The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1059: Tiandihuo

Chapter 1059 Skyfire 2

"What do we do?" A trembling voice came from the wingman next to him.

"Wait, it's death now." Jimiganov wiped the cold sweat from his head and said.

And it seems that in order to confirm what the few veterans in the Russian Air Force said, a team of Russian fighter jets rushed up. Because the latter discovered that the German fighter force did not seem to be intercepting on the flanks. On the contrary, the group of aircraft was separated and flew toward the depths. This action by the other party seemed to have found a breakthrough for the Russian flying force.

However, this team of fighters did not achieve any results in the next ten minutes, except for three of them were killed by a intensive machine gun bullet, and it is unclear whether they made a hit!

"We will go up until they disband the formation! If the clever wolves can't disperse their prey, then they can only wait for the prey to disperse by themselves!" Jimiganov said loudly.

Hard punching the box has no future. Not only the Russians punched the undead German bomber box, but even under the advantage, the German fighters paid a heavy price for the Russian bomber box. No way, there is no large-caliber cannon in this era, the power of the aircraft is not enough to support the heavy armor, and there is no powerful anti-aircraft rocket. (There are anti-aircraft rockets, but this primitive rocket can still be used to hit airships. If you hit airplanes? Forget it.) With one or two machine guns in a plane, why do you punch the box? !

Most of the Russian fighter forces restrained their desire to attack. In this airspace, the Russians used their previous combat experience to really establish a very superficial early warning system. This early warning system is simply a ground observation post with telephone. , And report the position after seeing the plane. If the cloud cover is relatively low, the early warning system will be greatly compromised due to visibility problems.

But this time, the Russians were lucky. Not only did they successfully discover the offensive route of the German bomber group and calculated the arrival time of the opponent, they also gathered at least 12 fighter squadrons! However, the number of fighter jets seems to be no more than 80. This is because the Russian squadron is relatively small, usually a squadron has 9 to 12 aircraft. On the other hand, several squadrons have been cancelled in the previous battles, and the losses of the other squadrons have been huge. So now, the Russian Air Force's first-line air force in Galicia is left with this little possession, and even from a global perspective, most of the entire Russian first-line air force's possessions are smashed here!

Jimmy Ganov looked at his colleagues next to him. There were the Newport twin-engine aircraft produced in the UK, the Sikorsky S-XVI fighter jet produced in the country, and even the Vazin XII twin-engine imported from France. Airplane, wait, something weird got in...

"Grass the grass! Isn't this a reconnaissance plane? It's also used for air combat?!" Seeing this, Jimmy Ganov felt deeply disturbed by the current state of the Russian Air Force. This does not mean that reconnaissance planes cannot be used. Air combat, in fact, is an environment like one battle, it doesn't matter. You can fight air combat with a machine gun.

However, according to Jimiganov’s knowledge of the Russian Air Force, this imported dual-engine long-range reconnaissance aircraft is a very precious resource, not only because of the cost and quantity, but because he is the median number of the entire Russian Air Force. Several types of aircraft that can cross the German Air Force cordon at a higher speed and more safely to conduct campaign-level reconnaissance, which is equivalent to the strategic intrusion in LOL! These aircraft are very precious, and it is difficult to supplement. After all, Russia cannot produce a 150-horsepower engine of the land god... And now, these aircraft have been put into the air battlefield, which shows that the Russian theater air force is really exhausted!

At the time of this attack, Jimiganov also learned that there would be other squadrons to support him. God knows, what more planes the Russian Air Force can draw out at this level! According to the gossip, in the past few days of fighting, the Russian Air Force has dropped more than three-digit aircraft!

As for whether the Russians can leave this place alone? The answer is, of course not! Now, the deepest point that Russia has penetrated is the Seventh Army! It has reached the point where most of the troops can no longer withdraw. The transport team from here is like the blood vessel of the Seventh Army. If this is all over, then the Seventh Army's hundreds of thousands of troops will not be able to get out. Up! Even without the Germans' blocking and interception, letting them go by themselves, they may not be able to get out of many people! Therefore, in this case, let alone the air being severely damaged, even if the entire air force is caught!

Another reason is that the Russians made a mistake in their assessment of the size of the Allied Air Forces, or that the time to obtain intelligence was somewhat delayed. At the beginning of the war, the prince had only four bomber groups and three fighter groups, but the Russians only had a small amount of troops. Advantage. But now, the Austro-Hungarian Air Force has also dispatched two bomber battalions. While Mackensen said that the Germans in East Prussia would participate in the war, he also drew out the aviation troops of East Prussia into the battlefield.

In addition to the prince’s Bavarian Legion who did its best on the Western Front, the other battles actually retained a lot of surplus. Therefore, even if all the planes participating in the war are invested, it does not matter to the prince. The big deal is over again. In the Western Front campaign a few months ago, the prince gathered 700 to 800 planes! After several months of military expansion, there are now more than 1,200 first-line aircraft. Is there only one third of the aircraft in hand? This is not to mention those aviation teams that are training in the second really nothing!

For Britain and France, the prince dare not just high-end combat power. But for Russia? Ha ha! Have the ability! Therefore, the prince really wants to see and look forward to the situation today. Today, it must be included in the history of the Air Force! This is the first long-term strategic bombing of a city in history, and the other side is doing its best to defend it!

Regardless of the fact that 3,000 planes were fighting in the air within a day on the Western Front, there was really no such thing as a bombing of a certain city for several days, and the defense did not arrange a large number of air forces to carry out the blockade. After all, the air power of both sides is not weak, it is very difficult to cross the other's defense line, everyone should start fighting around the front line!

When the sun gradually rises to its highest point, the huge German fleet has already flown over the city, the shadows under the wings have begun to cover the city, the huge formations have begun to disintegrate, and the squadrons are ready to start operations. The two "expert squadrons" flying in the forefront were divided into several combat teams. Under their guidance, the huge fleets pounced toward their respective targets like scattered eagles.

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!

(End of this chapter)