The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 953: Li Xun's hidden worries (for subscriptio

(Thanks to Mirsr for his great subscription support!)

Without giving the legendary mages and undead kings a chance to talk to each other, Skeleton King Leoric stepped forward and said coldly: "We are still rushing to the elven continent, and we have no time to chat here. I will take a step!"

After all, the Skeleton King appeared in front of the portal in a flash, and he lowered his head into it.

Falks, who has become a loyal supporter of Li Xun, has a tacit understanding, shouting repeatedly: "Yeah, yeah, go away! What are the pestles doing here?"

Under his leadership, the undead kings let their men lead, and finally entered the portal one after another.

Higgai stayed at the end. He watched his own demon clan pass through the portal. Then he smiled at the legendary mages in the sky, and then went inside without looking back.

After a day of hustle and bustle, the square finally returned to calm, and the gate of the magic tower began to close slowly.

This thrilling transmission is finally complete.

If it drags on, I am afraid that some of the Masters present will be mad because of too much psychological pressure.

But as the gate of the magic tower was about to close, a strangely dull loud noise suddenly came out.

"Wait ... and me ..."

With the huge cry, the door of the magic tower was knocked open by a huge force, and suddenly opened again.

I'm fucking, do you still let people live? How else!

As the gate opened, a dark and shiny mudslide flowed out of the magic tower.

As you can see, this guy is too large, and the ten-meter-wide gate of the Magic Tower is too "narrow", so it is completely squeezed out with a brute force.

The first thing to squeeze out is of course its body tentacles consisting of dark black tombs, square tombstones, and large and small tombs. All these things were wrapped in a magical force, flowing like a puddle of mud from the magic tower.

The legendary mages on the scene are all scholars who have traveled to countless regions, and even many of the "Magic Creatures" of Klein mainland were written by them. So with just one glance, they recognized the person's avatar.

Corpse grave demon.

A very high-grade corpse tomb devil!

The corpse devil Mars tried his best to push most of the body out of the door. But then, the undead castle that stood on its back became the biggest obstacle.

The undead castle has three floors above the ground and two floors underground, and it has been fused with its body and cannot be split. So Ren Mars squeezed out, and the tall undead castle was still stuck at the gate of the magic tower.

Seeing the fluorescence on the portal of the square not far away gradually dimmed, the corpse devil Mars raised an unwilling roar from the sky. Under its command, countless obsidian gargoyles slammed their wings into the sky with difficulty flapping, behind them all dragged thick wire ropes, and the other end was connected to the body of the corpse devil without any accident.

Countless obsidian gargoyle flapping wings dragging desperately, coupled with Mars's struggle, the solid circle above the magic tower gate burst and shattered one by one. Finally, with the loud noise of Shi Potian, the towering magic tower shook, and the whole magic gate was squeezed and exploded by the corpse tomb.

The corpse tomb that broke out of the earth shook its slime-like body and threw out most of the broken debris. It even squeezed into the portal before rolling, and squeezed in without saying a word.

I am fucking!

At this moment, I don't know how many mages secretly scolded in my heart.

Those mid-to-high-level mages who are responsible for controlling the auxiliary magic circle are desperately easing the magical energy inside the magic circle. The momentary overly powerful magic reaction triggered huge space fluctuations. Although the constraints of many auxiliary magic circles prevented the space fluctuations from spreading to other regions, the huge magic kick also disrupted the normal energy flow inside the magic circle .

The magic centers one by one burst because they couldn't withstand the turbulence of energy.

When hundreds of auxiliary magic circles exploded one after another due to the chain's magical reaction, the towering and high portal finally collapsed.

Countless middle- and high-level mages have escaped from the serial martyrdom.

Felix looked at everything in front of him, but he couldn't even raise his anger in his heart.

This **** corpse devil, if it weren't for chaos, most parts of this portal still have recycling value. But now? Nothing to say!

But turning his head to look at the pitiful magic tower that had also been knocked open a huge gap, Felix suddenly had a sigh of relief in his heart.

Yeah! Deserve it! Let us be out of luck, and you will suffer hard by yourself too!

As the sky darkened, the Fortress Square finally calmed down.

The figures of the 14 legendary mages have also disappeared, leaving only some intermediate mages in the "ruins" to check the parts that can be recovered. On the side of the magic tower, hundreds of ghouls and dozens of iron golems also poured out, and little by little built the heavily damaged gate.

Both sides are busy with each other, and each other does not violate the river water, but it seems to be at peace with each other.

The senior levels of the Master Guild and the Necropolis separately observed the whole process of today, and highly praised each other's performance.

In the view of the necropolis, it is well-known that the magistrate's guild is rich.

