The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 88: Real knight

Chapter 0088 True Knight

Antofis snorted, took off his shield, pulled out his long sword, and started to speed up the horse without saying a word.

Li Xun moved a bit, slowed down the speed of the horse by sorting out the equipment, but still gave Antofis and himself a protective arrow without losing his duty.

The arrival of the two alarmed the thieves' commander in the periphery and watched as one accelerated towards them and waved their hands, the thieves greeted them with a smile and a horse.

Less than a hundred meters away, as the two sides accelerated, they quickly approached. The Knight of Antofis raised his shield in one hand to protect his chest. He took a long sword and tapped the shield lightly. He shouted a few words of "toughness", "courage", and "struggle", and every time he drank himself, Together with the horses under the crotch, the light will surge, blessings with different magical effects, and when confronted with the thief, there are already four different kinds of protection on the body.

With a collision that sounded through the wilderness, the first thief became a stone that was severely pumped away by a wooden stick. He sputtered blood and screamed across the heads of several thieves behind. He fell heavily on the ground and took a sword The arm of him has been twisted out of shape. The frightened thieves hadn't waited for Lema to take a closer look. Antofis had already slammed the charge and passed through them, heading straight to the unmoved thief. White light flicked up, and the three thieves' right-handed sword fell off the horse's back obliquely, and the throat was cut open with blood spewing out, which could not be covered, and the other two thieves were attacked by the shield on the other side. The chest fell off the horse and rolled around.

"Church knight, church knight ..." An angry scream came from the bandit.

The thief's head was also shocked, and even exhaled, could even meet the church knights in such a remote place. Can the Principality be occupied by the church? I didn't have much time to think about it. I watched the other party's halo coming straight toward me. The thief's head didn't dare to respond. He urged the people around him to intercept it. I quickly hit the horse to avoid it.

Church knights are indeed famous, and they are known for their ability to fight and fight, and their thick-hearted lives. They didn't expect to meet themselves today. If they weren't looking at the other side, they would really have to retreat.

The thieves who besieged the caravan over there turned around and rushed straight away, and soon joined the thief head. The five or six thieves who rushed to entangle the Knight of Antofis knew the strength of the church knight. They would never bump into him, whirl around the horse, wandering around the knight, waiting to attack the knight's horse. Antofis relied on the strong strength of the armor, and he split the two again by relying on the horse speed. Seeing that the remaining ones were too slick, they could only turn the horse's head to prepare to sprint the thieves' forces in the assembly.

Li Xun followed in the letter that Ma Youzhen followed, dumbfounded. To be honest, it's been 9 months since I came to this world. Li Xun was very disappointed with the so-called knight class. Where did the legendary fighting power go? It's just more powerful than most warriors, skillful, and well equipped. Is there anything special about it? Seeing that even the kingdom knights are like this, Li Xun has placed the knight class into the ranks of ordinary people. Who would have thought that today's stunned eyes opened, a common church knight can get such a powerful blessing with only a few prayers, killing among the thieves, and now facing an array of more than 60 enemies Dare to charge head-on, how guts and courage this requires!

But he can't let him be beautiful, the real battlefield sweeper is the master's patent. Li Xun tapped his finger, the magical power surged, and a lightning chain broke through the sky, accompanied by the strange noise of "Ziz" rushed into the thieves group. A moment of scorching gas permeated the audience, and there was a faint aroma of barbecue, and more than ten people fell silently among the thieves. The stations are too dense, and each one has sharp blades, and there is no magic protection. Such a good target fully demonstrates the electrical conductivity.

"Mage ..." The scream of exclamation scared everyone. Is there a mage here?

The thief can't help but burst into tears, how **** good luck can he meet the combination of church knight and mage, what day is it today? Did the goddess of doom drill her bed yesterday?

The anxious thief ran away without saying a word. He didn't even dare to say hello. The lightning chain just exploded in front of his eyes. If it wasn't for the fast throwing of his sword, it would be a barbecue. At this time, whoever shows up will attract the attention of the mage. The usual excellent leather armor is so stupid now, it is simply beckoning to the mage affectionately, and he can only throw away all the obscurities in his body while escaping.

Before he ran out a few steps, the fire blazing in front of him, a fire wall ten meters long and two meters wide, suddenly appeared. The head of the thief, who couldn't stop the brakes, screamed and rushed into the wall of fire. When he rushed out from the opposite side, he was already a fireman who kept tearing his heart and screaming. A burnt corpse still burning.

The Knight of Antofis had already crashed into the thieves group at this time, the sword in his hand flew up and down, and seven or eight thieves fell in a blink of an eye, and the rest was scattered and no longer had a heart of confrontation. The knight slashed and killed several others, and then stopped the horse, watching the still burning fire wall silently. The thieves who had no choice but to flee had to flee and ran to both ends of the fire wall. Three more thieves were squeezed into the fire wall by their own people and became howling torches, adding another bit of tragedy to the battlefield.

