The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1061: Tiandihuo

Chapter 1061 Skyfire 4

As the most professional and sophisticated bomber unit in the Bavarian Air Force, the veterans of the "expert squadron" disdain to perform tasks like ordinary bomber squadrons. Their tasks are more difficult and more important. Today, the first squadron of experts The task of the veterans is to find the materials and cargo stations scattered by the Russian army through their rich experience and quick eyes, and then use an incendiary bomb to guide the subsequent bomber group to attack!

"Paul, look for the next target!" Captain Wenditch said after watching a fire bomb marked with a red ring on the warhead under the pylon lit a fire near the target.

"In Area 4, it is close to the station or the station, and is sheltered by tall buildings. The stone and wood structure is relatively strong. The target here should be more important." The pilot in the back seat was comparing his map and the scene in front of him. Said.

Aerial recognition itself is a very complicated and technically challenging thing. It needs to find the target from the complicated background and confirm the nature of the target. Sometimes when passing low altitude, there are some risks, such as a commanding height. Machine gun set on!

Several Russian soldiers quickly opened the canvas, revealing the Ma Kexin machine gun that was fixed on the twin mount. Two flying snakes swept lightly from the lower part of the K-4D bomber, and the bullet holes were left on the belly of the aircraft. Paul in the back seat immediately operated the machine gun to suppress it. Seeing the bullet caught by the steel plate at his feet, Captain Wenditch could not help but squeeze a cold sweat. "Just a little bit, I kind of like this plane now." The captain said to himself. As a special-purpose aircraft, his plane has increased armor protection and reduced ammunition load. After all, there is no need to output, just mark it.

At an altitude of less than 500 meters, the captain's plane quickly passed under the city. They crossed a block, then a church, and finally, a piece of materials stacked on the city square appeared in front of them. The plane dived down again at a 30-degree angle, and two incendiary bombs fell from the pylon in sequence. When the plane started to climb gradually, two flares rose into the sky! "It's over to you now, brother!"

"Get ready to attack!" Major Kossel quickly discovered the target and rushed towards the target just marked with the bombers of the two squadrons. The first round of 12 bombers roared down from 400 meters in the air. In ten seconds, nearly 4 tons of bombs fell within 500 meters of the target!

Fires gleamed in the city, and huge explosions, shock waves and flying shrapnel thieves spread death in the buildings and streets. The tall building tens of meters in front of a heavy bomb weighing 150KG and a charge of 80KG or more looked like paper, and the front wall seemed to be directly destroyed by a heavy hammer weighing several tons. Pieces of buildings were blown up, and the Russian officers and soldiers in the area were as weak as ants. Facing the death **** who fell from the sky, they could only let them slaughter!

The result of the bombing was a little beyond the major’s expectations. It seemed that it was not just the open space outside that piled up supplies. These seemingly sturdy houses also became temporary storage points for military supplies. Just now, the major flew over from the sky. At that time, I smelled a stench from the burning of protein and fat. It should have been a bomb that ordered the Russian meat warehouse!

When the smoke after the bombing of the high-explosive bomb had not dissipated, the second round of bombers had already flown over the target with a 5-ton incendiary bomb. A napalm bomb fell off the magazine and looked from the air. The black spot that gradually became unremarkable quickly fell into the ground that had been blown up below.

A black spot fell on the ground, and then a bright and dazzling flame burst into the ruins! This group of flames is so big that the fire like a tide quickly swept half of the street, and the formed fire dragon just turned around the materials on both sides of the street and blasted these houses into huge torches!

This cheap bomb with gasoline as the main material and rubber and other coagulants is far more harmful than those expensive high-explosive bombs! If these semi-solidified fuel sticks to something, it will never go out without burning. These incendiary bombs are like a fuse, eventually turning this area into a sea of ​​flames!

With the continuous falling of bombs, the bombers of the Reaper Squadron were like demons from hell. Every step they took, they left a trace of flame on the ground. The violent explosion followed the flight path of the aircraft and spread to the surrounding area. This time, the German bombing seemed very scattered, and they needed to spread more fire in the surrounding area. One of the planes just blocked a Russian fire brigade preparing for rescue. Two 50KG incendiary bombs fell in sequence. With two loud noises, two bombs fell on the front and middle of the queue. The raging flames instantly They swallowed two platoons of personnel, and although the people behind were not immediately submerged by the flames, this only increased their pain.

Toxic gas mixed with dust spreads everywhere, hot air and poisonous gas stimulate the fragile lungs of human beings all the time, UU read www.uukanshu. com and some burning oil drops on some people. The excellent permeability of gasoline directly penetrates into the human body through the skin, and the flame quickly ignites all the burning things on the human body, cloth, human hair and even It was the flesh that was swallowed by the flames. It was a small piece at first, and then spread quickly to the whole body with their panicked flapping. In just a few tens of seconds, it became a human-shaped torch. At this time, the most benevolent way is End their lives with a bullet.

At the same time, the whole city was shaking with a violent explosion. A large number of Russian soldiers hoped to extinguish the spreading fire under the reprimand and order of the officer. But in the end, a bomb that fell on the train station completely changed the situation. This 250KG incendiary bomb directly landed on a train, and a moment later, a loud and earth-shattering sound rang through the entire battlefield. A series of explosions spread around the railway station, with violent reports and violent reports. The smoke and dust spread quickly to the surroundings like a gray wave. They destroyed everything that could be encountered. The tall buildings were directly pushed down, and the huge locomotives and carriages were overturned like toys. The high K-4 bomber was also dragged from the air to the ground due to severe air pressure fluctuations. This had to allow other aircraft to climb quickly in order to avoid the violent air currents.

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(End of this chapter)