The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 857: Novos' choice

(The plot turns, the code is difficult, please allow Lao Lang to carefully consider it!)

The Klein plane is in a storm!

Even many times Li Xun did not understand whether his arrival was a good thing or a bad thing for the Klein plane!

It was precisely because of the emergence of the necropolis that the Mages Guild and the Undead Union Council had been quite unsuccessful, and several major events in planning were disturbed. Among them, the most miserable has been the Undead United Council. Not only was the plan to develop the Undead Realm destroyed, but now the territory barely colonized on the Klein plane is also directly challenged by the necropolis.

In addition to these two forces on the surface, the necropolis has also stirred up the underground world. It is hard to say that this dark war that is happening right now has no credit for the necropolis!

In addition, the necropolis also extended its hands and feet to the Northern Rift, also known as the World of Warcraft. There, the Windy City, where it was first shown, has already disabled one of the Druid branches that has lasted for thousands of years. It is said that in the recent period, Yinfeng City has successively overturned three or four Warcraft lords, and has already had a large voice in the local area.

This is actually the strength of the necropolis.

As long as the three strong tribes of Warcraft Continent are not united, any Warcraft lord wants to bargain in Yinfeng City is delusional. But even if they really have a chance to unite, Yinfeng City can also apply to the elite corps of the Great Cemetery, and maybe there will be a chance to destroy it with one blow at a time.

After the development of the Big Bang over the past year, the base cemetery is no longer comparable to these closed ethnic groups gathered in a remote ou, both in terms of basic soldiers and high-level configuration. Whether it is a joint operation by a large corps or an elite individual soldier in a small area, the necropolis has cultivated strong soldiers and enemies that are enviable to outsiders.

However, if only a few "small" victories in the local area are used to judge that the cemetery already has the top strength of the dislocation plane, this is undoubtedly a kind of arrogance. Not to mention the detached plane, even if the Klein plane in the necropolis regarded as the future home of the nest, the necropolis did not even get the basic dominance of the plane, not to mention the echoes inside the plane, the storm .

As for the distant elven continent, the necropolis has always been powerless. Although he also sent the ghost ship Terkanes to wander deep in the ocean to find the location of the elven continent, but so far has found nothing. This time, with the help of the elves to jump out and find helpers, the necropolis might take the opportunity to extend its influence.

However, Li Xun felt a little hesitant when he thought of going to the elven continent, where the necropolis might face up against the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

Through the detailed and comprehensive introduction of Issa, the horror of the Zerg is well known throughout the cemetery. Confronting them when they are out of power is not in line with the strategic policy of the Great Cemetery that has always been oriented by interests.

If the legendary undead kings were not subdued, the necropolis would not dare to make such delusions, and would secretly hide behind the magisters ’guild and the church team to make a fortune. But now the undead kings are vaguely showing signs of joining forces. In this case, the cemetery continues to be invisible, and it seems too conservative and cowardly.

Missing this "good" opportunity, when will the necropolis wait for this best excuse to seize the dominance of the plane? If there is no excuse for Zerg invasion as a pretext, the newly emerging force in the Necropolis wants to gain the dominance of the plane, it can only be fought all through.

After the defeat of the Undead United Council, it is necessary to compete with the Mage Guild, then the church country, and then possibly the Warcraft Empire, the Elven Kingdom ...

None of these ancient forces that have survived on the Klein plane for tens of thousands of years will obey the alien race. To make them obedient, the necropolis can only beat them one by one. When necessary, the necropolis even has to face their joint counterattack.

According to the strategic planning of many aides, without more than a hundred years of strategic depth and changes in the pattern of ups and downs, the cemetery cannot be a powerful force on the Klein plane. As for the right to speak that completely dominates the Klein plane, I am afraid it will take two to three hundred years to be seen.

However, the plague in front of us was equivalent to opening a convenient passage to the necropolis. As long as the large cemetery can emerge in the plane war against the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, the status of the plane gangster, which requires a hundred years of repetition and twists and turns, can be easily obtained.

At that time, the necropolis will also be successfully whitewashed to become the most perfect indigenous native on the Klein plane.

The Klein plane is the nest of the main plane that has been stipulated in the necropolis, and foreign Ahn'Qiraj Zerg will never be allowed to contaminate fingers. But at the beginning of the war, the necropolis needed a good entry point. At least when the elite legionaries in the necropolis appear in front of the Klein Planned Aborigines, they cannot be taken together as an accomplice of the Zerg.

