The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1357: Smash II

Chapter 1357

The chain explosion of the ammunition depot caused the collapse of the entire fortress area, and when the Russians in this war zone watched their strongest "Antai" fortress area was blown to pieces, the doomsday-like scene greatly hit the Russians. Fighting spirit. The atmosphere of despair and surrender began to spread throughout the defense.

At the same time, other breakthrough clusters on the front line also began to use tons of ammunition to clear the Russian fortress area. On the nine pre-selected breakthrough points, thousands of artillery pieces of various calibers of the East Prussian Army were fully fired! After nearly 10 hours of continuous shelling. The entire Russian defense line in the breakthrough area was blown up like briquettes!

The number of super heavy artillery is still relatively scarce. The Russians also know how to use terrain to reduce the risk of being empowered by heavy artillery. Therefore, some targets must be repeatedly designed with medium-caliber artillery close to them! At this time, the self-propelled artillery equipped with a 107MM cannon or a 100MM cannon played a very important role.

"The German offensive is like a very delicate surgical operation. The self-propelled artillery formation that they are responsible for cleaning up a certain fortress group is called an assault group. This assault group usually has a large caliber with a caliber over 8 inches. The siege artillery (short-barreled, large-caliber howitzer, weighs about 20 tons, self-propelled.) and several self-propelled artillery. The significance of the existence of the siege artillery is to enter a suitable position under the cover of terrain and smoke, and then use it completely Ballistics and tremendous power have opened a gap in the continuous line of defense. The original line of defense has almost no dead ends. Then, those medium-caliber self-propelled cannons will enter this position and gradually disintegrate the entire line of defense through continuous rapid shooting." A German officer recalled the scene like this.

In fact, it is true. The large-caliber short howitzers are indeed powerful, but don’t forget that their weight is also terrifying. Not only their own weight, but the consumption and transportation of ammunition is also a hassle. The weight of an 8-storey grenade is 100KG. Or so, this is acceptable. The weight of a 10-inch grenade is about 200KG. This means that a half-track ammunition delivery vehicle can transport up to 6 rounds if it is transported with cartridges! And if it was a 12-inch self-propelled howitzer. That's good, sorry. The weight of one shell of this thing is about 350KG, and a standard half-track vehicle also transports two shells and propellant packs. The rate of fire is indeed too slow, they are just rammers, and the majority of secondary targets need to be destroyed by self-propelled artillery!

And this time, the performance of the medium-caliber self-propelled artillery exceeded most people's expectations! A 107MM armor-piercing projectile screamed and flew to a machine gun shelter in the distance. A yellow light flashed between the top of the bunker. The entire roof was overturned by a huge explosion. This standard semi-permanent fortification had thick rammed earth on the top and a large log roof underneath. However, the firepower of such a bunker against the Germans can almost be described as vulnerable.

The roar of the dense flat-fire artillery resounded throughout the front. At a distance of 800 to 1500 meters, the self-propelled artillery with a shield easily killed the target outside the effective range of the Russians. As the shells withdrew from the stern, the bunkers turned into wreckage, and then the storm commando members swarmed up to quickly clear the trenches using their submachine guns, grenades and flamethrowers.

After making a breakthrough, a large number of troops quickly expanded to both sides, threatening the flanks of other support points. Part of the Russian defense is indeed strong, but it lacks depth. When the outer hard shell was knocked off, the soft belly inside was exposed! At this time, a large number of infantry and mechanized units of Mackensen have just entered the battlefield!

There is no doubt that when the German army has crossed the trenches, firepower points, minefields, and defense lines formed by various terrains, facing the ordinary Russian troops, the rest can be described as one-sided. The attack column composed of hundreds of vehicles of various types and a large number of infantry went smoothly into the southern plains through the slower terrain.

The roar of tank artillery and the roar of machine guns formed an insurmountable steel storm on the front of the unit. They easily cut everything in front of them, whether it was soldiers, bunkers or villages. It swept across the Russian defenses like a hurricane, and then left a piece of ruined walls and corpses.

Even the mountains and woodlands that were considered inaccessible to large-scale corps were also riddled with holes by the Germans. All mountain warfare and jungle warfare troops on the eastern front of Germany are deployed here, and they are equipped with weapons suitable for mountain warfare. For example, all kinds of small full-track vehicles, all kinds of light infantry artillery. A large number of machine guns and semi-automatic rifles, etc. These weapons greatly strengthened the combat effectiveness of mountain infantry in complex terrain. Even when the Russians believed that mountains and woods could weaken the opponent's firepower advantage to the utmost extent and were full of confidence in fighting, they discovered that the gap between them and the Germans was not just weapons!

The Germans used in jungle battles were not simple front-line flat push tactics. They split battalion-level combat units into two arrow-shaped attack units. The two units were one behind the other, covering each other's flanks. The support weapon is behind the two arrow-shaped units. They are sharp and invincible, but at the same time they are very flexible, not like a linear front Not only is it difficult to communicate and contact. Moreover, the attack speed is too slow, the firepower is too scattered, and the reaction speed is also very slow. It is only suitable for searching but not for fighting!

When passing through the river, the bridge components transported by cars and half-track vehicles can quickly pave a deep path for troops to reach the enemy. If it is said that while on the southern front, the Russian army still has the ideas, strength and time for a boon. So on the northern line, after the long-established Mackensen Army broke through the northern line of defense, the Russian First Army probably had no other role besides fantasy.

The northern line is too deep and the opponent can easily penetrate it. There is only one army on the northern line. Although the front German army claimed to have only one Prussian Eastern Front Army, its strength reached 400,000! It is enough to form two armies before the war! As for time, this is even more true. Even if the Russians are more optimistic, the Germans can penetrate the north and south lines within 3 days!

At that time, the entire two lines of German troops will complete the encirclement! If you want to describe it, what is it like? It can be described by a Greek mythology scene! And the battle between two peerless heroes in this Greek mythology can be reflected in Germany and Russia!

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(End of this chapter)