The people in the car array were already desperate, but they didn't want to be just a hot tea. The thief who was still cruelly ruining them had already ran wildly, and the corpse that left the ground turned over the **** without returning. Traces.

For a time, there was thunder and excitement, and people waved their arms to pay tribute to excitement. Several caravan leaders in costumes drilled out of the car array under the help of the guards and trot towards the two. When they were far away, they bowed and saluted.

Li Xun drive immediately went to talk to understand the whole story. This caravan is made up of more than a dozen small merchants. They came to these remote places to buy local souvenirs. Unexpectedly, they were targeted by the thieves and stuck in a dilemma. Ignoring the gratitude and gratitude of everyone, he refused the merchant's gift, escorted the caravan to a nearby town, Li Xun asked the path, and then greeted the Knight of Antofis. "," Long live Master "re-started in the cry.

After riding together again, the two became more intimate, and were amazed by each other's methods. They explored each other and satisfied their curiosity. Li Xun realized that the church knight is the main guardian of each church. Unlike the church pastor, there is no need to preach and evangelize. In addition to practicing martial arts, it is prayer of integrity. Only in this way can you get some grace. You can pass a brief sentence during battle. Prayer is blessed with divine power.

The level of church knights can be divided into knight servants, knights, great knights, holy knights, and temple knights, according to the difference in obtaining divine grace. In terms of combat power, the secular knight cannot be compared with the gods and knights at all, but the gods and knights are the servants of God and will never serve the local lord aristocracy, so they are not pleased by the noble group.

Antofis has been serving the Church of the God of Justice for 27 years, and is still just an ordinary church knight, so he has only mastered 7 single blessings of God's grace, and he can't bless them like the big knight. According to Antofis, he is still out of reach from the Grand Cavaliers, and it will take at least ten years of hardening to make it possible.

This level of difficulty is not inferior to that of the Master's promotion, which makes Li Xun speechless and fortunate for himself.

However, Li Xun's turn is inevitable when it comes to storytelling. The 9-month experience of becoming an 8th-level master is comparable to a knight novel. These can't be said. Li Xun, who was searching for the intestines, started from a poor child in the Kingdom of Breland. He was gifted but poor in his family. He was sold to his master as a servant by his family. After experiencing the devastation of countless magic experiments, he survived luckily and escaped After traveling around the world, he worked hard to hone himself and finally realized his dream of becoming a mage.

After a series of lies were compiled, Li Xun's speech was splattering, and Antofis was so stunned that he solved the loneliness of the wilderness. Li Xun even considered whether to fulfill this lie again, as if his real life was good, otherwise someone will continue to ask later, he will be different each time, and sooner or later will leak flaws, it is better to find A suitable one, washed his identity as a black household.

The following itinerary was smooth and uncommon, and the two entered the port of Ancona at noon on the 9th.

At the destination, the two will be busy with each other. They exchanged their treasures and waved apart at the city gate. Li Xun lived directly in the last hotel, and the Knight of Antofis went to the Temple of Justice to report.

Entering the port of Ancona, Li Xun found that there were many more people dressed up as knights, although many were covered with cloaks and gowns, but the fine armor and gorgeous lining were still striking, and the church badge on the chest could not be concealed. .

It seems that the principality's religious policy has undergone major adjustments.

Because this single ride was so fast, Li Xun didn't even bother to hang out. He was bored in the room for half a step and began to figure out the 4th-level spell in his hand.

I couldn't perceive the passage of time when I was immersed in the study of spells, and I arrived at the appointed moment in a blink of an eye.

Port of Ancona, Pier 7, freight warehouse.

It was late at night, the hustle and bustle of the port gradually became quieter, the laborers on the pier were less than half, and the rest were squatting or tripping in twos and threes, waiting for the call in the rest area on the shore. The bright magic lights of the lighthouses at the two headlands swept the nearby coast from time to time, and a team of 30 patrols walked by the pier near the pier every quarter of an hour.

Basal was anxiously pacing in front of the warehouse door. The agreed time had come, wouldn't he not come? Standing on tiptoes, I looked around at the streets leading to it. I couldn't see anything under the dim street lights, which made my mood more irritable.

Today is a big man. If he is not familiar with that person, the head supervisor will never give up his leadership. When this matter is done, you can save two years of business for the Hai people. You do n’t have to run with the ship all the year round, and you can become a supervisor in a certain place. At that time, Emma and Sally were picked up, and the family could be together every day. When I think of the beauty, I warm my heart and rub my hands with joy, which can let the cool night breeze of the harbor blow back to reality.

Why haven't you come yet?