So while many undead kings were leisurely hanging out at Stratholme, Li Xun was seriously analyzing the development of the Klein plane with a group of staff, and worked out one after another short-term and long-term strategic planning.

After brainstorming, the only thing in the necropolis that can handle this is the Undead Council.

Peer is the enemy!

It is enough to have one undead force in the entire Klein plane, and the only representative of the undead force is of course the necropolis. Before the Undead United Council thoroughly stinks the name Undead Force, the necropolis can only give priority to kick it out.

Therefore, all the recent strategic plans of the necropolis have basically revolved around the Undead Council.


Klein plane, Duchy of Novos, Thunder Fortress.

The radiant magic light flashed and erratic in the teleportation circle, until the spatial fluctuation of the teleportation completely subsided, and the protective shield circle rising around the stone walls quietly disappeared, revealing the figures of the two top-level mages inside.

One of them has a high nose, deep eyes, and a broad forehead. It is the legendary mage Tello who has never appeared. As for the other, his face is old and serious, wearing a red mage robe and wearing the magic badge of the deacon mage of the mage guild on his chest.

Katie Enni, the star mage waiting outside the circle, was the first to welcome him.

"This is Will, who represents the Masters Guild. He has brought some internal opinions from the Masters Guild ..." Although Trow's words were unclear, Katie Ennie still understood some of his words. Foreign language.

This time Trow made a special trip to Brayland to ask for help from the Mage Guild, which has brought the biggest concession that the Duchy of Novis can promise. But even so, it failed to gain the attention of the Master Guild. Not to mention anything else, the representative who was welcomed back from the Mage Guild alone was a deacon who had gone to the division level, and it was already very clear.

Despite the bad hunch in his heart, Katieny still politely sent Master Will into a secret room in the main tower fortress, where the two sides discussed openly.

"Trow, don't we trust you to bring the conditions to the Mage Guild?" Katieny's face is extremely ugly: "The Principality of Novis will open all cities to the Mage Guild, and the Mage Guild can freely stay in Nuo Weiss enrolled in the apprenticeship of the Master, and has the right to buy land and stay in the tower freely. Is this ... can't they be satisfied yet? "

Despite the fact that the great Master of Will will represent the powerful Master Guild, he still has to pay his respects to an angry legendary Master.

"Dear Star Master, Lord Tello, you have submitted a request for help from Novis on behalf of you at the Seventh Ring Conference. But ... but the Master Guild is really a little ... I ca n’t help ..."

After entering the Chamber of Secrets, Tello sat lonely on his seat without a word.

"Is it difficult to help?" Katieny replied angrily: "What's wrong with the Master Guild now?"

"Dear Honorable Master of the Stars, the Masters Guild really can't get out of it now." Will couldn't help but smile with a wry smile: "Your Excellency probably doesn't know yet, the elven kingdom far away in the elven continent suddenly sent representatives and brought us Bad news! "

"what news?"

"The horrible Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has appeared on the elven continent, and has swept nearly 20% of the land of the elven kingdom in just 9 days, slaughtering a large number of mainland people. The elf king's messenger is specially ran to ask for help ! "

The unexpected news made Master Xingchen frown frequently, and could not help glancing at Trow. Nodded affirmation from the old partner, Katie Enni fully believed the master Will's explanation.

After an embarrassing silence, the Star Master ordered the Master to go down to rest, so that he and Trow could hide in the Chamber of Secrets and exchange their information.

"Katy, you don't have to deliberately pull the Mage Guild into Novis to fight against those liches. The Mage Guild is now in a mess, and it's hard to talk about how to help the Elven Kingdom. At such a time, the crisis facing Novis could not enter their vision at all. "Troy persuaded.

"Have you seen Gu Geman and Vihari? How many of them? They are not willing to help at all?" Katieni is after all a native of Novi, and he was asked to resolutely give up his country for a lifetime It is undoubtedly a very painful thing.

"The ones you are familiar with, I visited in turn. Unfortunately, at this moment of turmoil, they ca n’t promise anything. Wanting them to risk a possible falling crisis against these legendary liches, there is not enough The interest cannot impress them! "

"What kind of conditions did they mention?" Katieni heard a hint of emotion in Trow's words.

"The conditions they mentioned are too harsh, this ..." Trow stopped.

"Speak, I'm listening carefully!"

"The Novi Masters Association merged into the Mages Guild and became a research institute under its magic research department ... The Principality of Novis invited ten Master Guilds to become Masters of the Principality of the Principality ... His Royal Highness entered the Brelan German Magic Institute for further study ... open expulsion of church organization ... "