Today, if the magic crystals and Warcraft crystal cores consumed by the Master Guild are converted into gold coins, I am afraid that it will be enough to buy almost half of the territory of a small mainland country. But this is just the basic cost of a large-scale force transfer. If you count the magic materials and rare resources consumed by laying the portal, it can be said that today the Master Guild can play a small country on the mainland.

The extravagance and heritage of the Mages Guild can also be seen from this.

In the view of the Mages' Guild, the great depth of the hidden strength of the necropolis also made them secretly think.

I don't know when to start, this necropolis has grown into a behemoth that is not inferior to the Master Guild, at least not in terms of strength. The only deficiencies that can be seen at present are insufficient details.

This large cemetery is obviously a strong upstart "upstart", and the situation caused by the rise time is too short is unstable. In terms of the reserve of magical materials and resources, there is still a huge difference from the wizarding guild.

The ultra-long-distance transmission of the necropolis depends on the dead energy accumulated by Guhai over the years, although it is "free", but once the dead energy is exhausted, the entire transmission system can only be paralyzed. The Mage Guild cannot enjoy this "free" transmission, but the transmission system they built with massive material resources, as long as the magic crystal and Warcraft Crystal Core can keep up, then it is equivalent to unlimited transmission.

Therefore, in the case of small-scale battles, the strength of the large cemetery is not inferior to the Master Guild. However, once the scale of the battle is expanded and the battle situation is delayed for a long time, the delivery of troops in the necropolis will be stretched, and it will no longer be able to permanently confront the Mage Guild.

In terms of high-level combat power, the family knows their own affairs, and the cemetery is still "fat." Pulling it out is also a huge hula saga, but it really can't be better than the seven cemetery heroes. Fekans and Knox may be closer, but they can't be pinned. As for the rest, it is said that both ends of the snake and rat are good, and there are many kings in their hearts who are skeptical.

On the side of the Mage Guild, although the legendary mage are not very binding on each other, when facing foreign enemies, the same enemy can do it. Therefore, the core centripetal force may not be as good as the graveyard heroes, but it is much better than the undead kings.

In addition, Li Xun has heard some bad news recently.

The real big bosses in the Undead Alliance Council, the legendary liches have started to contact the Mage Guild frequently, and the possibility of the two sides meeting again becomes greatly increased.

Legendary Master + Legendary Lich!

Once such an alliance is formed, the necessity of the necropolis to challenge their authority in the short term becomes useless. Even the other way around, the necropolis may have to worry about what bad intentions they might have against themselves. After all, this alliance is full of "enemies" with extreme hatred for the necropolis!

It is extremely difficult to obtain these too high-level messages. Most of them can only snoop a little clues, and the rest is all speculation and conjecture. Therefore, under the situation of many Dragon Lich aides, the current situation of the necropolis is not as good as it was on the bright side. A dangerous situation is slowly forming.

If you analyze it carefully, this time the Master Guild will spend a lot of money to ask the necropolis to be the thugs, which will inevitably contain some scourges.

Leading the large cemetery to the elven continent, and keeping these two huge scourges in a cage, whoever swallows who is a good result for the Mage Guild. It is of course the best to be able to defeat both sides. It is not possible to swallow one side, it is also equivalent to borrowing a knife to kill people, so that the Mages Guild will lose a comparable opponent from then on.

And the Master Guild has a transmission system, which means that it is stuck at the most critical node. Anyone or any force who wants to enter and leave the field needs its permission and approval.

Of course, this is just a possible calculation of the Master Guild. Under the real situation, it is still unknown whether they will do such a decisive decision. However, this time the strength of the necropolis will undoubtedly push them in a certain direction, which is beyond doubt.

At the beginning, Li Xun did not taste this taste.

But when all the legendary mages of the mages' guild were dispatched to suppress the momentum of the necropolis, Li Xun vaguely felt something wrong.

Li Xun is still very affectionate about the Masters Guild.

Despite the arrogance, selfishness, and cold blood of most high-end mages, Li Xun couldn't agree with them, thinking that they were too hypocritical. Obviously doing the exact same thing as himself, but the gentleness of the outer packaging is not bloody.

However, Li Xun always yearns for the learning and research atmosphere within the Master Guild.

Perhaps it is because of this recognition that Li Xun always more or less avoided excessively irreparable losses to the mages' guild when driving the large cemetery. To be honest, Li Xun is not like breaking the illusion of the Master's ideal country he saw in the Seventh Ring Tower.

At least not by yourself!

Perhaps because of this, some forces or groups in the necropolis obviously did not want their lord to be too close to the mage group, so the demonstrations drawn by the dragon lich aides to Li Xunmou looked like how they forced the legend Mage breaks away from the necropolis!

Is there any idea inside the necropolis?

Li Xun woke up and thought quietly.