The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 835: Something happened (make up)

(Thanks to Yixianguang ’s great rewards for support, supplements are reported.)

Half plane, half worm, invader ...

Once these messages were linked, everyone present could not help turning their attention to several legendary mages.

Among the legendary strongmen, the only one who can own half a plane and often go to the depths of the Xinghai to explore is the gang of legends.

Not to mention outsiders, even the three legendary wizards of the Master Guild couldn't help but be suspicious. There have indeed been several old guys turning back from the depths of Xinghan, is it really one of them?

However, if you lose, you won't lose. No matter how you develop this matter, it also belongs to the internal affairs of the Master's Guild. So after discussing with the three legendary mages, Laxor returned directly to the Seventh Ring Tower and reported the strangeness here to President Femora and the rotating mage Archimos. Continue to stay here to track down.

Most of the people present were legends, each with their own strange means, and it didn't take long to figure out the escape direction of that half plane.

So the people were divided into different groups, and the exhibition methods began to follow closely.


Just as everyone was tracing hard, a half plane was desperately escaping amidst the void hurricane in the distance between layers.

It kept jumping from one void storm to another, using the violent energy tide to wash away traces of its escape route. Because time is too tight, it has no time to calculate the route that is most conducive to its escape, and it has no time to take into account the damage of the energy rage zone to the half plane, and vigorously drills to the strongest point of the Netherstorm.

Visible to the naked eye, large areas of the marginal area of ​​the half plane have been damaged and missing.

And in the half plane, the almost mad half-worm is still screaming wildly: "Hurry up ... hurry up ..."

As the master of the half plane, the heart of the legendary Master Benedict is bleeding. This half-plane, but he has been working hard for thousands of years to achieve such a scale, any damage is enough for him to distress for a long time. But at this moment, in order to avoid being blocked by the "enemy" behind him, he could only cruelly treat the gemstones as marbles and shuttle between energy hurricanes.

"Puff puff……"

The warning arrays reserved behind them were triggered one by one, which fully shows that the "enemy" has been chasing behind him, and has not stayed for a moment. This couldn't help making Benedict's complexion darker.

"Let the mother nest come early, otherwise none of us can escape this hunt!" The legendary mage gritted his teeth.

The half-worm's sharp zerg hissing sounded: "But the mother's nest's energy reserve is not enough at this time. Advent will reduce the strength of the wormhole itself, then ..."

"These I will explain to the emperor yourself, you must immediately control the mother's nest to come, otherwise you will be caught up by the enemy, and everything is over!" The legendary mage said in the end, all looked awkward.

The half insect was forced to return to the hiding place of the mother nest in the core area of ​​the half plane.

Under its communication and command, the huge mother nest like a swollen meat mountain began to abandon the overly bloated body. Absorb all the energy essence into your own core, which twists the torso to center yourself, leaving only the most essential core parts.

When the huge mother nest curled up into a five-meter-sized bluish-grey meat ball, a violent shock and squirm in the half plane spit out the meat ball.

When half of the plane ran out and plunged into another energy hurricane, the meat ball began to accelerate under the inexplicable force.

With the remaining half-plane breath, the meat ball smoothly passed the boundary membrane on the other side, with a blazing flash of fire, swaying and falling down from the sky.

At this time, the Klein plane is peaceful and late at night. Through the dim and dim starry moonlight, it is barely possible to see a vast expanse of black continent appearing under the meat ball. land.

Meatballs quickly fall towards this continent ...


Within the space between layers, many trackers soon came to the place where the half plane separated the mother nest.

Most of the trackers flew by quickly, following the direction of escape from the half plane. Only a free legendary mage seemed to sense something, and stopped for a moment here.

However, after casting the spell quickly, he didn't perceive the breath of life and soul from the "shards" separated by the half plane, and could only do so in a daunting way, and burrowed deep into the middle layer.

However, at this moment, in the half plane, a tremendous change is happening simultaneously.

The arrogant half worm was held up in the air by the legendary mage holding his neck in the air, and he was frantically screaming in his fierce mouthpiece: "What are you doing? Please let me go! I am a close friend of Lord Grus, if you ... "

Not waiting for the half worm to finish the threatening words, the violent and violent magic energy has been introduced into its body along the legendary mage's arm.

