is the merit point, which is a common currency supported by all official cemeteries. As for the hardest currency, of course, the hopeless soul crystal.

It is not comparable to the turf stage in the necropolis. At that time, there were very few items circulating in the entire circulation field, the services provided by the cemetery city were also scarce, and Soul Crystal was almost owned by everyone. However, after the rapid rise of the necropolis, there are more and more strange and strange things, various high-quality and efficient services are emerging, and the price of Soul Crystal is also skyrocketing.

According to the latest quote from Stratholme's underground black market, Soul Crystal has gone from the initial Soul Crystal = 100 merit points to the current One Soul Crystal = 2127 merit points. This makes the soul crystal hard to find on the market, and it has become the hardest currency for all the undead frantic speculation.

This year, holding one or two soul crystals in the market, swaggering through the big market, it can definitely gain the most envious eyes. Of course, after showing off your wealth, you don't have to go to those dark corners, otherwise there are many hateful guys in the mercenaries.

It is said that an "item exchange promotion association" composed of a group of hateful thieves was secretly established a month ago, and also received an organization license from the city hall, becoming an official organization officially recognized by the necropolis.

This can't help making those big guys who like to hang out in the cemetery market indignant. They all hide the dimension bags, storage waist pockets, and space rings in the most hidden places on the body. Each use is cautious.

The northeast corner of the Magic Square is an auction house, mission hall and other magic buildings that must be opened in each cemetery city. The flow of people inside is undoubtedly the most densely populated in the entire square. There is also a business district in the cemetery city.

However, in addition to these officially opened function halls, a large number of streets that extend backwards are also densely opened with many private shops and stores. Like what Chuck Daddy Enchant Shop, Master Fulong Alchemy Shop, Undead Pet Shop, Kardashian Banshee Beauty Shop, Lyme Brothers Special Metal Batch Shop, Succubus Cabin Massage Shop (囧) ...

The southwest corner of Magic Square is a leisure area. Most of the pubs, bars, and inns are located here. In addition to this, nightmare gardens, wrestling arenas, horror castles, howling haunted houses, knight's houses and other distinctive ethnic buildings are also available here.

However, fish and dragons are mixed here, and fighting and fighting are also commonplace, belonging to the worst areas of law and order. Now it is a place where many undead boys preparing for advanced "thieves" practice their hands.

As for the southeast corner of the Magic Square, there is the Temple District, where special magical buildings such as the Hall of Souls, the Hall of Evil Gods, the Altar of Death, the Column of Bones, and the Monastery of the Undead are next to each other. And most of the people that can haunt here are fanatics such as the avatar of death, accusers, believers of evil gods, blasphemy mages, magicians and the like.

They either worship death, or believe in the evil **** (Li Xun), or pursue chaos, and all are horrible guys with extreme thoughts and distorted behaviors. Here, almost every day there is a large evil magic ritual.

Therefore, if not necessary, even the cemetery mercenaries are not willing to take this step easily.

And just south of the Magic Square, where the security is strong, it is an essential transmission area for every cemetery city. Several large portals across the plane are built here.

So although there are a lot of people moving in this area, they all come and go quietly and never dare to make a loud noise.

As for the last functional area, it is the center of the Magic Square. There is a huge fountain pool, which is filled with the most pure liquid negative energy. There is no need to be immersed in it at all, as long as a small station near the fountain pool, the magic water mist can quickly replenish the energy loss of undead creatures. Therefore, many bone methods, corpses, and dragon liches who have exhausted all the magic in the magic experiment will come here for a leisurely walk.

Of course, some demon mercenaries from the abyss do not dare to be too close to it, otherwise a 15-level high-level demon will only be infested and change its original attributes.

The black robe teleportation appears at the edge of the teleportation area south of the square. It won't be long before standing here, there will be an abrupt opening of the portal, and then some mysterious guys wearing strange robes will be drilled out of it.

In the black robe's empty space, a high-level corpse witch wearing a cemetery-style robe and a Stratholme badge on his chest appeared in front of him.

"Master Wengenos, you are back! The legendary Lord Karthas has been waiting for you for a long time!"

The black robe caster is the rising star of the Dragon Lich Clan Ungenos, and now has a caster level of 17. At the moment, when I heard the word "Legend", Wegenos stepped slightly, and immediately walked to the Magic Tower as usual.

This time he went out, but he shouldered an important mission.

The black mysterious fragment in the storage ring can play a decisive role in the duel of the king to be faced in two days from the necropolis. Therefore, he did not dare to delay and hurried to the magical residence of Lord Kalsas under the guidance of the high-level corpse wizard.

At this moment, the news of Kalsas' advanced legendary spellcaster has already spread throughout the entire cemetery and has become the most discussed topic among all cemeteries. The first hero in the necropolis to surpass the threshold of legend actually came from the Dragon Lich family. This makes all Dragon Lich not only proud but proud, but also unable to express envy and envy.

As the first batch of dragon witches who offered "loyalty" to Kalsas, Wegenos was naturally entrusted with a heavy responsibility. This time the ghost tree forest is his first mission!