The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1157: Confused British

Chapter 1157: Confused British

"Colon Benynk, please objectively describe the situation of the entire fleet when Major General Moore made the decision to retreat. Especially the situation of the three Queen Elizabeth-class battleships under your command." At the British Admiralty, I learned recently. After the British navy lost a battlecruiser in a naval battle, Sir Fisher, who could not bear the anger of MAX, took the seat himself, summoned some senior officials of the Royal Navy, and summoned some personnel to investigate the cause of the defeat, and the first one was to bear the brunt. The fast fleet under the temporary command of Major General Moore.

"The situation was very bad. The war exhaustion was hit by at least a dozen of its main artillery shells, and our main armor was even penetrated. The battleship lost half of its firepower at the time. The prestige was also in very bad condition and was destroyed. A turret. The bow of the Counterattack was hit with 2 large-caliber artillery shells, with about 1,300 tons of water. The No. 4 turret at the rear of the battleship was interrupted by a gun tube. I don’t know what will happen to other battleships, if I hold on for another 20 minutes , So it’s hard to say anything else. It is estimated that the war exhaustion will definitely not go back. It will fall behind and be killed by the swarming German destroyers.” Colonel Benynk said.

"But there will be sacrifices in the battle. If Moore persists, we can definitely get it back even if we pay a certain price, can't we?" Churchill motioned to Sir Fisher, who was angry next to him, not to speak for now, and then used a Asked in a calm but majestic tone.

"I don't think so. I'm not just talking about the Invincible, Neptune, Iron Duke, Prince of Wales, and even Queen Elizabeth and Vengeance-class battleships of the Grand Fleet. None of these warships are useful! Really, believe me. I once participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Blücher. Our 4 Queen-class battleships plus a large number of light cruisers and destroyers took at least 3 hours to kill one of the first German battlecruisers! We ask! After the captured personnel, the guy said with certainty that none of our shells penetrated its main armor belt, and even he provocatively said that the Royal Navy may have better results if only torpedoes are used! This bastard." Colonel." The unexpected toughness and the resentful attitude shocked everyone present.

"When did the naval officers and soldiers of the British Empire degenerate to this level?! These cowards! Cowards! The scumbag of shame!" After the soldiers took the colonel down, Sir Fisher snarled angrily at the edge of the outbreak. The sound resounded throughout the room.

"The 7 battlecruisers that originally belonged to the first battlecruiser squadron have now sunk 5. If you calculate the personnel damage rate, it is at least 60% or more. There are no survivors on the battleship that was killed. 1. Major General Moore’s behavior is indeed improper. If Major General Moore is to be dealt with, Admiral Jericho agrees, but the scope of the attack should not be expanded.” Lieutenant General Charles Madden thought for a while and said.

Although the Chief of Staff of the Royal Navy was very angry about Major General Moore's early withdrawal, he had to say that this was justified after calming down and thinking about it. Because some things that happened afterwards made the British realize that even if Major General Moore persisted for half an hour, after the large fleet was in place, there might not be any results. The Germans can fight for another ten minutes and then choose to retreat, and as the world's second largest naval power fleet, although the size is not comparable to the British fleet, they have everything they should have!

At the time of evacuation, those seaplanes that broke off behind the fleet carried smoke cans and released smoke screens to cover the fleet retreat. As long as the Germans left early, under the cover of smoke screens, they could have at least 20 minutes or so. Minutes later, the German fleet may have already relied on the high speed to get rid of the large fleet, and by then it was still successfully turning in. The fast fleet may suffer new losses due to this period. Apart from other words, just talk about the Tiger and Australia at the back. These crispy skins are almost undefended under the German 15-inch naval gun. As long as a suitable hit is made, they may be directly fired. An extra-large firecracker...

"I hope Lieutenant-General Betty can replace this coward and bring the fast fleet to life again! His high morale and unyielding spirit will surely lead the fast fleet out of the trough!" Sir Fisher took the opportunity to say.

"I need to talk to Admiral Jericho about this. However, Lieutenant General Thomas will soon be able to recover and be discharged from the hospital. In the case that he has achieved an exciting victory and is not at fault, the Fast Fleet should still hand over Thomas. Lieutenant Commander." Churchill thought for a while and said. Then he did not give Fisher a chance to continue bargaining but turned to ask Lieutenant General Madden. "Your Excellency, apart from the equipment problems, what is the most serious thing about the Royal Navy? Is it lack of courage or confidence?"

There are many problems with equipment, such as the bombs that exploded early, the overweight of the queen, and the insufficient armor protection of almost all British battleships. The British have discovered these problems, but unfortunately, they are incapable. The latter said it will take a long time to solve... Churchill knew that the Royal Navy was full of complaints about its own equipment. If he did so, the rest of the time would probably be a criticism of someone and a complaint to the Imperial Shipyard. This has no benefit other than increasing the opposition and resentment within the Navy. UU reading

"I think it is confidence and low morale. The officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy are still fearless and brave. However, the repeated defeats made them unable to see the hope of defeating their opponents. Our large fleet is like a powerful force. Infinite but unable to hit the opponent's wild boar, and the opponent can easily play us. Although the fast fleet has been greatly improved, the number of queens is still not enough, and we cannot even guarantee a long enough world in front of the German High Seas Fleet ."

"Of course, our officers and soldiers also believe that our fleet does not have the ability to destroy the excellent German battleships. They are like undead hydras, who have been hit hard and still survive to the end. The more troops that participate in the battle, the more powerless the troops. The more serious it is, even in General Thomas's fleet there is a saying that their fleet needs at least two base shells to kill a German battleship." Lieutenant General Madden responded.

"The shipyards of the British Empire are building new warships day and night. We are even considering the production of warships equipped with 16-inch guns! As for the shell problem. I'm sorry, so far, almost all suppliers have not been able to solve it." Fisher Er said embarrassingly.

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(End of this chapter)