The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1445: Storm one

Chapter 1445

"This kind of battle is of reference value, and there is nothing to be proud of to win against a weaker like Japan." Looking at the battle plan sent by Eric, Baron Schmidt nodded with satisfaction.

"Then fight hard, tell the air force, and cooperate with them! Don't be afraid of loss. Next month, I will add an extra flying wing to them!" Prince Ruprecht nodded and said. He now wants to know what kind of results can be achieved in the battle with the British and French coalition forces on the western front when the German Army is more fully prepared!

As a result, a battle that was somewhat beyond the expectations of the British officially kicked off, and the German Army and Air Force who had received the promise had enough strength to prepare for a fierce battle with Britain!

boom! boom! boom! The routine shelling began before the offensive began. Dozens of howitzers and cannons poured bullets towards the British positions. One shell fell on the target area and made a deafening noise. Smoke plumes rose into the air. Covered the entire British army position. Driving from a distance, the opposite side seemed to have become a place of fire and gunpowder.

However, for the old fritters who have really fought, especially on the Western Front, who have not died for a few months, the effect of such shelling is very limited. Those who cannot escape or are afraid of shelling have long been eliminated by the war. Yes, people who can stand here now have a certain ability to respond to shelling. The British stated that they set up false lines of defense and set up shelters to hide during the shelling of the opponent, and immediately entered the position when the shelling stopped the attack. I understand this too! What's so difficult?

Therefore, both sides understand that it looks spectacular and NB, but the actual killing effect is not worth looking forward to. The real solution to the problem depends on the battle between elite infantry and armored units at medium and close range! The British know very well that the Germans will use the cover of this time to get as close to the position as possible, then clear the minefield and shorten the attacking distance. The Germans are also very clear that the British positions will not be as simple as they seem, and the artillery positions behind the British Legion positions will definitely be counter-suppression when the Germans attack! Everyone knows it well!

"The Germans are coming up!" Seeing the signal flare up in the air and hearing the alarm on the phone, it was like activating a certain mechanical button. A group of British troops began to rush out of the shelter and enter the position. German tanks appeared in the field of vision, and the British rapid-fire gun positions began to recover. The soldiers would remove the canvas covering the artillery, and then under the command of the artillery commander, the artillery was aimed at the target, and the loader quickly delivered a shell. In the barrel, the black muzzle pointed forward, waiting for the firing order to be issued.

A few minutes later, the British artillery, who had obtained information through the frontline observation post, completed the settlement of the shooting at the original. Behind the British position, a 152MM heavy artillery and a 4-inch rapid-fire gun raised the thick and long barrels. The artillery crew ran back and forth between the ammunition pile and the artillery, fuse each shell, and then fuse them. Load into the barrel with the propellant pack.

boom! A round of artillery screamed and flew towards the target. This is a round of corrective shooting. It does not seek to kill the opponent but only to provide data. If you wait a little longer, it will take a few minutes or as few as tens of seconds. The British artillery Thousands of shells will be thrown on the attacking German troops!

"The British's long-range artillery fired! I saw them!" However, this British attack was destined to not go smoothly, just as the German artillery could not defeat many British people... The Germans have predicted your tricks, how can they not prepare? ! As soon as the British opened fire, the K-6 bomber unit of the Luftwaffe almost reached the front line on a spot!

"Pay attention to their anti-aircraft firepower! We just need to suppress it, we don't want to completely destroy it!" The lead plane issued orders to all the bomber units participating in the battle, and the bomber group that received the order also began to divide into small groups, toward the British who were still firing. The military positions flew away. They did not carry heavy but small bombs, but a large number of medium and small bombs.

At this time, the quality of the pilots of the Bavarian Air Force was fully demonstrated. When the radio was not reliable, relying entirely on the pilot’s own perception and judgment, the Bavarian aircraft immediately deployed over the battlefield, and the fighter forces were scattered on the periphery and divided into high and low. Two fleets, the low-altitude fleet is responsible for detection and interception, while the high-altitude fleet is responsible for safari and support.

The accompanying K-4 bomber hovered in the mid-level airspace, responsible for suppressing possible British ground-to-air fire, while the K-6 bomber unit continued to hover over the British artillery group, using bombs and machine guns to drive the British gunners away from the gun positions. Let them never fight.

boom! A bomb fell near an artillery bunker. Although there was a breast wall and bunker to help cover it, it was guaranteed that the shock wave still smashed the alveoli of several British gunners. These poor guys coughed violently, a puff of blood mixed. As the foam came out of his mouth and nose, suddenly a soldier spit out a piece of stuff. Then his limbs twitched. Accompanied by a series of unexplained screams and screams, the guy fell to the ground, twitching a few times and then stopped moving.

"Another poor fellow," a veteran who was also temporarily deaf from the shock stepped forward and covered the thing that the soldier had vomited with mud. This piece of lung was coughed up raw! If you let some newcomers see they will probably be abandoned within a few hours!

The rescuers who came afterwards began to take the wounded soldiers away from the battle position, and then the follow-up personnel were replaced by the third batch of soldiers today!

Compared with artillery, people are too fragile. The shock waves of bombs, shrapnel, flames, and poisonous gas can easily destroy a person's life in an instant! Especially the Germans still use napalm bombs when suppressing them. This all-pervasive terrorist bomb that can ignite everything is called the stomach juice of the devil by the British! Even if the bunker will not be destroyed, once inside the gun nest, it may cause a big disaster!

Just now, an incendiary bomb exploded near the bunker, and the ignited burner spread to the surroundings. Many soldiers were contaminated by the flying fuel on the spot, and the wailing sound continued to be heard, watching the flames skyrocketing not far away. The bunker and the kind of wailing that is not like a human can give everyone a deep fear and shock. This kind of smoke screen, which cannot be easily extinguished and produced a thick and toxic smoke, killed and injured a large number of people in a short period of time. Even if someone was lucky enough to survive the arrival of rescuers, the best result would be to get through with scars all over the body. The second half of life entangled with disease!

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!

(End of this chapter)