Along the way, all the breath of life of the half worm was swallowed up by magic energy, and even the most important brain and nucleus were completely annihilated, leaving only the empty worm body.

By this time, a large group of trackers had arrived before the half-plane that had stalled.

It is the half plane of Benedicts!

Without too much introduction, only by the unique energy breath in the half plane, Gu Geman and others recognized the attribution of the half plane.

A huge half-plane with dozens of miles is quietly anchored in the void, and a legendary mage with a long face and an old dragon clock is standing alone in the void, waiting for the arrival of everyone.

"Benedicts, what's going on? Why are you?" Gu Geman could not help secretly whispering.

Benedict was silent.

Cardinal Elsino, the leader of the morning light church, was filled with warm and warm light, and took a step forward: "Evil mage, what is hidden in your half plane? If you do n’t explain clearly today, Do n’t be fooled. "

The leadership of Chenguang Church immediately made the other two church teams eager to move. Seeing that their posture was too big, they planned to break into the half plane.

The reaction of the church immediately embarrassed the legendary mages present.

Watching the magician lay siege to Benedict without helping hand will undoubtedly shame the entire group of mages. But the previous scenes also showed that the Benedictus definitely had some kind of secret connection with the half-worm. If you let him go, it will undoubtedly be a huge harm to the entire plane.

Just as Gu Geman hesitated, the teleportation waved up and down, and three more legends of the Mage Guild rushed to the scene.

One is Krasso who has gone back and forth, the other is the old demon warlock Desailock dressed up as a scholar, and the remaining one is the legendary puppet mage Archimos.

With the arrival of these three legendary mages, the number of legendary mages on the spot immediately reached as many as eight, and the momentum of the mage camp loomed over the church.

As the leader of the faction camp, the puppet mage Archimos stepped forward slowly, a pair of metal clamored bodies tall and tall, and the voice of the voice was also snarled with clank metal.

"All of you in the church, please come back! This time is just an internal matter of our mage, we will solve it ourselves, and you do n’t need to work your lords. Please come back!"

Cardinal Elsinore narrowed his eyes and said sharply, "Akimos, you're saying too much! This is a top priority related to the Klein plane. Why? Your evil mages are all involved This matter? "

Archimos's metalized face frowned slightly, and his majestic gaze swept to the lonely party, Benedictus.

"Benedictas, do you have nothing to say?"

If it's something else, it's going to be strong, and the same as the mage camp, in any case, the church side can't be overwhelmed. But today's affairs, involving intruders, no matter how arrogant, they also need to have a basic explanation.

Benedict smiled coldly, waved his hands, and the energy barrier on the half-plane behind him was rippling. A strange corpse with a height of less than 2 meters and a half-human half-worm was floating out.

"What's the big deal? It's just a corpse I stumbled upon deep in Xinghai, is it worth your effort?"

Almost instantaneously, more than a dozen powerful spiritual forces entangled in the corpse of insects.

There is no need to do too much analysis, just a moment, everyone affirmed their own cognition. It is indeed the half worm in the projected image of plane consciousness.

But a dead half worm can't explain anything!

Cardinal Elsino stepped forward and smiled: "A dead corpse doesn't seem to prove your innocence? Your half plane also needs to be strictly inspected!"

The legendary mages present frowned together.

The personal private half plane is the home of a legendary mage for life, which contains all the wealth and magical mysteries accumulated during his life. Once everything in it falls into the eyes of a caring person, it is inevitable that no targeted method will be found to crack it. Is that still a safe place where the legendary mage can rest assured?

Although the demands made by the opposite church are harsh, it is also common sense to be serious. In case there is really something unclean hidden in the half plane of Neditas, this is irreparable damage to the Klein plane.

"Benedict, don't do that! You let go of half-plane protection and Desailock and I went in a circle. If there is no problem, then today's thing is fine, otherwise the Guild of Guilds can't afford it. Help the name of the intruder. "Archimos thought for a moment and proposed a compromise.

It is certainly difficult to get a church theologian into his half plane, but the two mage companions enter, there should not be so much exclusion.

Benedict's face flushed red, hesitating for a long time, and finally waved helplessly to open a space channel.

Archimos and Desailock, the old demon warlock, floated, and they suddenly disappeared into the space channel.