The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1130: The first fleet

Chapter 1130 The first fleet aircraft carrier 1

"His Royal Highness, the battleship named after your family is placed in berth 3. This is our berth with the most complete equipment at present, and we have arranged the most experienced personnel for outfitting operations. So you can rest assured." Four days later, when the prince came to the Blom-Forth shipyard, as the prince’s partner, one of the founders of the shipyard, the Viscount Forth personally greeted him and led the prince and his party to the battleship being outfitted. .

"We have completed the laying of electrical piping and engine installation inside the battleship, and the entire hull has been over 80% completed. Next year, before the Baltic Sea is unsealed, we will definitely be able to complete it without any delay. But to be honest, I I really didn't expect that I would actually build such a warship with a displacement of nearly 20,000 tons without a large-caliber artillery." Viscount Foss said with some emotion.

"Maybe everyone here doesn't believe it, but I want to say that one day, these warships carrying aircraft will replace battleships as the new overlords of the sea and extend their glory into the next century." The prince looked at his expressions. Yi's subordinate said.

Although in terms of tonnage, this aircraft carrier is not big compared to its colleagues in World War II, but for this plane of planes, it can be described as luxury, and some designs can be called forward-looking and long. At 220 meters, the deck with a maximum width of 30.5 meters is larger than that of the Japanese aircraft carrier Flying Dragon. Just looking at this deck is enough to throw into the 2nd battle fleet aircraft carrier!

Below this deck is a large hangar with a length of 180 meters, a maximum width of 20 meters, and a height of 4.8 meters. The huge open hangar of 3,600 square meters can also be comparable to the aircraft carriers of the Second World War. There is no problem except that the height is slightly lower.

What made the prince most proud of was that this aircraft carrier directly used 3 side-string elevators instead of the mid-hull elevator! This design idea directly surpassed most of the same generation in the history of the 2nd war. The direct sidestring elevator not only saves deck space and hangar space, but also improves operating efficiency. From this point alone, this design can be used until the next war!

If you consider the deck berth, considering the size of the first fighter aircraft, it’s not too easy to put more than 90 aircraft directly. After all, the plane of this plane is not big, and the biplane can also fold its wings. (Even the V1500 can fold its wings, otherwise, how to put such a large aircraft?) It can accommodate at least 2 fighter squadrons and 2 attack aircraft squadrons. With the addition of spare aircraft, the rated number of aircraft is around 98. (Including 10 spare aircraft) (Don’t be surprised, after all, the aircraft in World War 1 are very small.)

The prince once considered whether to get a double-layer hangar, after all, the area of ​​the double-layer hangar is larger. But if you have a double-layer hangar, then the lower hangar cannot use the sidestring elevator, because generally speaking, the height of the lower hangar from the sea level is also the height of the first deck. Is there a sidestring elevator waiting to be filled? And if it is a double-layer hangar, then the lower layer must be closed, which is relatively large for the construction volume.

As for the single-layer open hangar, in addition to the better design and the use of side-string lifts, another advantage is that the side partitions can be opened for warming up, which will help improve the aircraft's maintenance speed and attendance efficiency. The front part of the Wittelsbach aircraft carrier uses a closed bow and a closed hangar. After all, this is in the North Sea. The open bow is relatively poor against wind and waves, and after all, you have to arrange for personnel to live, so simply make it closed. , As a staff dormitory. The second half of the hangar is open and can be warmed up in the hangar.

As a warship, then we must talk about defense. And because of the special historical age, or something called historical limitation, the world’s first large-scale fleet aircraft carrier must consider the issue of the opponent’s artillery. First of all, it should be emphasized from the current North Sea weather, aviation technology, and navigation In terms of technology and radio reliability, it is unrealistic to achieve long-range sea attacks.

For example, for a Seahawk attack aircraft, when carrying a torpedo, the time spent in the air is about two and a half hours, leaving half an hour for take-off and landing formation, then there are two hours left, and then cut. If you lose part of the maneuvering time, even if there are 1.5 hours left, how far can you fly in 1.5 hours? That is about 160 kilometers... In other words, theoretically, the combat radius is 80 kilometers... In actual combat, there may be a discount.

As an aircraft carrier, there is no need to go to the battle line, so it avoids the opponent's battleship main guns, but the key is that you don't know if the three-digit British fleet will deploy some light cruisers around it! What if a light cruiser or armored cruiser rushed up, or was touched at night?

This is not a joke. In history, when the Black Prince sneaked close to the German fleet in the Battle of Jutland, no one found him. Therefore, when there is no guarantee that the aircraft carrier will be able to avoid the opposing light cruiser, and the night reconnaissance capability is insufficient, it is necessary for the aircraft carrier to have a certain defense! And this is why the Wittelsbach is 4000 tons heavier than the Flying Dragon when the geometrical difference between the hulls of the two sides is not too large!

Of course In addition to artillery shells, torpedoes are also to be defended. This thing was a big killer for aircraft carriers in World War II. As for the air raid on the opposite side, there is no need to consider too much, after all, the British do not have this awareness and preparation. So the entire defense standard is this: first, to defend against mines and torpedoes, second, to defend against naval guns under 12 inches, and third, to defend against possible aerial attacks.

As the only aircraft carrier that can be in service within one year, the prince was very concerned about defense when formulating relevant standards. First, let's talk about underwater defense. Not only has a five-layer defense system been adopted, the defense depth is up to 3.5 meters. And there is a 0.8-meter-thick heavy oil tank in the middle. At the same time, the armor thickness of the last next wall has been strengthened to a maximum thickness of 50mm. It is certain that the main cannon can not be blocked, but it is enough to face torpedoes.

In order to ensure the redundancy of the power system. The prince also used the Bavarian crossover layout on this battleship, alternating between the boiler room and the engine room to ensure that all power would not be abolished by a single underwater attack. At the same time, longitudinally, the engine room and boiler room are divided into three compartments. Protect the boiler as much as possible. After completing the design, the designer assured that even if the warship is hit by two torpedoes on one side, it can still maintain a speed of more than 20 knots with a probability of more than half.

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(End of this chapter)