The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1113: Maneuver

Chapter 1113

Although it is a little far apart, the British fleet has already started shooting. In the distance where the sea and the sky meet, a series of sparkling fires floods them. In each type of time, the light can capture hundreds of flashes. The one-hundred-ton shells landed at a distance of 1,000 meters from the high seas fleet after flying over a distance of 20 kilometers, but even so, the columns of water from the shells still obscured the advancing fleet, causing endless explosions. The sound and the stormy sea water still made the German fleet feel frightened!

"It's okay, they can't hit us." Looking at the officers around with a little nervous expression, the prince said relaxedly, 20 kilometers hit the target? There seems to be no such record of naval battles in World War I!

"Your Excellency Commander, the German fleet is sailing in parallel and opposite directions to us, a distance of 20 kilometers!" An officer reported to Jericho.

"We basically couldn't hit them. And they moved at high speed in the opposite direction of ours! This is a conspiracy!" said Lieutenant General Charles Madden, chief of staff of Jericho.

"The fleet turns 3 compass points south. We copy behind them." Jericho said while looking at the German fleet quickly moving away from him. Along with semaphores and radio waves, the entire British main fleet quickly understood Jericho’s orders. Under the leadership of the 5 Vengeance-class battleships, the British fleet began to sail south. The huge fleet that was originally in a straight line formed a huge and gentle fleet. Arc.

"Very good, guess what I want to do, but it is a pity that the action is not fast enough!" said the prince. The prince's original plan was to sail to the west quickly and then turn to the north. In this case, the entire German fleet would be in the British fleet. The battle line is launched from the rear side. At the same time, because of the speed advantage, you can always chase. The British fleet will be in a situation where it cannot run or be beaten. But it is a pity that Jericho was aware of the prince's attempt before the German fleet started. The previous fleet began to reverse the German fleet, which made the situation a lot more complicated.

"If our speed is faster, we may be able to complete the maneuver before the big fleet and start the battle line." Scheer said regretfully. At this time, the average speed of the entire German fleet was around 22 knots. It means that if it can increase to more than 25 knots, then there is a chance.

"I really thought we won by occupying the position? It's not that easy. Today, I will definitely get an advantage position, but the result may be very different from what you think." The prince said with a smile.

At this time, if the German fleet wants to go, it is easy, just turn to the south. It is also because it can leave at any time, so the prince is not in a hurry to go back, he wants to see what happens when the British become passive. At this time the German fleet once again adjusted its formation and sailed to the northwest. Still made the action to be deployed in the rear of the British fleet.

"Be fast! Be fast! Let the previous revenge be faster! Otherwise, time is too late." Looking at the movement of the German fleet on the nautical chart, Jericho was more determined in his own judgment, and he asked the fleet to be faster!

"In that case, the Vengeance-class battleship will be separated from the team, and the speed of the battleship behind us is up to 17 knots!" Madden Chief of Staff said.

"Let the second and fourth light cruiser squadrons and three torpedo boat squadrons cover Lieutenant General Bernie's squadron." Jericho ordered. At this point, Jericho must start behind the Germans' **** before the German fleet launches the battle line. Because there is no fast fleet containment, Jericho can only order the latest and fastest Vengeance battleship to go ahead. , But in order to ensure safety, he still arranged enough cover forces for the Vengeance.

At this time, the British fleet, which is like a giant dragon, has formed a huge smooth polygonal line. The Vengeance-class battleship like a dragon has further increased its speed and tried to attack the German warship from the rear!

"The head of the British Fleet is about 27 kilometers away from us, and our straight-line distance from the tail of the British Fleet is about 20 kilometers. We seem to be one step faster." Scheer looked at the fifth at the rear of the Great Fleet in the distance. The 4 battleships of the battleship squadron almost burst into flames in their eyes!

"The fleet turned to 16 compass points! Heading to the southeast! Start the battle line! Immediately! Immediately!" the prince ordered.

"That would collide with the front line of the Great Fleet! We may directly hit their T-head! Why should this happen!" Scheer said loudly with an expression of disbelief!

"That's why we must hurry and execute the order immediately!" The prince ignored Scheer's Chinese and immediately said to the messenger next to him. The latter realized that this was the order of the highest commander and executed it decisively!

As a result, in today's encounter, the high seas fleet made the first 180-degree turn, changing from heading northwest to southeast! The Second Battleship Squadron, headed by the battleship Saxony, took the lead and began to turn. Then came the third battleship squadron, and then the prince led the squad. A total of 16 battleships were connected end to end. In front of the British, the main force of the High Seas Fleet showed its heroism for the first time!

Nine Bavarian-class battleships took the lead and sailed forward to the Vengeance-class battleship. Then there are the Helgeland-class battleships, and finally Hipper’s fast A 6-kilometer battle line was completed in less than 10 minutes. The dragon-like formation was almost on the front of the Vengeance-class battleship when it was complete!

"Hold the grass!" Lieutenant General Bernie, who commanded the 5 Vengeance-class battleships, felt black! The Germans moved too fast, they exceeded their expectations! After a long time of trouble, people are not planning to chase the weaker ship behind the big fleet, but directly target themselves! At this time, the Vengeance-class battleship has been separated from the main force of the large fleet at least 4 kilometers away!

"The fleet turned to the northeast! All the warships released smoke! Let's go quickly and inform Admiral Jericho that the enemy ship is heading southeast! Heading southeast!" Lieutenant General Bernie almost roared to his subordinates.

"Perfect calculation." At the same time, in the control tower of the Bavaria, Admiral Scheer, who had just been scared into a cold sweat, finally breathed a sigh of relief. The situation is now very good. At the last minute, the German fleet took advantage of the speed. Finally grabbed the front of the British fleet and occupied the T-shaped head in the opposite direction. At this time, the distance between the two sides was very good. The distance between each other was 17 kilometers, and it had entered the effective range of the German fleet.

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(End of this chapter)