The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1302: Before PK

Chapter 1302

"The Japanese are crazy?" This was Su Xiong's first feeling after hearing the report. In fact, what Su Xiong didn't know was that this was a very classic stalk. After the end of the Danish Sea Battle in the 2nd World War in history, the triumphant Lü Teyings sent a 4000-word telegram to Mustache... ..... Before, the British cruiser tracking Bismarck had been thrown away by Lu Teyings's exquisite head shaking operations many times, and there was no radar contact. As a result, this telegram was exposed...

However, there is still a difference between the same long telegram and the same exposure. Lu Teyings is pretending to be forced, while Kato Kanji is a technical error. First of all, this buddy thought that using radio might expose himself, so he used a brand new frequency band, but what he did not think was that Deutsche Technology Maybe there is no British imperial power, but it is enough to be proud of other countries, let alone technically belong to Japan between the second and third streams.

Secondly, there is something wrong with the arrangement this time. Kanji Kato, who acted as the decoy and initiator of the offense, is the major general, and the other person in charge of the fill-up is the lieutenant general. Let the lieutenant general obey the command of the major general... This is a bit difficult in practice. Therefore, Kanji Kato needs to seek the opinions of others in Yamaya, and also needs to explain the situation. Therefore, if this telegram is regarded as a battle report, in fact, 2000 words are not long...

However, no matter how many reasons Kato Kanji has, and no matter how many objective reasons there are, exposure is exposure. German technical analysis is not for nothing. People quickly came to a conclusion from the wavelength. There is a Japanese fleet, because the effective range of telegraphs on this frequency is not too far, and in the western Indian Ocean, there are almost no Japanese radio stations. Considering that the other party uses a brand-new frequency and password, then a result is ready to come out. The Japanese fleet has something to do!

"What to do?" Raidel asked, who also just woke up from his sleep.

"Did the other party respond?" Su Xiong asked. The Japanese opened up new secrets, and the Germans naturally did not have the ability to decipher them directly, so they could not be sure of what they said. It can only be estimated, and if Su Xiong wants to make a judgment, he must at least know where the hidden Japanese fleet is, and to do this, you need at least to let the other party send a report.

However, another accident happened at this time. After waiting for about an hour, the German navy radio personnel once again captured the communication signal of the Japanese navy. But what Su Xiong did not expect was that the contrast between this time and the first telegram was so great! The length of the entire telegram is less than 2 minutes! In such a short time, the radio side cannot know the exact location at all! Because the time is too short, such a short telegram may even have only one sentence!

"Fuck, there are so many surprises tonight." Su Xiong sighed. He didn’t know why the other party sent such a short telegram. According to the German understanding, Kanji Kato got you a battle plan. You have to say a few more words, but the unknown Japanese general actually answered. Is it so simple, is it accidental or is it aware of Germany’s advantages in radio? Su Xiong didn't know.

"It seems that our submarine force only used half of it tonight?" Raidel asked. After Su Xiong signaled to continue, Raidel continued: "If you want to fight, we can set up a submarine cordon in the north. Depending on the length of the other party's telegram, maybe the Japanese commander might just reply. Agree or deny, but no matter what, if we want to fight, we must hurry up."

"Can the Japanese remaining Fuso-class battleships be located?" Su Xiong asked.

"No problem, the positions of the remaining 4 ships can be determined, and we just updated the intelligence 3 days ago. They can't come so fast." Riddle thought for a while and said.

"That's good, I guess it might be King Kong. We have an advantage." Su Xiong let out a sigh of relief. "The plan remains the same. Tomorrow morning, we went to have a fight with the Japanese to let our submarine force form a security net on the periphery. Also, tell the Swordfish to release the reconnaissance plane at dawn, and the Constellation will take all The non-German radio signals from Germany are blocked for me! The resolution of the tough attack remains unchanged!"

And just when the Germans decided to fight a big fight, the others in Yamaya also made a decision. Regarding the telegram sent by Kanji Kato, the reply from others in Yamaya was the same as Raidel had imagined. The telegram was only 2 sentences! The first sentence is 2 words, agree. The second sentence says that his fleet will approach 40 nautical miles from the Kato Kanji fleet, and will enter the venue after receiving a telegram from the latter.

I have to say that people who can become lieutenant generals in this era are indeed more NB. From the text of the telegram, it can be seen that the others in the mountain house have a high military quality! The content is short, but the situation is handled appropriately. First of all, the others in Yamaya already know the general situation of this evening. As Kato Kanji said, if there is nothing to do, the senior Japanese navy officials who participated in the **** would still have a better abdominal incision. Therefore, in the face of an already erosive situation, a counter-attack is the best choice, especially when you have an advantage on paper.

Secondly, the position of the German fleet has not been determined, so it is difficult to say whether it can fight. Others in the mountain house must ensure their concealment, otherwise, if it is exposed, what if the German fleet comes to the Therefore, he requires Kato Seiyoshi to bite the opponent and consume it before he will come. That's why it was required to wait for Kato's signal before launching an attack. 40 nautical miles is not far away. Throwing away the fighting distance between the two sides is 20 kilometers, there are about 30 nautical miles, and the maximum speed of King Kong is 27 knots...

"Did we fight against the German fleet like this?" The captain of the King Kong felt that this decision made by the other lieutenant general in the mountain house was too hasty.

"What about it? I can't just end it like this, right? A dozen boats were sunk and thousands of people died. Just forget it?" asked the other lieutenant general of the mountain house. "Or do you think the Germans do it this time?"

"Remember this sentence, some enemies will have to face sooner or later! In this case, we can't escape, we can only go head-on! The difficulties faced by the empire after the Qing-Japanese War were much greater than it is now. Didn’t you get the Philippines? Today, we have a lot of cards, and the Germans will be finished if they lose once!" The lieutenant general of the mountain house is a bit too cowardly with his subordinates. If it weren’t for this buddy to be a big boss, the mountain house would really want Use the "Navy Spirit Infusion Stick" to teach a lesson!

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(End of this chapter)